First day on waterfast, started last night at 12am.


Living geomax.SEA indonesia at the moment
Sep 19, 2023
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in 3 hours it's officially been 24 hours no food. plan on doing a 7 day.

so far, a few cups of tea (nothing in tea just tea) not flavored tea, the orange peekoke or whatever the fuck it's called.
and water

got slight hunger, but nothing too bad

i hope i can make it for 7 days.

put on 15 pounds in indonesia since january. i want it gone!

gonna use this thread and forum as my sponser LOL keep up the good fight type dealio.

just count down the days and sleep alot, when i get too hungry. I know in another 24 hours im going to have so much fucking energy i will be bouncing off the walls. that's going to be the hard part, not able to sleep more than 4 hours a day. water fasts do that to you.

my record has been 4 and a half days
How do the grocery store options in Jakarta compare to other countries you’ve been to? Is the quality of food poor overall?
How do the grocery store options in Jakarta compare to other countries you’ve been to? Is the quality of food poor overall?
grocery stores are fine here. But it's hit or miss trying to find products i am used to

for example i have been on keto for 5 years.

so i make my own shit. Like salad dressing. mayonaise. vinegar and garlic powder and pepper corn with dill weed. Ollive oil and water to your thickness requirement.

BUT the mayonaise here, if you get local mayonaise. It's packed with sugar. I dont' eat sugar. AT ALL. or try very hard to avoid it. They like to sauce everything here too, when you go out. So i quickly learned "aku tidak mau saus" LOL. they will put sauce on fucking EVERYTHING, burgers, steak! (thats' as bad as putting ketchup on steak in my opinion)

So trick is finding 1. the brands you like, or local brands that have same ingredients. And two, those in bulk for some things like mayonaise.

Another thing i have not found yet is munk fruit sugar or something similar (another keto thing)

they think healthy is subway. Or fruit smoothies with chocolate in it. LOL

Otherwise, i have not found any "super" markets yet. Maybe semi super. Same model and structure and idea. just on a smaller scale. So again, you find yourself looking for shit, at differents places. If your not fussy like i am, then one super market will do you.

the apartment buildsin here are fucking cool. Every apartment building has like 1 2 or 3 levels of the first floors dedicated to restaurnts. Or super markets ect. So if you find a good apartment. you dont' have to leave your cave.

Mine has two restaurants. Dry cleaners/laundry matt, and a super market next door.

It all depends. city of 31 million plus. It's really so large, you just get lucky. with eveyrthing. Nothing is spoon fed here. It's not like pattaya and they have walking street if you wanna get laid. YOU NEED TO KNOW someone who knows whats up. Or you stumble upon it. But for me, that's the magic of this place. walking one day, look at everything, stop in and HOLY FUCK....a rib place, lets try it. HOLY FUCK this is awesome. Put it in the memory bank for next time.

but if you are new and know no one. Jakarta is not really fun, unless you wanna walk eveyrwhere and explore or you use jakarta 100 site. It will help you with the party and restaurant scene (for the basics) but you really need to just know people. So, while in jakarta. Get to know everyone.
How do the grocery store options in Jakarta compare to other countries you’ve been to? Is the quality of food poor overall?
and thanks for the gif, ass. Been 30 hours now, no food

just 2 tea, water and i am having plain black coffee.

so far so good, just bored. Tomorrow (today) in a few hours. I think im going to a zoo or aquairum to get my mind off of food.

so day 1 down, 6 more to gooooooooo

I never take before and after photos for some reason. I think it will jinx me.

but to answer your question. the food is good here. I put on 15 pounds since january. these people LOVE their carbs. it's hard to be on keto here. Like now i consider KFC keto eating LOL....sad i know

at least in DR. bacon was fucking CHEAP.....i would literally buy 30 dollars of bacon that would last almost a month. cause they cut it themselves, no packaged bullshit. Right at the butcher. it would be equal to 30 packs of 10 strips each bacon that you buy at the super market.

i miss DR for that
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So far, day and a half. going strong. not even really that hungry. Had one small cup of coffee. but i had 4 cups yesterday (tea cups not coffee cups) but i am going to try to only do 2 today. And i had two tea yesterday. going to do only 1 today

and the rest water.

fuck, already feels good. but only got 4 hours sleep last night (went to bed about 630am woke up 10 am) , too much energy. Right now, feeling not tired, not awake, kinda on the cusp of being super energetic. But i think my mind knows it should be sleeping.

so, waiting for to get my shoes delivered. And then if they come in time, going to zoo. or aquarium, just to keep my mind off food

if i had a scale i would measure myself, but i don't. sorry about that, for anyone that has ever thought if water fasting works and wants to try it
5 more hours to go, and day 2 is in the bag. Going well. Its way easier when you don't have to work a day job.
take melatonin if you want to sleep well. it really helps especially when you’re hungry. how did you find this forum btw?
most i’ve done is 7 days and i just laid in bed for that time

plan to do a 40 day fast one day. would be fun
12 am. So officially, 2 down....5 to gooooooo

feeling good bros. Already noticing pants fitting looser.
grocery stores are fine here. But it's hit or miss trying to find products i am used to

for example i have been on keto for 5 years.

so i make my own shit. Like salad dressing. mayonaise. vinegar and garlic powder and pepper corn with dill weed. Ollive oil and water to your thickness requirement.

BUT the mayonaise here, if you get local mayonaise. It's packed with sugar. I dont' eat sugar. AT ALL. or try very hard to avoid it. They like to sauce everything here too, when you go out. So i quickly learned "aku tidak mau saus" LOL. they will put sauce on fucking EVERYTHING, burgers, steak! (thats' as bad as putting ketchup on steak in my opinion)

So trick is finding 1. the brands you like, or local brands that have same ingredients. And two, those in bulk for some things like mayonaise.

Another thing i have not found yet is munk fruit sugar or something similar (another keto thing)

they think healthy is subway. Or fruit smoothies with chocolate in it. LOL

Otherwise, i have not found any "super" markets yet. Maybe semi super. Same model and structure and idea. just on a smaller scale. So again, you find yourself looking for shit, at differents places. If your not fussy like i am, then one super market will do you.

the apartment buildsin here are fucking cool. Every apartment building has like 1 2 or 3 levels of the first floors dedicated to restaurnts. Or super markets ect. So if you find a good apartment. you dont' have to leave your cave.

Mine has two restaurants. Dry cleaners/laundry matt, and a super market next door.

It all depends. city of 31 million plus. It's really so large, you just get lucky. with eveyrthing. Nothing is spoon fed here. It's not like pattaya and they have walking street if you wanna get laid. YOU NEED TO KNOW someone who knows whats up. Or you stumble upon it. But for me, that's the magic of this place. walking one day, look at everything, stop in and HOLY FUCK....a rib place, lets try it. HOLY FUCK this is awesome. Put it in the memory bank for next time.

but if you are new and know no one. Jakarta is not really fun, unless you wanna walk eveyrwhere and explore or you use jakarta 100 site. It will help you with the party and restaurant scene (for the basics) but you really need to just know people. So, while in jakarta. Get to know everyone.
How do you meet people? You meet all your women off Facebook dating right? Are those the only people you are with or do you find other expats? Will you leave Indonesia for Latin America again? How does it compare?
in 3 hours it's officially been 24 hours no food. plan on doing a 7 day.

so far, a few cups of tea (nothing in tea just tea) not flavored tea, the orange peekoke or whatever the fuck it's called.
and water

got slight hunger, but nothing too bad

i hope i can make it for 7 days.

put on 15 pounds in indonesia since january. i want it gone!

gonna use this thread and forum as my sponser LOL keep up the good fight type dealio.

just count down the days and sleep alot, when i get too hungry. I know in another 24 hours im going to have so much fucking energy i will be bouncing off the walls. that's going to be the hard part, not able to sleep more than 4 hours a day. water fasts do that to you.

my record has been 4 and a half days
On days 2-7 it would be a good idea to drink some salt water to keep your electrolyte levels up. Both sodium and potassium ideally.
12 am. So officially, 2 down....5 to gooooooo

feeling good bros. Already noticing pants fitting looser.
I've lost about 30 pounds in the last 6 months mostly by drinking less and switching to diet soda. I walk a lot already so if I cut out alcohol entirely I'd be a major skinnyfag
okay day 3 into water fast. Finally got 4 hours of sleep (you get endless energy when you do water fasts, unfortunately).

woke up feeling kinda sleepy kinda not. needed water. So had a small cup of coffee, (last one, from here on in, no more coffee or tea)

took a final dump, you could tell it was my body purging the last of the "food" from my system> from here on in, it's macrphagia. (where your old cells get eaten and replaced by new ones). one 7 day water fast reduces your risk of cancer by 70% in your life time.

anyways, pants are starting to be looser. But today is actually fat burning, and not just water loss.

it's ALOT fucking easier to do this, when you don't have to work. I tried two times before, while i was working. only lasted 4.5 days

i am actually going to see how i feel after wednesday and maybe do a few days more.

anyways, waterfast report out for today
How do you meet people? You meet all your women off Facebook dating right? Are those the only people you are with or do you find other expats? Will you leave Indonesia for Latin America again? How does it compare?
here is the thing about fb in indoensia (i should update my fb hack) it realy doens't work well in jakarta (i won't say all of indo) but all i am meeting is whores. And i mean pay to play.

I do both, but when its very uneven. Time to think of a new strategy. FB works AWESOME in DR.

so i put fb away for now.

I meet people the old fashioned way, hit on everything you see. get whatsapp number make date.

so far i get the normal "no need to pay for sex" that way.
I've lost about 30 pounds in the last 6 months mostly by drinking less and switching to diet soda. I walk a lot already so if I cut out alcohol entirely I'd be a major skinnyfag
i have already done all that, cut out all sugars, only coke with the black labels, kinda dealio. But in indonesia. it's fucking hard. carbs everywhere (insert buzz light year meme) .

and then sugars. I seriously consider KFC a keto food in indonesia. I am afraid to eat alot of the "keto" looking frood from vendors. I don't want to be eating pork anal innards or some shit like that.
3 hours to go, and on 4th hasnt' been that bad. I think the hardest part is the boredom. It's amazing once you realise how much time we take out of our day to search for, prepare and cook, and finally eat the food and do the dishes afterwards.
3 hours to go, and on 4th hasnt' been that bad. I think the hardest part is the boredom. It's amazing once you realise how much time we take out of our day to search for, prepare and cook, and finally eat the food and do the dishes afterwards.
Im Abt to do a 3 day since that's when I always fuck up
3 hours to go, and on 4th hasnt' been that bad. I think the hardest part is the boredom. It's amazing once you realise how much time we take out of our day to search for, prepare and cook, and finally eat the food and do the dishes afterwards.
Have you been taking any electrolytes
Have you been taking any electrolytes
no, i just took a quarter tea spoon of salt.

otherwise, nothing but water.

well, this is 3 hours into the 4th day. if i can get past this, until 12 tonight. I have waterfasted longer than i ever have. (record was 4 and a half days)

i want to do 7. but fuck im bored. BORED........i wish i could be sleepier and just sleep it. But i am not tired.

cannot go anywhere, at night, cause there is fuck all to do. (either you eat, or drink or other temptations)

so it's fucking boring. that's the hardest part of this fast. not hungry what so ever. but bored. I have this chocolate bar in the fridge and the litlte devil on my right is saying "GO FOR IT IT"S SMALL" and im arguing with him LOL "NO.....i am almost about to break my record"

no, i just took a quarter tea spoon of salt.

otherwise, nothing but water.

well, this is 3 hours into the 4th day. if i can get past this, until 12 tonight. I have waterfasted longer than i ever have. (record was 4 and a half days)

i want to do 7. but fuck im bored. BORED........i wish i could be sleepier and just sleep it. But i am not tired.

cannot go anywhere, at night, cause there is fuck all to do. (either you eat, or drink or other temptations)

so it's fucking boring. that's the hardest part of this fast. not hungry what so ever. but bored. I have this chocolate bar in the fridge and the litlte devil on my right is saying "GO FOR IT IT"S SMALL" and im arguing with him LOL "NO.....i am almost about to break my record"

Throw it out
Throw it out
i was thinking exactly taht. but i think my will power is fine.

i look at it this way, my 'reward" for finishing 7 days. chocolate bar

but you know, you are probably right. better to throw it out

truth is, i ate all the food in my house, before i water fasted. All i have is a half loaf of bread and one microwave meal. and 2 eggs and some pasta.

so, im not tempted to eat those things

fuck it, i took your suggestion. threw it out. cravings went away immediately.
i was thinking exactly taht. but i think my will power is fine.

i look at it this way, my 'reward" for finishing 7 days. chocolate bar

but you know, you are probably right. better to throw it out

truth is, i ate all the food in my house, before i water fasted. All i have is a half loaf of bread and one microwave meal. and 2 eggs and some pasta.

so, im not tempted to eat those things

fuck it, i took your suggestion. threw it out. cravings went away immediately.
i was thinking exactly taht. but i think my will power is fine.

i look at it this way, my 'reward" for finishing 7 days. chocolate bar

but you know, you are probably right. better to throw it out

truth is, i ate all the food in my house, before i water fasted. All i have is a half loaf of bread and one microwave meal. and 2 eggs and some pasta.

so, im not tempted to eat those things

fuck it, i took your suggestion. threw it out. cravings went away immediately.
Only way.
Food addiction kills
Not that ur addicted but I am
i totally am addicted to food, yesterday i just decided ahh fuck it, going to sleep it away.

Only a few more days to go, going to do it until wednesday. Already seen a fuck ton of progress.

been scrolling for food. going to a fucking NICE steak place the second day after my fast is done, first day it's soups and shit, so i don't kill myself, (i heard if you water fast long enough and then suddenly eat solid food you can die) not sure if that's true or not. but not taking any chances

and came to a conclusion. When I arrived here, if i wanted to stay on keto, it would be afuck ton boring. Cause there is no keto variety here. but fuck it, starvin marvin for a week sucks. I would rather eat a salad with tuna and an oil wine vinegarette every day than no food. So decided, no matter what. After this. Keto it is. No more carby bullshit like i was doing. Occasionally (once a week fine) but fuck this shit


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i totally am addicted to food, yesterday i just decided ahh fuck it, going to sleep it away.

Only a few more days to go, going to do it until wednesday. Already seen a fuck ton of progress.

been scrolling for food. going to a fucking NICE steak place the second day after my fast is done, first day it's soups and shit, so i don't kill myself, (i heard if you water fast long enough and then suddenly eat solid food you can die) not sure if that's true or not. but not taking any chances

and came to a conclusion. When I arrived here, if i wanted to stay on keto, it would be afuck ton boring. Cause there is no keto variety here. but fuck it, starvin marvin for a week sucks. I would rather eat a salad with tuna and an oil wine vinegarette every day than no food. So decided, no matter what. After this. Keto it is. No more carby bullshit like i was doing. Occasionally (once a week fine) but fuck this shit
Food addiction is gay
Food addiction is gay
well unfortunately, I like food. Especially pasta, and mashed potatoes. And pizza. Breads. These are all keto NO NO's. i searched for years, and found alternates. But in indonesia. the ingredients are either impossible to get. or i cannot read the labels well enough to know what im actually buying.

So i have to go basic keto (meat) Salad. tuna in can. You can be a retard about the lingo but still understand that.

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