Finally lost my virginity in USA

Deleted User222

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2022
She picked me up in her car ,went to a fancy place in nyc. (she got a fucking 40$ shrimp pasta lmao) she was freaky as fuck and almost made me cum when she deepthroated my dick, i lasted like 7-8 minutes then we fucked for another 15-30 minutes with foreplay and me eating her pussy (tasted weird but good dk how to explain it. I'm gonna fuck her again next friday hopefully. It's possible to ascend buddy boyos you just need to looksmax and go for latinas and run JBW they love us.
congratulations i wish me sex with normal women too but im autist and i stutter when i talk to opposite sex especially in england lenguag
She picked me up in her car ,went to a fancy place in nyc. (she got a fucking 40$ shrimp pasta lmao) she was freaky as fuck and almost made me cum when she deepthroated my dick, i lasted like 7-8 minutes then we fucked for another 15-30 minutes with foreplay and me eating her pussy (tasted weird but good dk how to explain it. I'm gonna fuck her again next friday hopefully. It's possible to ascend buddy boyos you just need to looksmax and go for latinas and run JBW they love us.
are u circumcised?
fakecel arent you only 18 to?
not fakecel i had to looksmax and gymmax in order to ascend, i was mid tier normie and 5'7 then i took mk677 and ate alot of red meat+ played basketball and worked out everyday. i grew 2-3 inches and whitened my teeth, cleared my acne and started a skin care routine, it took me this entire year to improve my life i almost failed out of high school and was 130 pounds and now i'm finished with school and i'm 143 now trying to get to 150-160. I actually did something with my life and got good results and yeah i'm 18 about to get my first car soon.
never rope. have retribution instead.

me to thats why im going out with a bang.
i'd wait a few years. I l know it sucks. I;m in the same boat. I'm more circumcised than 99%of men. I think with time it'll be easier
i'd wait a few years. I l know it sucks. I;m in the same boat. I'm more circumcised than 99%of men. I think with time it'll be easier
start planning your retribution now. soyciety will pay the ultimate price for my cucking.
This is why I stick to the foreveralone reddit sub rather than sites like this. This guy doesn't sound anything like an incel at all unless I misunderstand what an incel. To my knowledge, I thought an incel was someone who is the same as in a foreveralone situation(guys who have never in their lives had a girlfriend or even gotten laid by a normal girl before that's not an escort). Apparently an incel is just someone who VOLUNTARILY chooses not the have sex or have a gf with the limited options of girls to choose from they have. I joined this site because im looking for more people who are in the SAME situation as me(22 year old who has never had a gf and never gotten laid by a normal girl and is INVOLUNTARILY in this situation(meaning NOT by choice). It sounds to me like a lot of you guys on here arent actually incels and are just choosing to reject the opportunities you get from women unless they meet your standards. People in my situation dont even get opportunities from women at all(never had an opportunity to get laid by a regular girl or get a gf).
This is why I stick to the foreveralone reddit sub rather than sites like this. This guy doesn't sound anything like an incel at all unless I misunderstand what an incel. To my knowledge, I thought an incel was someone who is the same as in a foreveralone situation(guys who have never in their lives had a girlfriend or even gotten laid by a normal girl before that's not an escort). Apparently an incel is just someone who VOLUNTARILY chooses not the have sex or have a gf with the limited options of girls to choose from they have. I joined this site because im looking for more people who are in the SAME situation as me(22 year old who has never had a gf and never gotten laid by a normal girl and is INVOLUNTARILY in this situation(meaning NOT by choice). It sounds to me like a lot of you guys on here arent actually incels and are just choosing to reject the opportunities you get from women unless they meet your standards. People in my situation dont even get opportunities from women at all(never had an opportunity to get laid by a regular girl or get a gf).
im a wizard khhv circumcuck
This is why I stick to the foreveralone reddit sub rather than sites like this. This guy doesn't sound anything like an incel at all unless I misunderstand what an incel. To my knowledge, I thought an incel was someone who is the same as in a foreveralone situation(guys who have never in their lives had a girlfriend or even gotten laid by a normal girl before that's not an escort). Apparently an incel is just someone who VOLUNTARILY chooses not the have sex or have a gf with the limited options of girls to choose from they have. I joined this site because im looking for more people who are in the SAME situation as me(22 year old who has never had a gf and never gotten laid by a normal girl and is INVOLUNTARILY in this situation(meaning NOT by choice). It sounds to me like a lot of you guys on here arent actually incels and are just choosing to reject the opportunities you get from women unless they meet your standards. People in my situation dont even get opportunities from women at all(never had an opportunity to get laid by a regular girl or get a gf).

I was like you before I moved to SEA in my early 20s. Couldn't get jack shit in the West.
I was like you before I moved to SEA in my early 20s. Couldn't get jack shit in the West.
Nice it's what I plan on doing as well but rather to latin America cause Asian girls arent. really my cup of tea. I already have a lot of money saved up to go overseas and live abroad im just unfortunately stuck in the US right now to finish college(I have a year left). Also I kinda havent told my parents this situation so I know theyre expecting me to look for a job in the US after I graduate and stay here to work rather than me traveling and living abroad. Which SEA country did you go to Thailand?
Nice it's what I plan on doing as well but rather to latin America cause Asian girls arent. really my cup of tea. I already have a lot of money saved up to go overseas and live abroad im just unfortunately stuck in the US right now to finish college(I have a year left). Also I kinda havent told my parents this situation so I know theyre expecting me to look for a job in the US after I graduate and stay here to work rather than me traveling and living abroad. Which SEA country did you go to Thailand?
fuck your family dont talk to them and just leave
Nice it's what I plan on doing as well but rather to latin America cause Asian girls arent. really my cup of tea. I already have a lot of money saved up to go overseas and live abroad im just unfortunately stuck in the US right now to finish college(I have a year left). Also I kinda havent told my parents this situation so I know theyre expecting me to look for a job in the US after I graduate and stay here to work rather than me traveling and living abroad. Which SEA country did you go to Thailand?

What do you look like?

I mostly lived in ph vn indo. They're all good for pussy. I don't know anything about Latin America unfortunately.
What do you look like?

I mostly lived in ph vn indo. They're all good for pussy. I don't know anything about Latin America unfortunately.
Im a blackcel and like curvy women so southeast asia wouldn't be a good fit for me at all. It sucks tho cause the cost of living in SEA is so so cheap compared to US and unfortunately Latin America is nowhere near as cheap as SEA is. Idk maybe i'll take a trip to thailand still one day.
Im a blackcel and like curvy women so southeast asia wouldn't be a good fit for me at all. It sucks tho cause the cost of living in SEA is so so cheap compared to US and unfortunately Latin America is nowhere near as cheap as SEA is. Idk maybe i'll take a trip to thailand still one day.

Hello fellow blackcel. Haha. Are you tall or average height? NT or non NT?

Yeah I've been eyeing some Latinas (including the mulattos) online and they look good. It's making me consider switching to LATAM.
Hello fellow blackcel. Haha. Are you tall or average height? NT or non NT?

Yeah I've been eyeing some Latinas (including the mulattos) online and they look good. It's making me consider switching to LATAM.
Oh nice haha I thought you were Asian from your name. Im 5'11 so average height and am skinny in stature. Tbh I have no idea whether im NT or not. All I know is im an extremely introverted person and have social anxiety due to being bullied in school but as far as autism/asperger's I dont think I have it. I do feel like I've basically been an outsider myself whole life though. What about you?
@Tai Bwo Wannai

Oh nice haha I thought you were Asian from your name. Im 5'11 so average height and am skinny in stature. Tbh I have no idea whether im NT or not. All I know is im an extremely introverted person and have social anxiety due to being bullied in school but as far as autism/asperger's I dont think I have it. I do feel like I've basically been an outsider myself whole life though. What about you?
@Tai Bwo Wannai

Oh nice haha I thought you were Asian from your name. Im 5'11 so average height and am skinny in stature. Tbh I have no idea whether im NT or not. All I know is im an extremely introverted person and have social anxiety due to being bullied in school but as far as autism/asperger's I dont think I have it. I do feel like I've basically been an outsider myself whole life though. What about you?

Basically the same stats as you. Nerdy black guy that black women and nigger thugs tried to bully as a kid. I'm not autistic I think but definitely got a lot more resentful and spastic as time went on from all the constant rejection from blakkk foids.

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