dying in burgerland (cucked hard)


Well-known Member
Aug 26, 2023
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i'm still dealing with shitty legal issues from last year which won't be fully resolved until january or february and the court denied my travel request so i'm stuck here. I have my passport. I have the money. But sadly i'm condemned to suffer for 6 more months. I'm using that time to finish leanmaxxing, learn some japanese, and start getting a degree in online college.
It's better this way as i am steadily embracing and accepting the blackpill and letting go of my anger. both the anger at my life circumstances, and at my parents and white women. i haven't drank alcohol in well over a month and never will again. it was killing me but i can feel my brain healing. i'm feeling feelings again which is kinda weird but is infinitely better than being a fat pussy drinking all day. by february i hope to be 175 pounds and no longer a faggot oneitiscel. i must let go of all the gay bullshit i've been holding onto and go crush asian pussy.
What did you do lol
fight with neighbor is the gist of it. i was overcharged but got it reduced to a misdemeanor and now i'm just waiting to be done with my court orders. if i were to travel they'd find out and i'd go to jail
i remember when you used to constantly dm me while drunk

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