Do you ever get precognitive dreams?


Gymcel coper
Aug 16, 2022
Want to know if this is common or if I am a universe bender or mentally ill or what this is.

I could go on explaining it but this wikipedia article documents what I experience.

Also my family members have told me they have experienced similar things. For example my great-uncle in WW2 made his platoon move positions because he dreamt that a certain place would be shelled with artillery and he was correct - apparently this happened several times. My brother dreamt about a microcap shitcoin and put retarded amount of his money into it - it exploded in value, netting him 6 figures profit.

I've had certain instances of this where I find it nearly impossible to have foreseen in advance based on what was going on in my life at the time. Visualizing myself having a specific conversation/dialogue in a place I had never been to before and then having it over a year later in the exact form it took in the dream.
And if you want financial advice buy AVAX (Avalanche) and gold but then sell your gold when the Fed is about to make a major policy announcement because it will collapse in value after.

I am less certain about the gold prediction. I don't know 100% the price movements but I am going by the vibe of the dream.
I've had a few really weird dreams that could fit this description. It was like being in the 4th dimension looking down onto the 3rd dimension. I would travel through a geometric absurdist world and experience random future memories as I traveled through this 4d dimension.
I've had a few really weird dreams that could fit this description. It was like being in the 4th dimension looking down onto the 3rd dimension. I would travel through a geometric absurdist world and experience random future memories as I traveled through this 4d dimension.
I had something similar with a salvia trip

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