Destroying JBW Theory


Half anglo and half celtic warrior
Aug 16, 2023
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Outbreeding depression should be a more popular concept, it deserves awareness like inbreeding depression does. I am assuming you are talking about the motives of a population and implying they are not built for BWC because of the psychology instilled in them by these evolutionary pressures.

All insights have their equilibrium of applicability. I am not denying your insight, but I will contextualize it.

Does outbreeding depression cause substantial exoticism-hesitance in Polish women, perceiving a western euro or American white? Are Turkish women built for BWC? All Romanian women belong to me. Are Azerbaijani women built for BWC? Kazakhstani white-passing girls? Are the Udmurt built for BWC?

Are white-asian hapas from a societal class that has been white-asian hapa for generations built for BWC? Why not?

How long does it take for a genome to settle into relative coherence after miscegenation? How many different genetic hops about the size of that from western whites to the polish would you need to cross the gap from western whites to say, the japanese?

Now for a practical question. Do your theories predict an inhibition against foreign intercourse to grow exponentially or linearly with genetic distance? Some other logic? Would you fuck a woman who looked white but her otherwise flawless ivory skin gave off a distinct blue aural glow?
Do your theories predict an inhibition against foreign intercourse to grow exponentially or linearly with genetic distance? Some other logic?
Yes. The larger the genetic distance, the lesser the likelihood for a woman to get romantically involved with the male for the aforementioned reasons. No one wants to reproduce diseased ans handicapped offspring.

All insights have their equilibrium of applicability. I am not denying your insight, but I will contextualize it.
An insight is something that can be proven or disproven. Not all are worthy of recognition because not every insight is capable of standing up to scrutiny and is thus thrown in the garbage bin.

Does outbreeding depression cause substantial exoticism-hesitance in Polish women, perceiving a western euro or American white
Obviously not, LMAO. Why are you bogging down my post with your incoherent ramblings?
Please give examples and data on the child mortality or DALYs associated with miscegenation.
Also what is your reaction to the Hispanic Paradox in medicine? Hybrid vigor much?
Obviously not, LMAO. Why are you bogging down my post with your incoherent ramblings?
Uh basically the point of that paragraph was made in the polish-on-american rhetorical question and the rest I was just having fun extending it to marginally more distant ethnicities. Basically, I want to flesh out the detail of what you predict on the margins. At what point do you think they start perceive themselves as so distant as to disregard desired traits? Could you formalize it in terms that both ethncities desire, such as a height difference for a particular genetic distance?

The last paragraph is actually important but if you don't understand it that is okay.

Oh also I think that individual specimens use arcane genetic mechanisms to locate compatible partners and mitigate the risk, just like how traits tend to balance themselves in regular dating. Can't systemically mitigate it all because the departure of the populations from each other has inherently tread into unpredictable territory. However, there are obvious heuristics that can be applied that carry across ethnicity and have not diverged.
Anyway, nice discussion but the OKCupid stats prove the existence of BWC so I win. #facts #logic

Please give examples and data on the child mortality or DALYs associated with miscegenation.
The child mortality rate has been virtually eliminated by modernity...

Also what is your reaction to the Hispanic Paradox in medicine? Hybrid vigor mucmuch
They still have strong family and community binding values that mitigates against the effects of modern isolationism.
At what point do you think they start perceive themselves as so distant as to disregard desired traits?
Race and dimorphism.

Could you formalize it in terms that both ethncities desire, such as a height difference for a particular genetic distance?
What's best suited for survival in a specific ecological niche.

The last paragraph is actually important but if you don't understand it that is okay.
Give me a break. You're a try hard midwit.

Oh also I think that individual specimens use arcane genetic mechanisms to locate compatible partners and mitigate the risk, just like how traits tend to balance themselves in regular dating. Can't systemically mitigate it all because the departure of the populations from each other has inherently tread into unpredictable territory.
These medicanism aren't hidden or unknown. I've already highlighted with the facts of evolutionary biology that one of the instincts in contemporary humans is inclusive fitness. People detect genetic similarity in others and choose whether to invest or reject them. The people who go against this evolved instinct are the genetically sick like the majority of the males found on this forum.

Anyway, nice discussion but the OKCupid stats prove the existence of BWC so I win. #facts #logic
There's no proof of who was on the other end of these profiles. For all we know, it's bots, homosexuals and God knows what else. The data set is worthless and thus can't be used as evidence. You also must prove that they are primarily selecting for physical attractiveness and not SES.

Listen to me you deluded white male. You need to get your head out of your arse and realise that you aren't in a position of superiority in Western society. Look around you, the West is being flooded with non white males and they are being lifted up in society by the ruling class. You're in the gutter and you need to confront reality or you can remain in your delusions of grandeur and bring us all down with you.
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You need to get your head out of your arse and realise that you aren't in a position of superiority in Western society. Look around you, the West is being flooded with non white males and they are being lifted up in society by the ruling class. You're in the gutter and you need to confront reality or you can remain in your delusions of grandeur and bring us all down with you.
i understand the purpose of your personal mission, but why on earth are you doing it HERE? how many active users does this place have, like 50? this is a niche forum that has zero impact on society and the public opinion. why not spread it on reddit, youtube, tiktok or whatever?
These medicanism aren't hidden or unknown. I've already highlighted with the facts of evolutionary biology that one of the instincts in contemporary humans is inclusive fitness. People detect genetic similarity in others and choose whether to invest or reject them. The people who go against this evolved instinct are the genetically sick like the majority of the males found on this forum.
Finally you actually clarify your idea instead of expecting us to infer it perfectly. At least I try to joke around when I am senselessly obscurantist.

Males also have a Solomon instinct. Access to different/exotic females is a well known aphrodisiac. (cheerleader effect, partner switching effect on refractory period, wanting to have sex with aliens and elves) This is clearly not a degenerated instinct but a form of evolutionary bet-hedging. Winners spread their postmortem genetic footprint across civilizations to survive genetic bottlenecks.
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The point being that not every instinct applies universally, or we would all have the same personality instead of being evolutionary predisposed towards varying traits. Look at the OCEAN traits and consider how every one of them relates to survival and how every one of them can be harmful in a particular regime or circumstance.

There's no proof of who was on the other end of these profiles. For all we know, it's bots, homosexuals and God knows what else. The data set is worthless and thus can't be used as evidence. You also must prove that they are primarily selecting for physical attractiveness and not SES.
"Errors exist, I don't perfectly know how much error, therefore all this data is worthless" how often do you think this way when you are not motivated towards a conclusion? What proportion of a dating site do you believe can be bots or catfishes without losing it's genuine customer base? Argue a percent number.

Also, if the racial bias of false profiles are made in bulk by people trying to bait people of a particular type (in this case white men) successfully, why the asymmetry between them and white men? If I were making false profiles to scam/catfish/etc western white men, I would not waste bandwidth creating disproportionately many bots simulating SEA and Indian women. The bot argument does not stand up, the incentives do not support the bot behavior you hypothesize, and in fact strongly oppose it. Even if all bot devs were to take the lazy approach and not adjust for ethnic incentives, it would not result in the situation to anticipate.

What is SES?

I get that you could argue that poor girls like money but if you want to argue that I think it is on you to bring a comparison between the success of western white male dating agencies in poor eastern european countries versus similarly impoverished asian countries. I think the evidence is strong enough to suggest that white men are widely respected and desired on the basis of their fundamental value.
Listen to me you deluded white male. You need to get your head out of your arse and realise that you aren't in a position of superiority in Western society. Look around you, the West is being flooded with non white males and they are being lifted up in society by the ruling class. You're in the gutter and you need to confront reality or you can remain in your delusions of grandeur and bring us all down with you.
This is not pertinent to the question we have been discussing, because the nature of mass "society" is neurotic and inconsistent. For what it is worth, if I somehow disagreed with you on this your words might have been very enlightening.

Please do not assume I am white, male, deluded or even that I endorse cross-race fertility. I have not stated these things.
"Errors exist, I don't perfectly know how much error, therefore all this data is worthless" how often do you think this way when you are not motivated towards a conclusion? What proportion of a dating site do you believe can be bots or catfishes without losing it's genuine customer base? Argue a percent number.

Also, if the racial bias of false profiles are made in bulk by people trying to bait people of a particular type (in this case white men) successfully, why the asymmetry between them and white men? If I were making false profiles to scam/catfish/etc western white men, I would not waste bandwidth creating disproportionately many bots simulating SEA and Indian women. The bot argument does not stand up, the incentives do not support the bot behavior you hypothesize, and in fact strongly oppose it. Even if all bot devs were to take the lazy approach and not adjust for ethnic incentives, it would not result in the situation to anticipate.
bro you are wasting your time, this guy always ends up cowering behind the same shield. if somewhat useful data doesn't suit him he declares it useless and responds like a robot. check this out:
Males also have a Solomon instinct. Access to different/exotic females is a well known aphrodisiac. (cheerleader effect, partner switching effect on refractory period, wanting to have sex with aliens and elves) This is clearly not a degenerated instinct but a form of evolutionary bet-hedging. Winners spread their postmortem genetic footprint across civilizations to survive genetic bottlenecks.
This discussion is about women. I never once mentioned males. That's a whole other subject. Both genders have entirely different nature's.

The point being that not every instinct applies universally
Modern humans are the same species. So, you are wrong.

or we would all have the same personality instead of being evolutionary predisposed towards varying traits.
Wrong. All humans have a bias towards GOOD GENES! Certain genes do well cross continentally.

Errors exist, I don't perfectly know how much error, therefore all this data is worthless" how often do you think this way when you are not motivated towards a conclusion? What proportion of a dating site do you believe can be bots or catfishes without losing it's genuine customer base? Argue a percent number.
You are unable to filter out the significant red flags in the data that i've highlighted. So, drawing conclusions from said data isn't on steady grounds and they can't be taken with merit.

Also, if the racial bias of false profiles are made in bulk by people trying to bait people of a particular type (in this case white men) successfully, why the asymmetry between them and white men?

What is SES
Wow. You are ill researched to say the least.

I get that you could argue that poor girls like money but if you want to argue that I think it is on you to bring a comparison between the success of western white male dating agencies in poor eastern european countries versus similarly impoverished asian countries. I think the evidence is strong enough to suggest that white men are widely respected and desired on the basis of their fundamental value.
The moment SES is taken from the equation the women don't select for white men. To prove this hypothesis all we have to do is look to wealthy and high status nations like South Korea and Japan. As highlighted by the many who've travelled there, the natives are hostile and the women even reject the advances of attractive white men. If they're lucky they may be able to partner up with a female reject who is well below his attractiveness level. Average tier white men from the West fail there and end up returning home unlike SEA where the women are living in 2nd/3rd world conditons and must use the white man for his resources for merely survival.

This is not pertinent to the question we have been discussing, because the nature of mass "society" is neurotic and inconsistent. For what it is worth, if I somehow disagreed with you on this your words might have been very enlightening.
You are a delusional white male who keeps bringing up "BWC". Clearly, that isn't relevant to the discussion at hand. Your fantasies have no basis in reality.

Please do not assume I am white, male, deluded or even that I endorse cross-race fertility. I have not stated these things.
bro you are wasting your time, this guy always ends up cowering behind the same shield. if somewhat useful data doesn't suit him he declares it useless and responds like a robot. check this out:
I've already destroyed you in every debate we've had. I adhere to the truth! You are the heavily biased one who I've exposed as a black piller.
Look at the OCEAN traits and consider how every one of them relates to survival and how every one of them can be harmful in a particular regime or circumstance.
There's a biased selection in modern humans towards a cluster of traits that favour a slow life history strategy and these traits are universally select for regardless of the race in question. Those who deviate outside of this optimum are genetic defected individuals who can be found in large numbers on forums like this.
There's a biased selection in modern humans towards a cluster of traits that favour a slow life history strategy and these traits are universally select for regardless of the race in question. Those who deviate outside of this optimum are genetic defected individuals who can be found in large numbers on forums like this.
I've already destroyed you in every debate we've had. I adhere to the truth!
just because you always write the last message in any debate doesn't mean you have won it. people just get tired of you.

btw a debate is about exchanging interesting information and coming to a useful conclusion. not about "destroying people". have you ever wondered why noone wants to debate you on discord?

but since you insist on it: you have "lost" the debate that i linked because you refused to deal with the available data to any degree. your counter arguments were so weak, i could have countered myself a lot better with valid arguments (i.e. the data is 10 years old, it's only applicapable in certain contexts or whatever) instead of your cheap dodges. you haven't convinced anyone in that thread but yourself.

i could even bring up more examples of jbw debates that you "lost".

You are the heavily biased one who I've exposed as a black piller.
what is that supposed to mean exactly?
just because you always write the last message in any debate doesn't mean you have won it. people just get tired of you.

btw a debate is about exchanging interesting information and coming to a useful conclusion. not about "destroying people". have you ever wondered why noone wants to debate you on discord?

but since you insist on it: you have "lost" the debate that i linked because you refused to deal with the available data to any degree. your counter arguments were so weak, i could have countered myself a lot better with valid arguments (i.e. the data is 10 years old, it's only applicapable in certain contexts or whatever) instead of your cheap dodges. you haven't convinced anyone in that thread but yourself.

i could even bring up more examples of jbw debates that you "lost".

what is that supposed to mean exactly?
If a person can't counter what's been stated then they've lost the debate, hence their inability to reply.

A debate is about challenging the beliefs and ideas of another. You and the rest of the butt hurt losers on this forum are highly emotionally and can't withstand criticism of 'your' ideas. They aren't your ideas.

All of then studies you've linked aren't reputable and fail to stand up to basic scrutiny. I haven't lost one single debate on JBW to date. I stand confidently in my portion that's based on facts from observational reality and peer reviewed data.
you have lost this debate as well because you failed to address all of the arguments. instead you just open new threads.
You say that I am obsessed with #JBW #BWC. Ouch!

Quantie, I will levy my own criticism of you in my own well-intentioned turn.

You refuse to explain your rarefied acronyms. (No, I won't look up "SES" and try to tell if it is from J Gould or some random looksmax wiki, and whether the definition is a clarification on runaway sexual selection or "did you know women like to have money". Attempt earnest communication in your next message or you will be ignored.)

You fail to follow the flow of conversation like you have short term memory loss. (saying that you said nothing about males, when you literally did- I was addressing and directly quoting your speculation about the nature of males on this forum)

You are adept at playing a particular fallacious shell game whenever concepts and categories have fuzzy boundaries. (Failure to specify attractiveness of a 3/10 japanese relative to japan, world, etc. This is obviously an important detail, because BWC predicts that the attractiveness of the country of japan as a whole is low relative to white countries. Until we have established the truth of the matter, we cannot make assumptions that reduce the accuracy of observations.)

You have inconsistent standards for data (hundreds of thousands of samples from a service incentivized to prune inauthentic users, versus half a dozen illucid neurotics reporting their self-sabotage as external circumstance. "I got no bitches- this proves that I COULDN'T have gotten any bitches!" This also does not explain ugly people who go to Japan and succeed, who we cannot exclude merely by your assumption of proportionate sampling. I remember being surprised to see wtsnacks with two giggly east asian chicks in his arms, but that was before I accepted the #BWC facts. Rationality. Notice when you are confused, iterate on your worldview. Logic. Science. Experimentation. Empiricism.)

You leave your arguments half-formed indicating a failure to lucidly inspect deficiencies in your automatic theory of mind. I would highly recommend fixing this.

You bring identity into this often yet are particularly fragile when criticized, characterized or made to remember BWC. I appreciate that some people of neurotic persuasion are unable to accept criticism and are vulnerable to involuntary visualization. If you are one of these types of people there is nothing wrong with you but you should probably stop arguing on the internet because it will make you feel bad.
Oh and when I say "like you have short term memory loss" how I actually believe you made this mistake was by reading a post quickly without mentally engaging with it. This is a bad habit, but you can change it if you are younger than 27.
you have lost this debate as well because you failed to address all of the arguments. instead you just open new threads.
I already gave my reply to that individual. The premise of his rebuttal is based on the fisher's runaway hypothesis that isn't supported by the data. It has never existed. Using it as a counter when said theory doesn't exist is retardation.
You say that I am obsessed with #JBW #BWC. Ouch!
You've mentioned white penises in virtually every paragraph... You are clearly mentally deranged.

Quantie, I will levy my own criticism of you in my own well-intentioned turn.
This isn't about me. Why don't you stay focused on the subject at hand and quit mentioning obscure things like "BWC."

You refuse to explain your rarefied acronyms. (No, I won't look up "SES" and try to tell if it is from J Gould or some random looksmax wiki, and whether the definition is a clarification on runaway sexual selection or "did you know women like to have money". Attempt earnest communication in your next message or you will be ignored.)
You don't even have an amateurs level of knowledge in this field. Get educated first before attempting to discredit someone who is more knowledgeable and intelligent in this subject.

You fail to follow the flow of conversation like you have short term memory loss. (saying that you said nothing about males, when you literally did- I was addressing and directly quoting your speculation about the nature of males on this forum)
You failed to stay in tune with the subject at hand. Every paragraph or so you'll spew your gay fantasies in your replies. You clearly have a thing for white men. I have no doubt you're a homosexual.

You are adept at playing a particular fallacious shell game whenever concepts and categories have fuzzy boundaries.
The theories I've presented here are academically supported and what constitutes evolutionary theory. You are the person on shaky grounds.

You have inconsistent standards for data
Show me exactly where I have been inconsistent with my standards. I'm waiting.

hundreds of thousands of samples from a service incentivized to prune inauthentic users, versus half a dozen illucid neurotics reporting their self-sabotage as external circumstance. "I got no bitches- this proves that I COULDN'T have gotten any bitches!" This also does not explain ugly people who go to Japan and succeed, who we cannot exclude merely by your assumption of proportionate sampling. I remember being surprised to see wtsnacks with two giggly east asian chicks in his arms, but that was before I accepted the #BWC facts. Rationality. Notice when you are confused, iterate on your worldview. Logic. Science. Experimentation. Empiricism
Anecdotal experiences from white men who come from various ethnic and ecconomic backgrounds counts as evidence against a phenomenon you say exists when all of the available data shows it doesn't. Hamiltons rule is LAW. You can't have both. JBW has never existed. It's a figment of your imagination. The marriage data shows a clear preference for homogamy. The ugly people who go to Japan and succeed are outliers to the general rule.

You leave your arguments half-formed indicating a failure to lucidly inspect deficiencies in your automatic theory of mind. I would highly recommend fixing this.
More ad hominems. I recommend for you to admit that you are wrong. Unless you can provide evidence to disprove Hamiltons rule, you have no argument.
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Hamilton's rule is correct, there is an innate human bias towards homogeny, whites are naturally more attractive to other races than vice versa, and you have mental retardation.
Hamilton's rule is correct, there is an innate human bias towards homogeny, whites are naturally more attractive to other races than vice versa, and you have mental retardation.
You're flopping all over the place. People naturally see their people as more attractive. It doesn't magically change when they see white features you utter tard.

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