delete the dating apps, FB is what you want to use


Living geomax.SEA indonesia at the moment
Sep 19, 2023
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Since i am doling out years of exp and some advice. Feeling generous since i am a new member

this is one of my most valuable "fuck hacks"

and im going to be nice enough to give it to you assholes

get rid of the dating apps, your only going to get hookers and expensive ones. I am cheap. I like to fuck girls that haven't raw dogged 5 clients that day and your special number 6 kinda dealio.

now i cannot speak for any other country but indo and DR. But i am sure it's the same in every country. When using FB, look at the girls FB friends. (most don't hide this)

there are many reasons you do this
-you want to know if the girl fucks foreigners. She will have DOZENS of fb foreign friends. If she has dozens of foreigners as friends, she fucks them. Guarenteed. easiest way to get pussy, almost after the first initial hello you can start saying "you busy tonight". Don't ask them for dinner they aren't fucking foreigners for dinner, they are fucking them for money. So get to the point. "would you like to come over to my place, if you need money, i can help you with that" find the going rate and give her that. DO NOT ever say "how much do you want" some are greedy and will go to the moon. Better to take charge and say "this is how much i am offering". These are the kind of girls, once you make friends with them in facebook , DO NOT start talking to them until a week before you land. Or even after you have landed. They ARE NOT relationships, so there is hard time limitations to these ones as far as talking spans go, they fuck alot of foreigners. They just don't fuck them as often as the hookers on those dating apps. Remember these girls are not daters. They are for sex only.

-if she has only a few foreign friends, she fucks foreigners, but you have to talk to her, be her friend, warm her up and make her think she's relationship material. You still ask this kind if she wants to go to your place or out. let her lead. this is the kind of girl you want to start talking in fb before for you on your trip. usually a month before you land. The usual bullshit, good morning, good night. how was your day. Get to know her. Do not talk for her longer than a month before you go, anything more and they will lose interest. You want to fuck them right away, right? Most of these girls have attention spans of goldfish.

-if she has no foreigners as friends, you better be able to speak some of the local language. shes' a good girl. if you want to land this kind of girl, your on your own. I cannot give advice. Since each one is different. If you aint' a playa you ain't fucking this kinda girl. so expect long term talking and that's not for you as a visitor.

another FB trick.

when looking at that girls fb profile, scan her friends, ones you think are cute. Try to add them as friends. Because they will be like her. whores know other whores. Good girls hang with other good girls. Law of the female jungle. rarely will a whore have good girls on her friends list. Birds of a feather and all that.

and the final trick
when adding girls to your FB, make sure you add the ones only in your area. why get involved with a girl who lives so far away, you need to make a special trip. You are already on a fucking special trip. pick the girls in that area only. It will be a hell of alot easier and less waste of your time. and facebooks algorithm, will start showing you mostly only girls in that area eventually. making it extremly easy to get more hits in your area of travel.

again, just more mongering tricks i have learned over the years. take it or leave it.

but dating apps suck, you will learn more about the girl looking at her facebook wall and watching conversations between her friends. dating apps show you none of this, or what she's really like or thinking.
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Final advice for FB. Get two different translators on your phone or computer.

set one to English to that language

set the other one to that language to english

and the simple reason. Once you get used to it. you can talk almost real time to the girls

she says something, copy paste into translator that does only language to English

then type sentence into other translator from english to whatever language

they will start thinking you speak the language once you get good with using two translators. because of your fast replies

hope this helps. Good luck, happy hunting
what do you do so they wont try and have a bastard with you
Like 3 ppl here travel, rest is larpers and nigger lovers
well i do not know. I know i am in DR right now. was in cuba before this. And im going to sea in 3 months. Whats so hard about traveling. Helps that i have property that i rent out so i don't have to is fucking good.
I use like every single social media platform
Final advice for FB. Get two different translators on your phone or computer.

set one to English to that language

set the other one to that language to english

and the simple reason. Once you get used to it. you can talk almost real time to the girls

she says something, copy paste into translator that does only language to English

then type sentence into other translator from english to whatever language

they will start thinking you speak the language once you get good with using two translators. because of your fast replies

hope this helps. Good luck, happy hunting
and another fb hack

when you first look at the persons fb page. The main page, under "posts" you see 9 freinds in the lower left hand corner, 6 if your on the cell.

well out of those at least 50% of them, are who she talks to the most. FB places the ones you speak to most in that thumbnail list.

you can easily figure out if the girl has a bf or whatever, using this trick. Just go back to her page for a few days, and the ones that are constantly there, are her best friends or boyfriend
I use like every single social media platform
i tried other platforms, but i found apps like tinder usually only had professional whores. Which cost 3 and 4 times the rate you can get giving the money to a girl you meet on FB. (the girl with alot of gringos in her facebook)
i tried other platforms, but i found apps like tinder usually only had professional whores. Which cost 3 and 4 times the rate you can get giving the money to a girl you meet on FB. (the girl with alot of gringos in her facebook)
oh interesting. will give FB a try

do you just go about adding random girls in your city ?
oh interesting. will give FB a try

do you just go about adding random girls in your city ?
bingo.....every day just look through the girls that facebook shows me. make sure they are in puerto plata. And add add add.

eventually you get a few adds and their friends become potential victims.

ect ect ect

now you see girls in their status updates. I say things like "i want you" or "you look nice"
and see if htey say hello back

if they do, they are interested

talk to her, look at her friends list. Okay, lots of gringos. She's DTF for money, i can get her when ever i want. don't start daily convos with this type, you introduced yourself. Only talk to her when you want to fuck for money.
. oh she has a few gringo friends, she's DTF if i make it sound like im looking for a GF. I gotta talk to her like a normal girl. and it may take a few days to land her.

Oh she has no gringos in her's harder. You need to be able to speak fluent spanish
being a white man and adding girls in a third world country on facebook randomly and offering them money for sex?

are you trying to do an anti-white propagada campaign to obliterate white male status globally or something?

fucking retard

stop offering them money for sex. if you are white they should be paying you

and facebook has low add-back rates and its justembarrassing to do it as a white guy

just stick to dating apps. no money involved.

and most girls who will fuck a foreigner like u havent had foriengers before. cos we are rare.
they will start thinking you speak the language once you get good with using two translators. because of your fast replies
oh no.. even worse.. a white man learning their jungle streetshitter language too

you are just a walking bag of embarrassment

please just dont learn any languages, dont offer them money . keep it simple just download dating apps and be a normal person
being a white man and adding girls in a third world country on facebook randomly and offering them money for sex?

are you trying to do an anti-white propagada campaign to obliterate white male status globally or something?

fucking retard

stop offering them money for sex. if you are white they should be paying you

and facebook has low add-back rates and its justembarrassing to do it as a white guy

just stick to dating apps. no money involved.

and most girls who will fuck a foreigner like u havent had foriengers before. cos we are rare.
obviously your reading skills are top noche

i said there are 3 types of girls

1 for sex
1 for relationship
1 for relationship but you must speak the lingo

I cannot spoon feed you what you do not care to understand
oh no.. even worse.. a white man learning their jungle streetshitter language too

you are just a walking bag of embarrassment

please just dont learn any languages, dont offer them money . keep it simple just download dating apps and be a normal person
listen, you judgemental faggot. Fuck off. You offer ZERO advice to anyone on this board and all you can do is criticize. fuck yourself
Since i am doling out years of exp and some advice. Feeling generous since i am a new member

this is one of my most valuable "fuck hacks"

and im going to be nice enough to give it to you assholes

get rid of the dating apps, your only going to get hookers and expensive ones. I am cheap. I like to fuck girls that haven't raw dogged 5 clients that day and your special number 6 kinda dealio.

now i cannot speak for any other country but indo and DR. But i am sure it's the same in every country. When using FB, look at the girls FB friends. (most don't hide this)

there are many reasons you do this
-you want to know if the girl fucks foreigners. She will have DOZENS of fb foreign friends. If she has dozens of foreigners as friends, she fucks them. Guarenteed. easiest way to get pussy, almost after the first initial hello you can start saying "you busy tonight". Don't ask them for dinner they aren't fucking foreigners for dinner, they are fucking them for money. So get to the point. "would you like to come over to my place, if you need money, i can help you with that" find the going rate and give her that. DO NOT ever say "how much do you want" some are greedy and will go to the moon. Better to take charge and say "this is how much i am offering". These are the kind of girls, once you make friends with them in facebook , DO NOT start talking to them until a week before you land. Or even after you have landed. They ARE NOT relationships, so there is hard time limitations to these ones as far as talking spans go, they fuck alot of foreigners. They just don't fuck them as often as the hookers on those dating apps. Remember these girls are not daters. They are for sex only.

-if she has only a few foreign friends, she fucks foreigners, but you have to talk to her, be her friend, warm her up and make her think she's relationship material. You still ask this kind if she wants to go to your place or out. let her lead. this is the kind of girl you want to start talking in fb before for you on your trip. usually a month before you land. The usual bullshit, good morning, good night. how was your day. Get to know her. Do not talk for her longer than a month before you go, anything more and they will lose interest. You want to fuck them right away, right? Most of these girls have attention spans of goldfish.

-if she has no foreigners as friends, you better be able to speak some of the local language. shes' a good girl. if you want to land this kind of girl, your on your own. I cannot give advice. Since each one is different. If you aint' a playa you ain't fucking this kinda girl. so expect long term talking and that's not for you as a visitor.

another FB trick.

when looking at that girls fb profile, scan her friends, ones you think are cute. Try to add them as friends. Because they will be like her. whores know other whores. Good girls hang with other good girls. Law of the female jungle. rarely will a whore have good girls on her friends list. Birds of a feather and all that.

and the final trick
when adding girls to your FB, make sure you add the ones only in your area. why get involved with a girl who lives so far away, you need to make a special trip. You are already on a fucking special trip. pick the girls in that area only. It will be a hell of alot easier and less waste of your time. and facebooks algorithm, will start showing you mostly only girls in that area eventually. making it extremly easy to get more hits in your area of travel.

again, just more mongering tricks i have learned over the years. take it or leave it.

but dating apps suck, you will learn more about the girl looking at her facebook wall and watching conversations between her friends. dating apps show you none of this, or what she's really like or thinking.
Nothing wrong with dating apps for beginners
good advice man i read and respect what you say, no shade but a man in his 40s hitting up 16 years olds made my stomach do a backflip
noooo, im not hitting them up. THey hit ME up. I simply go with the flow. my thinking is "can i be seen holding hands with the girl in public, without being embarrased, and if not, forget it" The way i see life is like the dominican way, now. I haven't lived in a 1st world country in over 20 years.

(using an extreme here)
im a 40 yo guy. in DR if i was seen holding hands with a 13 yo girl, they would consider me a monster. And would treat me as such. And that's understandable i am most likely corrupting this young girl.

but if that 13 yo girl has a kid. They wouldn't bat an eye at me. Because 1. this girl is NOT innocent, obviously. She cannot be corrupted, some guy already did that to her. And 2. how the hell do they know what her life is like. I may be the only guy helping her and her baby survive. This is what these idiot GMO's fail to understand and world police poor people. Would rather see this girl starve than fuck some guy for money to eat. Or force some boy to stop working cause its' "child labor" and so now him and his family starves.
But those retard GMO"S can go to bed at night, with their bellys full from the pay check they make from those non profit organizations.

Now ....don't get me wrong. CHILD prostitution i think is repulsive.
any age that has a number on clock is a child.

this isnt' the west. Where any 16 yo girls can collect welfare and the government pays for thier kids. There is absolutely NO safety net. You have absolutely no idea of the level of poverty in most 3rd world countries. Why do you think most girls are all about family in those countries. Because without family, and someone to support you. You are fucked. and i mean, starve to death or do what you gotta do (hooker) to survive. That is no joke.

Until you know that, and see it first hand and understand that. There is no feminism in 3rd world countries, Kind of hard to be a feminist, when you gotta gobble down 5 cocks a night to survive. And its simply because those countries dont' support their people with welfare and social programs like that. Something you will understand VERY quickly if you have ever went to a 3rd world country. that's all of south america. And most of asia.

you have a western outlook on life and that's why it "makes your stomach turn". I used to think the same way, until i lived with the people that have to make these decisions every fucking day.
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Show me cute werido chinese girls under 22yo, who are good, waifuable type. Don't see them in groups
i havent' been to china land yet, so no need to try that trick

but my facebook trick works well in DR. But in indonesia. i am finding out new stuff.

due to it being a muslim country and very very modest. im learning things that you would not even notice.

example. Girl has her tonque sticking out like the smiley emote. That is a sign she either is easy or does VCS. (video call sex). like photo.

i know, how did i figure that out. Well, months of trying to apply the same rules in DR.

or if the girl highlighting her "assets" is a DEFINTE marker for whore. Like shows her big titties in the photos. Completly opposite of DR and latin american countries. Or full body shots with no face. Like photo, she is def DTF

so, there is a new learning curve i am figuring out.

But one universal truth remains so far "birds of a feather flock together" meaning. Sluts hang with other sluts. And it's so far a universal thing from what i can see.


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noooo, im not hitting them up. THey hit ME up. I simply go with the flow. my thinking is "can i be seen holding hands with the girl in public, without being embarrased, and if not, forget it" The way i see life is like the dominican way, now. I haven't lived in a 1st world country in over 20 years.

(using an extreme here)
im a 40 yo guy. in DR if i was seen holding hands with a 13 yo girl, they would consider me a monster. And would treat me as such. And that's understandable i am most likely corrupting this young girl.

but if that 13 yo girl has a kid. They wouldn't bat an eye at me. Because 1. this girl is NOT innocent, obviously. She cannot be corrupted, some guy already did that to her. And 2. how the hell do they know what her life is like. I may be the only guy helping her and her baby survive. This is what these idiot GMO's fail to understand and world police poor people. Would rather see this girl starve than fuck some guy for money to eat. Or force some boy to stop working cause its' "child labor" and so now him and his family starves.
But those retard GMO"S can go to bed at night, with their bellys full from the pay check they make from those non profit organizations.

Now ....don't get me wrong. CHILD prostitution i think is repulsive.
any age that has a number on clock is a child.

this isnt' the west. Where any 16 yo girls can collect welfare and the government pays for thier kids. There is absolutely NO safety net. You have absolutely no idea of the level of poverty in most 3rd world countries. Why do you think most girls are all about family in those countries. Because without family, and someone to support you. You are fucked. and i mean, starve to death or do what you gotta do (hooker) to survive. That is no joke.

Until you know that, and see it first hand and understand that. There is no feminism in 3rd world countries, Kind of hard to be a feminist, when you gotta gobble down 5 cocks a night to survive. And its simply because those countries dont' support their people with welfare and social programs like that. Something you will understand VERY quickly if you have ever went to a 3rd world country. that's all of south america. And most of asia.

you have a western outlook on life and that's why it "makes your stomach turn". I used to think the same way, until i lived with the people that have to make these decisions every fucking day.
I don't really see being a sponsor to 16 year old girl is any justification for sleeping with her. One year less and you would be in heaps of trouble.

Obviously there is going to be power dynamics in dating.
I don't really see being a sponsor to 16 year old girl is any justification for sleeping with her. One year less and you would be in heaps of trouble.

Obviously there is going to be power dynamics in dating.
You do realise, these girls will take you for EVERYTHING you have right? They will lie about being sick, thier kid being sick. use your lack of understanding the language so they can con you. You have OBVIOUSLY never lived in a 3rd world county. (like you don't think i have tried the "noble" way before and found out first hand that doesn't work).
an average lotto booth girl in DR makes 200 dollars a month.
Now you think i could give that poor 16 yo that money and she will be happy. NOPE....she will still go out and hook for money. Because she wil waste that 200. So unless you are willing to give her so much money that she cannot possibly spend it as fast as you give it to her 1000 or 2000 dollars a month. You might as well be fucking her every day. in a relationship. Cause THAT is the actual cost of "sponsering" your 16 yo girl. TRUST ME....tried the old sponser thing a few times without sex. Same fucking thing happened every time. They just blew through the money. And then asked for more. When i said no. they made excuses "babys sick" ect ect. They would go do hair and nails (3 days worth of food for both kid and mother) and 2 days later, complain they have no money for milk or have no experience. I do.

Its funny that you think these girls since your giving them money will respect you, or treat you with some sort of honor system.
Trust me, they won't. That is VERY rare that you will find someone grateful for your kindness. From years of trying to do the right thing, to learn these lessons.

okay so what about the 20 or so you run into every month? going to sponser all of them too? Which one gets your sympathy? Wait...this one says her mother is sick and needs an operation. That one over there, says her father will kick her out of the house and she has no where to go if she doens't pay the rent. or that one says she hates fucking men for money, if you gave her some she could go home for the night, but later that night you see her trying to hustle more money from men. Or the money you just gave her was stolen and she has no way to get it back, what then? (i cannot list all the scams and excuses) And if you dont' give her/them money she will have to go fuck/insert something tragic with someone else. What now.......

I can tell you have you never lived in a 3rd world country. if not, take your judgement and leave it at the door. Go live in one, and then get back to me. You will understand EXACTLY what im saying.

or you can ignore them all, fuck these poor 3rd world assholes.

what do you do? cause you are certainly not taking the time to figurre out who is lying and who is not. that would be so time consuming and exhausting cause most of them are on the "con". And she or he wont' bother with taking that time either. So....what now, smart ass?

but here is a girl, who wants to fuck you for money. Its' about as honest as your going to get from her.

love the 1st worlders opinions that have never seen the real 3rd world except for what they see on youtube.

I have seen grown women, go out and beg for money while carrying a baby to find out it wasnt' even her baby! But she will tell you it is. just to get money. You have absolutely no fucking idea.

and as a side note. I still go out of my way to help and feed kids, and i mean i go OUT of my way. I will walk 15 (one way) minutes to go get some kid food who i see begging for food. Or use my last bit of money to help them, and that means another 20 (one way) minute walk to the bank machine to get the money i just had, and gave away. So i can get what i originally set out to do.

but there is only so much you can do. You cannot help everyone. So if their age is on the clock, i bend over backwards to do those things for them. Because i dont' want to see them become prostitutes. But you cannot help those that already are.

everyone in the forum. i know i sound like a know it all. Sorry. but i have lived a 1000 lifetimes. and i have alot of experience. bad/good. i am simply sharing what i see and what i know.
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Nah man that tracks. I've spent time in latin america I'm not saying anything you say is wrong. Just couldnt even bring myself to do that i enjoy sleeping with people i can vibe with and talk to. no shame on you man and im not shitting on your life. If youre getting your rocks off im proud off yah cause that's what matters. you are one of very few actual travelers and non incels on this forum no disrespect. your posts are actually helpful
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i havent' been to china land yet, so no need to try that trick

but my facebook trick works well in DR. But in indonesia. i am finding out new stuff.

due to it being a muslim country and very very modest. im learning things that you would not even notice.

example. Girl has her tonque sticking out like the smiley emote. That is a sign she either is easy or does VCS. (video call sex). like photo.

i know, how did i figure that out. Well, months of trying to apply the same rules in DR.

or if the girl highlighting her "assets" is a DEFINTE marker for whore. Like shows her big titties in the photos. Completly opposite of DR and latin american countries. Or full body shots with no face. Like photo, she is def DTF

so, there is a new learning curve i am figuring out.

But one universal truth remains so far "birds of a feather flock together" meaning. Sluts hang with other sluts. And it's so far a universal thing from what i can see.
I search for non-sluts
everyone in the forum. i know i sound like a know it all. Sorry. but i have lived a 1000 lifetimes. and i have alot of experience. bad/good. i am simply sharing what i see and what i know.
Nah man that tracks. I've spent time in latin america I'm not saying anything you say is wrong. Just couldnt even bring myself to do that i enjoy sleeping with people i can vibe with and talk to. no shame on you man and im not shitting on your life. If youre getting your rocks off im proud off yah cause that's what matters. you are one of very few actual travelers and non incels on this forum no disrespect. your posts are actually helpful
thanks, i didn't take your opinion as a bad thing. But if you have spent time in latin america. you know. So disregard me thinking you didn't know.

im a guy that does whatever. pay or free. I don't care. I hit on everything.

But in my travels i have learned alot. And basically i don't judge any guy for what he does. The 1st world and feminism has fucked up the dating pool so badly. It doens't shock me that more are coming to go geomaxing.

sad thing is, i see these GMO's funny how they are mostly women. Coming to "save these girls" the truth is. they like the status quo they have setup in their home countries. Where men, who are the bread winners and should be the ones chosing thier partners. Instead its ass backwards and it's women who are choosey for men. This is why good men have to settle for single moms. it's bullshit

and 1st world women complain when it's not like that in the 3rd world (how 3rd world girls treat men it should be like that everywhere without feminism).

and the irony.....the only reason women in 1st world countries have feminism and rights. Is because men in those countries ALLOW them to have those rights.

look at any middle eastern country. They don't have feminism or equality. Cause the men dont' allow them to. and you dont' see many sand niggers geomaxing, for a reason.

men get full time employment it's time to settle down and look for a family
women get full time employment it's time to be "independant" they dont' need anyone.

its fucking crazy and its' never going to work that way.
You do realise, these girls will take you for EVERYTHING you have right? They will lie about being sick, thier kid being sick. use your lack of understanding the language so they can con you. You have OBVIOUSLY never lived in a 3rd world county. (like you don't think i have tried the "noble" way before and found out first hand that doesn't work).
an average lotto booth girl in DR makes 200 dollars a month.
Now you think i could give that poor 16 yo that money and she will be happy. NOPE....she will still go out and hook for money. Because she wil waste that 200. So unless you are willing to give her so much money that she cannot possibly spend it as fast as you give it to her 1000 or 2000 dollars a month. You might as well be fucking her every day. in a relationship. Cause THAT is the actual cost of "sponsering" your 16 yo girl. TRUST ME....tried the old sponser thing a few times without sex. Same fucking thing happened every time. They just blew through the money. And then asked for more. When i said no. they made excuses "babys sick" ect ect. They would go do hair and nails (3 days worth of food for both kid and mother) and 2 days later, complain they have no money for milk or have no experience. I do.

Its funny that you think these girls since your giving them money will respect you, or treat you with some sort of honor system.
Trust me, they won't. That is VERY rare that you will find someone grateful for your kindness. From years of trying to do the right thing, to learn these lessons.

okay so what about the 20 or so you run into every month? going to sponser all of them too? Which one gets your sympathy? Wait...this one says her mother is sick and needs an operation. That one over there, says her father will kick her out of the house and she has no where to go if she doens't pay the rent. or that one says she hates fucking men for money, if you gave her some she could go home for the night, but later that night you see her trying to hustle more money from men. Or the money you just gave her was stolen and she has no way to get it back, what then? (i cannot list all the scams and excuses) And if you dont' give her/them money she will have to go fuck/insert something tragic with someone else. What now.......

I can tell you have you never lived in a 3rd world country. if not, take your judgement and leave it at the door. Go live in one, and then get back to me. You will understand EXACTLY what im saying.

or you can ignore them all, fuck these poor 3rd world assholes.

what do you do? cause you are certainly not taking the time to figurre out who is lying and who is not. that would be so time consuming and exhausting cause most of them are on the "con". And she or he wont' bother with taking that time either. So....what now, smart ass?

but here is a girl, who wants to fuck you for money. Its' about as honest as your going to get from her.

love the 1st worlders opinions that have never seen the real 3rd world except for what they see on youtube.

I have seen grown women, go out and beg for money while carrying a baby to find out it wasnt' even her baby! But she will tell you it is. just to get money. You have absolutely no fucking idea.

and as a side note. I still go out of my way to help and feed kids, and i mean i go OUT of my way. I will walk 15 (one way) minutes to go get some kid food who i see begging for food. Or use my last bit of money to help them, and that means another 20 (one way) minute walk to the bank machine to get the money i just had, and gave away. So i can get what i originally set out to do.

but there is only so much you can do. You cannot help everyone. So if their age is on the clock, i bend over backwards to do those things for them. Because i dont' want to see them become prostitutes. But you cannot help those that already are.

everyone in the forum. i know i sound like a know it all. Sorry. but i have lived a 1000 lifetimes. and i have alot of experience. bad/good. i am simply sharing what i see and what i know.
Yes, I agree. I have lived in first world countries out of choice and lived a high lifestyle and visited places like BKK for short term so can't really say. Maybe it was misscommunication
Yes, I agree. I have lived in first world countries out of choice and lived a high lifestyle and visited places like BKK for short term so can't really say. Maybe it was misscommunication
slum it once and a while. It will do you good.

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