Story daily reminder, first world "banks" are largely insolvent


Well-known Member
May 6, 2024
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widely promoted banking startups are basically rat poison

using smaller banks is a fucking gamble, silicon valley bank even had some pretty big business before it collapsed

for anyone who thinks banking isn't a literal scam you need to understand 2 things

1. fractional reserve banking, basically you put 100k real money into a bank they can loan out 90k to someone who probably parks it in the same bank letting them loan out ~80, in a continuous cycle which means when you give a bank 100k they can make 250k or 500k+ in obligations to other people and all those fucking people cannot pull all their money out because you cannot withdraw 500k from a bank from only 100k in real assets.... this is why literally every single bank run has resulted in a collapse every single time.

2. compounding fee's - when virtually every transaction you use a card for there is a fee for using the card, start with $100, then 1 transaction it's $98, then $96, then $94 etc eventually $100 or any number no matter how high, even 1 trillion dollars when transferred enough times ~50 from bank account to account becomes 0...

So not only do banks take your fucking money, lend it out wildly, and essentially create money that doesn't exist, making it so it's impossible for everyone to all withdraw their money at one time, they literally have their hands in a % of transactions for basically every single retail transaction getting a % of it

rich people DO NOT TRUST banks, literally I would buy real estate and break even every fucking year vs putting 100mil in a fucking bank

first world is a joke where banks are literally OP as fuck but also can just fucking collapse because they are doing such risky shady shit with peoples money

everytime you goto a fucking bank they have like 5-12 motherfuckers there and you are either the only customer or one of a handful of customers, like how the fuck can you pay so many people hourly to just transfer peoples money to them for "free" not to mention if your parents have a 30 or even a 15-20 year loan they will probably pay almost double the fucking price of the house over the loan period

everybody knows USA doesn't have manufacturing or even the best or many industries now, our #1 service is financial services AKA bankery tier scams so you can become a beta-middle class peasant and "save" money instead of investing it to make more money like rich people do, imagine telling a rich person to fucking save money like bitch what?

fuck banks
your first actually good post
to be fair, the second one (another money related one)

i wonder to what extent this banking problem that you describe is specific to usa. obviously the general problems of banks exist everywhere, but additionally there seems to be some kind of loophole in the usa system to avoid FDIC. so they can pull off this scheme like the small bank analyzed in the linked video.

do you think it would be possible in the EU as well? they say 100.000€ per customer per bank are safe.
to be fair, the second one (another money related one)

i wonder to what extent this banking problem that you describe is specific to usa. obviously the general problems of banks exist everywhere, but additionally there seems to be some kind of loophole in the usa system to avoid FDIC. so they can pull off this scheme like the small bank analyzed in the linked video.

do you think it would be possible in the EU as well? they say 100.000€ per customer per bank are safe.
every system is modeled on the USA, the thing is EU has a shit ton of consumer laws and they are generally not fucking retarded

honestly the USA is a bigger threat to them due to the world currency being dollars, with the EU they cannot just print euros on command from 1 head of state so it's democratized thus protecting the people somewhat more vs priority rich 24/7 in the USA

then lets look at other world powers, Russia is a fucking huge sham anyway, it's like a mini China...

China on the other hand can be manipulated in literally any way and it's people will work, in a way it's a near-post currency society, they just have to artificially boost certain sectors to meet the peoples needs, people have been making fun of China for a fucking long ass time for making ghost towns, but the price of real estate in China is fucking insane even with all the new building and yet rental rates are low as fuck, and no outside investors are allowed in..... So there is plenty of new real estate that is yes inflated but rentals are cheap AF...

Russia is like a lite version of China, thats what makes USA dangerous, all the rich know as long the head of the snake exists they never loser and thus they have become wildy speculative with basically invulnerability, their achilles heel is the unthinkable, huge crash of economoy and recession, literally the only time the rich loose is if the poor eat them which has never happened.....

however much like the world ecosystem when you don't have regulations one or two factories just says fuck it I will mass produce shit in the most fucking toxic to the environment way and save a few bucks by polluting dumping as much chemicals into rivers as there is water. Basically the most egregious actors are burning the fuse to a US meltdown in exchange for cash, not like they are paid to do it, literally they are paid to do shit that destabilizes the US economy, and when you live in a country that worships wealth, judges you on wealth, and has fucked you until you are literally given the choice, do massive amounts of damage to the system in trade for money you just sit there and spam that button..... There are people right now getting rich in the worst fucking way, by spamming that "destabilize the entire US" if you just removed those people shit would be fine but in the USA they are allowed to exist because muh capitalism. Senators and Congress literally openly insider trade publicly, bribes are freely given thru campaign donations.... Theranos, Nikola motors, SBF, the scams are allowed to get to just fucking huge proportions.... the west is being wildly destabilized while simultaneously having a major political party arguing for less government and less taxes as we burn cash with inflation to soften the blow of a growing debt....

If you have no morals or just stopped giving a fuck and realize the boat is sinking you can get rich off the demise of America, the rich and powerful know it's coming and they are getting their chunk. It's literally the most American thing possible that the country is allowed to crash and burn as part of capitalism lmfao within 100 years if it still exists the land will be owned by chinese and indian billionaires.
i agree that liberal systems are more prone to financial invasion than shielded dictatorship systems like china and russia.

why don't you store your cash in EU bank accounts then if you consider them a bit more reliable? or what else do you put it in? (besides real estate because one unit is already very expensive) stocks? crypto?
doesn't matter because whole world works on debt. Countries loan money from themselves to themselves, so it doesn't really exist. How it works: we will party first (give ourselves "made up" money), then we will do labor for it. What happens when in few years people can't produce the work that countries "calculated" they should produce? Recession. It's the same shit happening right now, when during covid everyone was pissing money like it was growing on trees, and people did way less labor than they spend it, so we have this clown situation now.
Americas fate was sealed with the federal reserve act a century ago. It’s obvious looking through history that while crashes happened, people were better off without a central bank. Hell, even with one things still worked out when you were able to use different currencies and weren’t forced at gunpoint to use the dollar. The whole economic system is a massive Ponzi scheme that exists to extract wealth from the working class and deliver to the Anglos and Jews up top.
i agree that liberal systems are more prone to financial invasion than shielded dictatorship systems like china and russia.

why don't you store your cash in EU bank accounts then if you consider them a bit more reliable? or what else do you put it in? (besides real estate because one unit is already very expensive) stocks? crypto?
as much money as I make the USA keeps it's citizens debt ridden in record levels

average american has $7,000 in their bank account and something like $21,000 debt

NGL fam I fucking SPEND I mean on god damn everything sushi dinners, all types of stupid shit, we are a culture addicted to food and addicted to shopping therapy that is also stressed out from how hard it is to succeed.

most citizens money is in their car/house/"401k" which is also a huge fucking scam as well I have some good non-liquid assets but yeah if I could convert them to cash I would, I would still try to make money on them vs just save them in another currency because again US goes down so does the value of most stable "first world" currencies
doesn't matter because whole world works on debt. Countries loan money from themselves to themselves, so it doesn't really exist. How it works: we will party first (give ourselves "made up" money), then we will do labor for it. What happens when in few years people can't produce the work that countries "calculated" they should produce? Recession. It's the same shit happening right now, when during covid everyone was pissing money like it was growing on trees, and people did way less labor than they spend it, so we have this clown situation now.
there are 2 systems much like there are 2 justice systems for the poor/rich

there are countries that have to issue and pay debts in a currency other than their own

then there are countries like the US, which issues and pay debts in their own currency, the US can never go broke because it can always print more money, the way the USA pays back debt is with inflation, which we have seen, unfortunately when it hits the middle class wages DO NOT go up anywhere close to as much as prices so go up..... so the hardest hit by inflations are the middle class because the wages of the middle class are at the mercy of the ownership clas of rich which we saw profits went up, prices went up, but wages did not.... so in the USA to pay our debt we fuck the middle class lol

as someone who is above middle class I am fucking pissed because my earnings are worth less than they were say 10 years ago, if I made maybe 20-30x what I do I wouldn't care
there are 2 systems much like there are 2 justice systems for the poor/rich

there are countries that have to issue and pay debts in a currency other than their own

then there are countries like the US, which issues and pay debts in their own currency, the US can never go broke because it can always print more money, the way the USA pays back debt is with inflation, which we have seen, unfortunately when it hits the middle class wages DO NOT go up anywhere close to as much as prices so go up..... so the hardest hit by inflations are the middle class because the wages of the middle class are at the mercy of the ownership clas of rich which we saw profits went up, prices went up, but wages did not.... so in the USA to pay our debt we fuck the middle class lol

as someone who is above middle class I am fucking pissed because my earnings are worth less than they were say 10 years ago, if I made maybe 20-30x what I do I wouldn't care
you actually want inflation and them printing money. It causes the circulation of money, rather people artificially inflating worth of currency. You can see this problem in crypto currency where most people are not interested in using currency but manipulating it for their own benefit. Worth of crypto is determined by supply and demand of the currency which is absolutely fucking stupid. Cut world debt, stop printing money, stop inflation, and then see how world goes to hell and we all live in some communist shithole where no has motivation to work.
if you want to fix system where everyone could afford everything, then there is one simple solution: women.

fire all women from all jobs because they produce almost 0 results.

not only this will fix issue where people can barely afford things, but it will also fix delusional women. It will bring them to reality where they completely depend on men.

what you see currently is women don't even understand that they get free money for breathing. Your labor is undervalued 2x times because woman in same position as you get paid same for scrolling shittok.

did you ever wonder why it's so easy for stupid bitch to blow all her money in absurd amount of time? Because they don't work for their money, it's given to them for vagina. If they really worked, they would spend money wisely. But not only that, we would 2x amount of results

however, this is impossible due to soy cucks who are majority of society
I use Schwab. They provide the essential service of obtaining me local currency anywhere I need it at the current exchange rate. I don't pay a dime for this service. In exchange, they can play whatever kike games they want with my savings. It's a win-win.
Interest is haram, islamic financial system mogs. 1/25 of income tax and has social care
Good luck finding an ATM outside a bank in Malaysia, because Islam apparently forbids the levying of ATM fees, making it unprofitable to operate a standalone ATM. (KK and 7-Eleven have ATMs, true, but they only accept MasterCard and UnionPay, not Visa.) Whereas in Thailand, there's an ATM everywhere you look.
I use Schwab. They provide the essential service of obtaining me local currency anywhere I need it at the current exchange rate. I don't pay a dime for this service. In exchange, they can play whatever kike games they want with my savings. It's a win-win.

Good luck finding an ATM outside a bank in Malaysia, because Islam apparently forbids the levying of ATM fees, making it unprofitable to operate a standalone ATM. (KK and 7-Eleven have ATMs, true, but they only accept MasterCard and UnionPay, not Visa.) Whereas in Thailand, there's an ATM everywhere you look.
Islamic finance wont come back until Jesus comes back on earth. All of this was already prophesized, the fact that you cant do any transactions without participating in haram purchasing, you just cant avoid it anymore so its not your fault

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