so a 20 second google search showed at least 5 papers that claim supplementation of creatine increases dht by 30 to 40% within 7 days. the papers could be flawed, but there are a lot of them.
fwiw establishing a causal link scientifically between two factors like that is actually pretty hard even when the effect is something obvious and measurable, like, death, for instance
but we can measure serum dht. this is a better metric to look at from a stats perspective because the measurement is direct, immediate, accurate, and avoids confounds, unlike balding which is slow, imprecise, has cofounding factors, and has sutdy participants drop out. I do remember reading that serum dht does not directly translate to dht in the hair follicles though. so fuck its complicated. I wouldnt believe anyone that only says yes or no though. the likelihood seems pretty high from my non medical perspective