Come to this thread to see me bully and mog @geomog


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Mogging @GeoMOG

Serious question bro, how do you plan on mogging while geomaxxing as a BLACK person? 🤣


you are the least desired ethnicity in the entire world

and ur women cuck you with white men cos they want taller, stronger, whiter, smarter, better looking men. aka men with sex appeal

You have no sex appeal. You have no height, no strength, no white skin, no looks. No sex appeal. just colonized little manlet cuck boys

you have black skin, meanwhile the entire world wants white skin like british people

you have a massive wide bulbous nose , meanwhile the entire world wants thin sharp noses like british people

you have manlet height, meanwhile the entire world wants to be tall like brits

your future experience when u geomax:

blacks are the global laughing stock of the world, and bully victim

do you not realize the entire world uses nigger as an inside joke to laugh at you and how whites cucked you. even asian girls say nigger and make jokes about blacks lol

"Suicide rates among Black youth in the United States are growing at an alarming rate. From 2018 to 2021, the racial group that saw the largest increase in suicides among people 10-24 years old was Black individuals, with an increase of 37%. From 2000 to 2020, Black youth ages 10-19 also experienced the largest increase in suicide rates, a shocking 78%. And in a research study among the youngest children — ages 5-12 — Black youth were approximately two times more likely to die by suicide than their White counterparts. Black students also had a higher rate of suicide attempts when compared to their White and Hispanic counterparts."

Highest suicide rates in the world

I would rope if i was born black too.

If i woke up in a black body like yours, i dont tihnk i'd last more than 5 minutes without finding the nearest gun and blowing my brains out


2x more likely to be single... you are finished. yo

ur life was over before it even began. over in the womb. your entire life of loneliness and resorting to geomaxxing to overcome ur subhumanness(which wont even work cos no one likes blacks) was written before you were even born

black = seen as unhealthy, cant even get vitamin D so ur weak as fuck, low testosterone, short, bad genes

white = healthy, high vitamin d, strongest race in the world, high testosterone, good genes

throughout the entire of history, all the warrior races had white or fair skin


meanwhile all the slave colonized races had dark or BLACK skin.


White/light skin = strong
Dark/BLACK skin = Weak ass niggers


White = strong, powerful, warrior race, masculine

Black = weak, cuck race, slave, feminine

me & geomog

Your life is over, it was over in the womb finished. You have been mogged.

Even the most famous black person in the world realized the truth, and just accepted it and went for it.

Go bleach ur skin white and get surgery for a white nose like Michael Jackson
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Mogging @GeoMOG

Serious question bro, how do you plan on mogging while geomaxxing as a BLACK person? 🤣

View attachment 6369
View attachment 6370

you are the least desired ethnicity in the entire world

and ur women cuck you with white men cos they want taller, stronger, whiter, smarter, better looking men. aka men with sex appeal

You have no sex appeal. You have no height, no strength, no white skin, no looks. No sex appeal. just colonized little manlet cuck boys

you have black skin, meanwhile the entire world wants white skin like british people

you have a massive wide bulbous nose , meanwhile the entire world wants thin sharp noses like british people

you have manlet height, meanwhile the entire world wants to be tall like brits

your future experience when u geomax:
View attachment 6371

blacks are the global laughing stock of the world, and bully victim

do you not realize the entire world uses nigger as an inside joke to laugh at you and how whites cucked you. even asian girls say nigger and make jokes about blacks lol

"Suicide rates among Black youth in the United States are growing at an alarming rate. From 2018 to 2021, the racial group that saw the largest increase in suicides among people 10-24 years old was Black individuals, with an increase of 37%. From 2000 to 2020, Black youth ages 10-19 also experienced the largest increase in suicide rates, a shocking 78%. And in a research study among the youngest children — ages 5-12 — Black youth were approximately two times more likely to die by suicide than their White counterparts. Black students also had a higher rate of suicide attempts when compared to their White and Hispanic counterparts."

Highest suicide rates in the world

I would rope if i was born black too.

If i woke up in a black body like yours, i dont tihnk i'd last more than 5 minutes without finding the nearest gun and blowing my brains out

View attachment 6372

2x more likely to be single... you are finished. yo

ur life was over before it even began. over in the womb. your entire life of loneliness and resorting to geomaxxing to overcome ur subhumanness(which wont even work cos no one likes blacks) was written before you were even born

black = seen as unhealthy, cant even get vitamin D so ur weak as fuck, low testosterone, short, bad genes

white = healthy, high vitamin d, strongest race in the world, high testosterone, good genes

throughout the entire of history, all the warrior races had white or fair skin

View attachment 6373

meanwhile all the slave colonized races had dark or BLACK skin.

View attachment 6374

White/light skin = strong
Dark/BLACK skin = Weak ass niggers


White = strong, powerful, warrior race, masculine

Black = weak, cuck race, slave, feminine

me & geomog
View attachment 6375

Your life is over, it was over in the womb finished. You have been mogged.

Even the most famous black person in the world realized the truth, and just accepted it and went for it.

Go bleach ur skin white and get surgery for a white nose like Michael Jackson
man and I thought I typed a lot

bro u must love me u literally tagged and quoted me like 4-5 times

not reading all that shit

when you goto SEA there are a % of women who want guys like you, then you have guys like you that forms a ratio, that ratio is higher than the local population let's say if a local guys ratio is 0.5:1 or if there are 50,000 guys like him there are 25,000 who want that

then you have a multiplier, the more attractive, rich, big penis, charismatic, social status basically all desirably things raise that so for a local guy if he has those traits both born with like looks and got over time like money then he can get to 1:1 and he can get girls twice as easy

for you because your in a country will millions of girls and only a mil, maybe a 100k-10k guys who are white and of your caliber your number is much higher maybe it's 100:1

for me... there are basically no black guys in these countries, the number is easily 1/10th of your number if not 1/100th, that means girls would have to find you 10x as attractive, and this is just for a normal black guy. they don't so even average black guys have a higher ratio of women who like them....

Just so you can understand because you are clearly retarded, 90% of the population in these countries will never even LTR you, they are traditional family oriented, that means over 50%^, probably in the range of 70-80% prefer men from the local population, let that sink in retard, the girls where you are geomaxing as a whole largely prefer local men to you... If the total number of women who prefer you mattered you would be beyond mogged.

Then there is me, I am legit 0.000001% just that alone means I would easily match the number of girls who want you then I get the entire share of girls who want black guys, and even more importantly I move directly to the front of the line.

The game you are playing is "will women date me" which is why you are even discussing race as a factor, I am so far ahead of you we aren't even in the same pool if your ratio is 100:1 and due to scarcity the few blacks will always have more girls who want them then the supply and are 100-1000:1....

I am playing a game called "will she drop literally every other guy, disobey her father, drop down on her knees and deepthroat me the first time we meet pool" and the number of men who I compete with in a country of say 100million is about 100..... So I have more women than you, whites, add in women for blacks, and mexicans and a large portion of the local population I mean probably 10-20% of all women in the country would drop other men and basically do everything to date me and I am realistically competing with 100 other men in the entire country.

My ratio is like 200,000:1, it's about 2,000 time as easy for me to get a girl as it is for you.

The graphs you are posting are for normies, compared to me they aren't even human, you might as well post the number of girls who would respond to different types of monkey's and dogs.

Btw I am blocking you because I cannot let you rob me of anymore time but I just wanted to let you realize how subhuman you are in comparison to me so you can go ahead and fester in that shit lmfao.
man and I thought I typed a lot

bro u must love me u literally tagged and quoted me like 4-5 times

not reading all that shit

when you goto SEA there are a % of women who want guys like you, then you have guys like you that forms a ratio, that ratio is higher than the local population let's say if a local guys ratio is 0.5:1 or if there are 50,000 guys like him there are 25,000 who want that

then you have a multiplier, the more attractive, rich, big penis, charismatic, social status basically all desirably things raise that so for a local guy if he has those traits both born with like looks and got over time like money then he can get to 1:1 and he can get girls twice as easy

for you because your in a country will millions of girls and only a mil, maybe a 100k-10k guys who are white and of your caliber your number is much higher maybe it's 100:1

for me... there are basically no black guys in these countries, the number is easily 1/10th of your number if not 1/100th, that means girls would have to find you 10x as attractive, and this is just for a normal black guy. they don't so even average black guys have a higher ratio of women who like them....

Just so you can understand because you are clearly retarded, 90% of the population in these countries will never even LTR you, they are traditional family oriented, that means over 50%^, probably in the range of 70-80% prefer men from the local population, let that sink in retard, the girls where you are geomaxing as a whole largely prefer local men to you... If the total number of women who prefer you mattered you would be beyond mogged.

Then there is me, I am legit 0.000001% just that alone means I would easily match the number of girls who want you then I get the entire share of girls who want black guys, and even more importantly I move directly to the front of the line.

The game you are playing is "will women date me" which is why you are even discussing race as a factor, I am so far ahead of you we aren't even in the same pool if your ratio is 100:1 and due to scarcity the few blacks will always have more girls who want them then the supply and are 100-1000:1....

I am playing a game called "will she drop literally every other guy, disobey her father, drop down on her knees and deepthroat me the first time we meet pool" and the number of men who I compete with in a country of say 100million is about 100..... So I have more women than you, whites, add in women for blacks, and mexicans and a large portion of the local population I mean probably 10-20% of all women in the country would drop other men and basically do everything to date me and I am realistically competing with 100 other men in the entire country.

My ratio is like 200,000:1, it's about 2,000 time as easy for me to get a girl as it is for you.

The graphs you are posting are for normies, compared to me they aren't even human, you might as well post the number of girls who would respond to different types of monkey's and dogs.

Btw I am blocking you because I cannot let you rob me of anymore time but I just wanted to let you realize how subhuman you are in comparison to me so you can go ahead and fester in that shit lmfao.
can you dm me what you look like
what did bro do 😭
this racist roast is really heavy.

however, this guy absolutely deserves to get roasted and bullied. he was begging for it.

and since @AlexBrown84 has demonstrated that getting rid of destructive and unwanted members is virtually impossible in this community, this is what it comes down to.

if you want anarchy you get anarchy.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

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