chad with asian gf vs. incel with asian gf [the publics reaction]

jesus the chad picked a fucking ugly bitch. pathetic.
mate selection if getting with an asian as an anglo is one of the most important things you do in order to ensure a good mixture coming out

otherwise you get this
IMG 8626
jesus the chad picked a fucking ugly bitch. pathetic.
Exaggerated. Okay she's not a beauty queen but "fucking ugly" is something else. Seems like you simply don't like SEA girls that much. This also makes your judgement that "bangkok is officially finished" untrustworthy.
Exaggerated. Okay she's not a beauty queen but "fucking ugly" is something else. Seems like you simply don't like SEA girls that much. This also makes your judgement that "bangkok is officially finished" untrustworthy.
dude shes ugly, you're delusional/ pathetic incel with 0 standards
why do women get to select for better genes than theirs but when men do it we have a biological negative reaction to it? There has to be a reason for it, because when an ugly woman goes with chad noone cares since its natural, but its unnatural that she doesnt have to share him. Its really interesting

edit: figured it out: its because succesful men can biologically have alot more kids than a woman. he just has to pump and dump and a woman has to carry a kid for 9 months with bodily damage and chance of death, if he is ugly and succesful he will muddy the gene pool alot more than 1 ugly woman, its biology that doesnt make any sense in the modern world since 90%+ of relationships are monogamous nowadays, so one ugly woman reproducing with better genes would be the same result as one sub5 dating up with the asian chick, hence fuck these animals who cant think for rationally for themselves with their retarded tiktok comments bashing the sub5 guy, this is why I will make those kinds of people my wage slave that is all they are good for
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mate selection if getting with an asian as an anglo is one of the most important things you do in order to ensure a good mixture coming out

otherwise you get this
View attachment 7697
holy shit i hope he grows into that fore head dude is looking like megamind, look where is hairline ends JFL, momma tried to hide it with the bangs but the autistic looksmaxxers analse the facial thirds


  • Schermafbeelding 2024-08-10 074831.png
    Schermafbeelding 2024-08-10 074831.png
    389.7 KB · Views: 2
This 'sub 5' actually has a decent jawline for sure. Needs to get a hair transplant and ditch the glasses maybe. Probably gain some weigh too. His eye area isn't good but I've seen worse.
Sub 5
it's disgusting how resentful people are of ascending guys.

it's like a natural version of the indian caste system: if you are born into the ugly category, people will try to prevent you from doing better than you should.
dude shes ugly, you're delusional/ pathetic incel with 0 standards
this example isn't even that hot
its just a cute girl in east asia, not even 7+
wanna hear something that will make ethnics smash their keyboards?

this truecel looking white guy actually fits more beauty standards than all/most asian guys. thats why that cute asian girl is dating him
- very white skin
- high thin nose
- vtaper jaw with pointed chin
- small face
- big eyes with double lids
- 8:1 golden ratio

while none or barely any asian guys will fit that

this is why they call it 'jbw'

because even if you are an utter truecel looking guy and short, you still fit the asian beauty standards
compare the fucking subhuman horsefaced trash in the OP to this girlView attachment 7706
all asian women that i dated had their skin color frauded in their photos to some degree.

dude shes ugly, you're delusional/ pathetic incel with 0 standards
i haven't even said that i would pick the girl that the chad picked there. i just said your rating is biased.

the girl i slayed in thailand last time within a short time was cuter than your dream example here. meanwhile you are rotting there for years, deluding yourself into chasing whiteness dreams.
all asian women that i dated had their skin color frauded in their photos to some degree.

i haven't even said that i would pick the girl that the chad picked there. i just said your rating is biased.

the girl i slayed in thailand last time within a short time was cuter than your dream example here. meanwhile you are rotting there for years, deluding yourself into chasing whiteness dreams.
hes not white bro hes ethnic. ive seen his pics

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