

Well-known Member
Sep 17, 2022
Reaction score
Im ridin with da windows down yeaah uhh

half of these niggas ain't ever been rich
rest in piss booomer

this is new gen z shit tranny gay homo globo rap with no message besides useless mumbling about nothing and computer generated beats and autotuned that take zero talent to produce. its peak nigger shit. id rather listen to a monkey scream than this trash.
this is new gen z shit tranny gay homo globo rap with no message besides useless mumbling about nothing and computer generated beats and autotuned that take zero talent to produce. its peak nigger shit. id rather listen to a monkey scream than this trash.
a monkey screaming on a lit beat would go platinum

music is a vibe...isn't logical
a monkey screaming on a lit beat would go platinum

music is a vibe...isn't logical
it would go platinum if you compared it to this nigger shit because thats how talentless and dumb anyone is that listens to it. this is seriously stupid new age nigger shit to push globohomo and make you go no where in life besides being a mindless consumer.
it would go platinum if you compared it to this nigger shit because thats how talentless and dumb anyone is that listens to it. this is seriously stupid new age nigger shit to push globohomo and make you go no where in life besides being a mindless consumer.
it's about being NT

i want you to sing along with me btw
this is stupid nigger shit. 80s music is the best because that shit took talent to produce and it was ers favorite music.
90s rap was way better than this trash. this is soy music designed to make you a weak tranny.

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