Cant get hard to my ideal type


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Just realized something

My ideal type is a tiny small petite small waist brown girl

And the 2 times I've had the chance to fuck them, I couldn't get hard.

1 was a 16 year old mixed race girl, other was a 23yo Indian

So brutal
get your horomones in order

i can jerk off one night, and cum in a girl the next day twice because my horomones are balanced

but back when i was living sedentary lifestyle eating goy slip in america, i could barely get hard taking a petite korean girls virginity. that moment sent me on a spiral getting everything in order lol
get your horomones in order

i can jerk off one night, and cum in a girl the next day twice because my horomones are balanced

but back when i was living sedentary lifestyle eating goy slip in america, i could barely get hard taking a petite korean girls virginity. that moment sent me on a spiral getting everything in order lol
But I've got hard to other girls thousands of times, its just these 2 random occasions, I think it's just a nerves thing
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water. flat chested gooks that are built like prepubescent boys arent sex appealing at all
they are

it’s like a blank piece of paper

you have to use your imagination more to stay aroused. versus just grabbing a plump breasted female. no creativity at all involved!
Been in there same situation. I closed my eyes and imagined big tits and big ass fat bitch so I could manage to finish.
Been in there same situation. I closed my eyes and imagined big tits and big ass fat bitch so I could manage to finish.
another reason i like skinny girls cuz if their face is cute, then i can focus on their personality more instead of lustful things such as tits and ass
sometimes it's just nerves, overthinking, with no connection with the girl. I get like that sometimes

it's why i would rather go on dates than pay. Sure, some girls you don't need to know, they are just that darn hot, you can fuck em no matter what

but there are times when even when the girl is hot, because you just met them, with no connection. it's no boner. (at least for me)

i guess cause i have slayed enough pussy, i need that connection or go without sex or jacking it, for days. Is the only way. And there has been times, that even with no jacking it and sex for days, i have had girls with ZERO connection vibes and i cannot get hard with them.

but the moment they are gone, i can whip it out, and fantasize about her her and get rock hard and finish. Ya...i know it's wierd. but i chalk it up to connection.

and at other times ,i can be fall over drunk and get super rock hard, cause it's taken my 3 or 4 dates to land teh pussy and it's all my hormones have been focusing on.

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