came back to this forum just to laugh at the white guys who are white supremist yet breeding with asians

Deleted User222

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2022
"muh white superority" yet you travel thousands of miles away to fuck midget asian women with horrible genetics, even the good looking and tall ones get fogged by average white women who are not fat. White race is fucked atleast white women are staying loyal to white men unlike white men smh you retards are falling into the jews hands.
i just came back to say this since it's such a cope to bark like a abused dog about how superior your race is and you waste it on asian trash jfl.
also not to mention tons of nazis and white supremists who worship adolf hitler are dating asian, black and hispanic women LOL kill yourselves you faggots, I'm gonna find some white pussy and have as much kids as i can to save this world from being overrun by shitskins. Muh ethnics are inferior meanwhile you literally can only get sex because those ethnic women will open their whore legs for any white guy who isn't subhuman and manlet.
this guy is a htn at least he had a girl drive to him and have sex unless its a larp like predeterminism.
White race needs some of its altruism bred out - can’t look at the average “white” in America or Western Europe and tell me they’re something to be proud of.
>white men spread their seed far and wide within the pussies of worthless ethnic whores who spread for them just for being white
>this disproves white supremacy

"muh white superority" yet you travel thousands of miles away to fuck midget asian women with horrible genetics, even the good looking and tall ones get fogged by average white women who are not fat. White race is fucked atleast white women are staying loyal to white men unlike white men smh you retards are falling into the jews hands.
i just came back to say this since it's such a cope to bark like a abused dog about how superior your race is and you waste it on asian trash jfl.
also not to mention tons of nazis and white supremists who worship adolf hitler are dating asian, black and hispanic women LOL kill yourselves you faggots, I'm gonna find some white pussy and have as much kids as i can to save this world from being overrun by shitskins. Muh ethnics are inferior meanwhile you literally can only get sex because those ethnic women will open their whore legs for any white guy who isn't subhuman and manlet.
You had sex with a Spic girl larping nig
You had sex with a Spic girl larping nig
then he deleted his account. he was incel until 18 then in 2 months of trying got sex. fakest fakecel larper ive ever seen. he doesnt deserve to be here and im glad hes not coming back. i hope the worst for him.
then he deleted his account. he was incel until 18 then in 2 months of trying got sex. fakest fakecel larper ive ever seen. he doesnt deserve to be here and im glad hes not coming back. i hope the worst for him.
Me too, Its impossible to ascend in my own life, now I’ll make it impossible for them
Why do you fail to admit that many "racists" actually notice and care about the world's diversity? These oven-baked pastry wrapped banana slices, for example. They are heaven.
Why do you fail to admit that many "racists" actually notice and care about the world's diversity? These oven-baked pastry wrapped banana slices, for example. They are heaven.
i love diversity

the diversity to live in an east or southeast asian majority country with no crime

the diversity to live there with my western income

the diversity to eat foods from around the world while doing it
i love diversity

the diversity to live in an east or southeast asian majority country with no crime

the diversity to live there with my western income

the diversity to eat foods from around the world while doing it
WigNats are some of the sworn enemies of Geomaxx master race.

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