Live in Busan, South Korea

Have a smoking hot tanned, 50kg, 5ft2, pre-surgery, korean gf

Raw sex every day with her

Gf also has to be like my best friend, like really get along with her and laughing everyday together

Have a 10k-100k per month online business --- which I automate with employees so it runs in autopilot and I can just work part-time on shit I enjoy

Be paper white skin, perfect hair, perfect old money fashion

Be gymmaxxed to perfect body while lean

Be a very good MMA fighter but not actually compete cos im not a punching bag low iq

Healthy tasty meals made for me during the day like meal prep

Go out to a nice restaurant or takeaway every night, best tastiest food possible

Have a good group of friends in each of my interests: my field of work, mmamaxxing, geomaxxing, other stuff

Be fluent in Korean

Get citizenship there

Have a nice apartment there in some high rise overlooking the city and beach

Have a car, but i dont care if its good or not cos i like to live by the beach and just use bike

Have a boat or at least have the money to rent one every weekend

Have ps5 and latest games and the time to play them - no time rn

Go movies every week with my gf

Go to live music, comedy shows, like real entertainment on weekends, not entertainment sitting behind a screen. its different.

Also go mma fights and shit watch them life

Dabble in high end escorts despite having a gf just to get top tier girls for sex

Ride around the beach areas with my tshirt off and jacked and enjoy the serotonin levels of many girls staring at my pale white jacked body peak smv to them

Gym on the beach or near the beach at one of those outdoor gyms

Football on weekends with friends at the beach


Dirtbike maxxing on the streets or fields places for fun

Trips to SEA and fuck SEA girls since I prefer them but would never live there. and enjoy their beaches

Be the ideal skin colour and facial features in Korea and enjoy the treatment that comes with that
(youll never experience this QOL anywhere else in the world as white except in korea or japan)

Achieve mastery in my field of work - not mastery as a slave. mastery but create it into processes for my employees to follow and do the manual labour
The goal of life is to get pleasure, and avoid pain. Hedonismmaxx with good sex, good food, and minimize how much you work, how much you get punched, how much you do bullshit gym torture, just activities which are fun. We only get 1 life, enjoy it. Don't dedicate it to bullshit like 'muh purpose' 'muh having a kid' 'muh help people' like a spiritual brainwashed cuckold. Take take take, give nothing. Your life is for YOU, no one else

Live in first world country

Live at beach in tropical weather

Live in a coutnry where you fit the skin colour and face beauty standards

Good foodmaxx

Sexmaxx with girls of your type, normal gf and escorts both

Enjoy real entertainment in real life - not entertainment from behind a screen