Best destination to geomax in 2025


Well-known Member
Mar 10, 2024
Ok, let's start to look at the new year. What will be the best destinations to geomax? Of course dating is our main goal but lifestyle is also important.

I just can't live in the West anymore, if you don't have the same woke values of the average idiot you'll live a terrible life. I'm tired of the radical feminism, high taxes, LGBT propaganda, skyrocketing criminality due to illegal migrants, bitchy and stuck up girls, being encircled by low IQ (who think of themselves as very educated because of a degree in liberal arts lol), angry and sad people everywhere.

My best destinations to geomax in 2025:

- Russia
- Belarus
- China
- Japan

What other countries do you guys suggest? I believe Thailand can be great too although IMHO it's not as good as it was for girls but this is just my opinion and I know some guys here disagree with that.

Are there other countries worth trying?
Ok, let's start to look at the new year. What will be the best destinations to geomax? Of course dating is our main goal but lifestyle is also important.

I just can't live in the West anymore, if you don't have the same woke values of the average idiot you'll live a terrible life. I'm tired of the radical feminism, high taxes, LGBT propaganda, skyrocketing criminality due to illegal migrants, bitchy and stuck up girls, being encircled by low IQ (who think of themselves as very educated because of a degree in liberal arts lol), angry and sad people everywhere.

My best destinations to geomax in 2025:

- Russia
- Belarus
- China
- Japan

What other countries do you guys suggest? I believe Thailand can be great too although IMHO it's not as good as it was for girls but this is just my opinion and I know some guys here disagree with that.

Are there other countries worth trying?
i am curious about japan, you can buy houses their insanely cheap and foreigners can buy housing. You can pick up an old style house for dirt cheap 40 to 50k (you will need to renovate) and a newly renovated house for about 130k usd. LIke a 3 bedroom kinda dealio. Fucking awesome.

if any of you own homes in california, this is what i would do, Sell your 800k home. pay off mortgage even if it's 400k. Take your 400k clear, and buy 3 homes in japan
rent out 2, stay in one. NOW your living free forever. no need to ever work, if you chose to work, open up a business (don't know if that's allowed in japan, but online biz they cannot stop you)
i am curious about japan, you can buy houses their insanely cheap and foreigners can buy housing. You can pick up an old style house for dirt cheap 40 to 50k (you will need to renovate) and a newly renovated house for about 130k usd. LIke a 3 bedroom kinda dealio. Fucking awesome.

if any of you own homes in california, this is what i would do, Sell your 800k home. pay off mortgage even if it's 400k. Take your 400k clear, and buy 3 homes in japan
rent out 2, stay in one. NOW your living free forever. no need to ever work, if you chose to work, open up a business (don't know if that's allowed in japan, but online biz they cannot stop you)
its not easy to get a visa but yeah, japan real estate is cheap, even in tokyo there's lots of affordable neigbhorhoods
you can easily stay 6 month per year as tourist
its not easy to get a visa but yeah, japan real estate is cheap, even in tokyo there's lots of affordable neigbhorhoods
you can easily stay 6 month per year as tourist
i wonder if that is why they allow foreign ownership of homes? because you cannot stay there?

seems wierd
Ok, let's start to look at the new year. What will be the best destinations to geomax? Of course dating is our main goal but lifestyle is also important.

I just can't live in the West anymore, if you don't have the same woke values of the average idiot you'll live a terrible life. I'm tired of the radical feminism, high taxes, LGBT propaganda, skyrocketing criminality due to illegal migrants, bitchy and stuck up girls, being encircled by low IQ (who think of themselves as very educated because of a degree in liberal arts lol), angry and sad people everywhere.

My best destinations to geomax in 2025:

- Russia
- Belarus
- China
- Japan

What other countries do you guys suggest? I believe Thailand can be great too although IMHO it's not as good as it was for girls but this is just my opinion and I know some guys here disagree with that.

Are there other countries worth trying?
Alot of factors to this and what the person wants lol. If you purely want girls than SEA and Latin America, but for qol than the countries you listed I guess. Although tbf russians are very closed off in my experience and you dont really get a halo for anything if you go there, maybe like 1 to 2 points just for being an "exotic" westerner. if you dont speak russian i imagine its probably difficult . Also all of there best whores go to germany and on speed dial for oil sheikhs in the gulf so whoremaxxing roi is probably not worth it either.
Ok, let's start to look at the new year. What will be the best destinations to geomax? Of course dating is our main goal but lifestyle is also important.

I just can't live in the West anymore, if you don't have the same woke values of the average idiot you'll live a terrible life. I'm tired of the radical feminism, high taxes, LGBT propaganda, skyrocketing criminality due to illegal migrants, bitchy and stuck up girls, being encircled by low IQ (who think of themselves as very educated because of a degree in liberal arts lol), angry and sad people everywhere.

My best destinations to geomax in 2025:

- Russia
- Belarus
- China
- Japan

What other countries do you guys suggest? I believe Thailand can be great too although IMHO it's not as good as it was for girls but this is just my opinion and I know some guys here disagree with that.

Are there other countries worth trying?
i haven't been to japan yet. is it not at all infected by feminism and wokeism yet?

russia, belarus and china have terrible visa regulations. and you have to accept a lot of government bullshit, surveillance, blocked internet. i.e. some people told me about belarus when they entered the country they got grilled like criminals for hours, border police demanded insight into all their digital profiles and if you refuse you won't enter. but yea it's more likely that nothing happens, you just can't be sure. i also understand that this bs has its pros because it drives away the competition, so i'm curious to read reports if you actually go for it.

take japan off

dying country

take china off

xenophobic country

best country in asia is vietnam
tbh at this point you've become so much of a troll that i'm not sure anymore what can be taken seriously.

i think vietnam still looks like a decent option. and i'll probably visit philippines again because i haven't been there for 10 years and wanna see how it changed. most of us are not financially free like you guys, so we have to keep an eye on costs and accept lower quality of life if we want to escape the west.
i wonder if that is why they allow foreign ownership of homes? because you cannot stay there?

seems wierd
why is that weird?
thats how it works in most of the world, anyone can buy property but it doesnt give you a visa
you can use the house as a tourist or as an investment
tbh at this point you've become so much of a troll that i'm not sure anymore what can be taken seriously.

i think vietnam still looks like a decent option. and i'll probably visit philippines again because i haven't been there for 10 years and wanna see how it changed. most of us are not financially free like you guys, so we have to keep an eye on costs and accept lower quality of life if we want to escape the west.
for QoL philippines is one of the worst quality/price, at this point China, Japan, Korea and pretty much all of SEA are cheaper than BGC/Makati
i haven't been to japan yet. is it not at all infected by feminism and wokeism yet?

russia, belarus and china have terrible visa regulations. and you have to accept a lot of government bullshit, surveillance, blocked internet. i.e. some people told me about belarus when they entered the country they got grilled like criminals for hours, border police demanded insight into all their digital profiles and if you refuse you won't enter. but yea it's more likely that nothing happens, you just can't be sure. i also understand that this bs has its pros because it drives away the competition, so i'm curious to read reports if you actually go for it.

tbh at this point you've become so much of a troll that i'm not sure anymore what can be taken seriously.

i think vietnam still looks like a decent option. and i'll probably visit philippines again because i haven't been there for 10 years and wanna see how it changed. most of us are not financially free like you guys, so we have to keep an eye on costs and accept lower quality of life if we want to escape the west.
Some Belarusian MTB was difficult with me online even though she’s broke AF so yeah it probably sucks for sub-Chad level guys now lol
i haven't been to japan yet. is it not at all infected by feminism and wokeism yet?
how have you been to 40+ countries but not japan lol

must be stat padding with euro poor states

i haven't been to japan yet. is it not at all infected by feminism and wokeism yet?

russia, belarus and china have terrible visa regulations. and you have to accept a lot of government bullshit, surveillance, blocked internet. i.e. some people told me about belarus when they entered the country they got grilled like criminals for hours, border police demanded insight into all their digital profiles and if you refuse you won't enter. but yea it's more likely that nothing happens, you just can't be sure. i also understand that this bs has its pros because it drives away the competition, so i'm curious to read reports if you actually go for it.

tbh at this point you've become so much of a troll that i'm not sure anymore what can be taken seriously.

i think vietnam still looks like a decent option. and i'll probably visit philippines again because i haven't been there for 10 years and wanna see how it changed. most of us are not financially free like you guys, so we have to keep an eye on costs and accept lower quality of life if we want to escape the west.
how am i trolling? for the normies on this site that can’t travel like me, this is good advice

vietnam is a country going up. japan is literally dying

and normies can’t deal with living in china because they’ve been brainwashed
for QoL philippines is one of the worst quality/price, at this point China, Japan, Korea and pretty much all of SEA are cheaper than BGC/Makati
ya i was looking into apartments there, and its' fairly expensive for a 3rd world country

thsi is why i chose not to retire there.

i REFUSE to pay more than i think something is worth. My buddy was amazed cause i make 11k every two months from my rental properties and the first thing he says is "why don't you live in upscale apartements in indonesia" and i simply said "cause im fucking cheap" I think i was switched at birth from a jewish couple. Somewhere out there, there is a jewish couple saying "OH VEY WHY DOES HE SPEND HIS MONEY LIKE A GOYIM" LOL
how have you been to 40+ countries but not japan lol

must be stat padding with euro poor states
i mostly escape in winters. japan is not a good option then because the weather sucks and it's expensive.

i'm not trying to stack more countries anymore because i'm pretty much done with my winter country list. at this point i started revisiting already.

european states aren't less of a new country experience than others. in fact, europe is historically of the most diverse continents and every state has its own language.

how am i trolling? for the normies on this site that can’t travel like me, this is good advice

vietnam is a country going up. japan is literally dying

and normies can’t deal with living in china because they’ve been brainwashed
fair enough :)
It's down to personal preference and how much you care about safety but LATAM has ton of good choices for hot girls
In some ways, Latin America is what the USA is on track to becoming as far as inequality, insecurity, shitty overloaded infrastructure, no-go zones, low social trust, rich privileged assholes who do what they want, etc.

What's true is that Latinas generally have the lowest social barriers outside Africa. In Colombia you see mid to attractive ladies selling coffee from a thermos on the street on every other block, chatting with every customer who comes by for a 30 cent cup of hot Nescafe. It's all around easy to make conversation with people. With time you should find it increasingly easy to flirt with attractive women as part of your daily routine.

Depends on you. Some guys simply can't get over the Western inhibitive mentality of "you shouldn't bother women you see in public", or else their lack of confidence leaves them defensive and guarded in every street interaction.

I doubt russian women talk to sub chads or people without 8 digits bank accounts
Drive a nice rental car. That's all that matters, really. Slavs judge your status by your ride.
Drive a nice rental car. That's all that matters, really. Slavs judge your status by your ride.
Its expensive to be a fake rich. Slav women demand the full golddigger experience.
Funny that the same requests with slav men would end with some deserved domestic beatings
In some ways, Latin America is what the USA is on track to becoming as far as inequality, insecurity, shitty overloaded infrastructure, no-go zones, low social trust, rich privileged assholes who do what they want, etc.

What's true is that Latinas generally have the lowest social barriers outside Africa. In Colombia you see mid to attractive ladies selling coffee from a thermos on the street on every other block, chatting with every customer who comes by for a 30 cent cup of hot Nescafe. It's all around easy to make conversation with people. With time you should find it increasingly easy to flirt with attractive women as part of your daily routine.

Depends on you. Some guys simply can't get over the Western inhibitive mentality of "you shouldn't bother women you see in public", or else their lack of confidence leaves them defensive and guarded in every street interaction.

Drive a nice rental car. That's all that matters, really. Slavs judge your status by your ride.
How did you stay safe in LATAM?
You don't need a 7-8+ figures to have a good time and see the boots on the ground. My other Asian friends who consistently scored Staceylites - Staceys in Kiev (similar economic level as Belarus) before the war weren't rolling in 7-8 figures.
You don't need a 7-8+ figures to have a good time and see the boots on the ground. My other Asian friends who consistently scored Staceylites - Staceys in Kiev (similar economic level as Belarus) before the war weren't rolling in 7-8 figures.
How were they pulling that far above their respective looks levels without money?
In the region most notorious for gold-diggers?
How did you stay safe in LATAM?
If I am walking and some lowlife tries to get my attention, either from a distance (in a group) or by coming up to me, I'm not gonna stop for him. Realize that most lowlifes are lazy pieces of shit, only the most pathetically desperate ones are gonna chase after you.

Openly hostile glares like a guy gets in Mexican cartel towns have always made me feel more at ease than the "friendly" approach involving attempts at trust-building. That's also because Mexicans don't have negro admixture as a general rule, and are far more inhibited than tropical lowland-dwelling niggermutts.

The bigger the group, the more ways the money has to be split, so the most dangerous street threat - a pack of muggers - is unlikely to pounce on some scrappy-looking gringo that looks like he only has $50 in his wallet unless he is foolish enough to play right into their hands (i.e. approaching them asking to buy cocaine). They'll still call out to you as you pass by and maybe mock you as well, and you can't do shit but ignore it and keep walking.

If nobody can get to you in a bad way, that also means nobody can get to you in a good way. If you become such a hardass that you are completely impervious to street crime, you can also forget about making friends, chasing girls, or otherwise enjoying the social opportunities around you.

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