Best countries to deadbeat dad max?

I wanna have kids but not take care of them or even see them
what are the best countries to impregnate women and leave and never see the kids or have to pay for shit?
tall order.

haiti. uhmm im sure every country in africa. most asian countries except philipeans.
Most south american countries (except DR, US and Can courts work with DR courts for paternity and child support). As long as you dont' live in these countries your fine
Definitely Philippines due to the Catholic presence. Women will often not want to seek abortion, and even if they do, it's heavily restricted. I have slept with Filipinas in Japan who told me "if I get pregnant please help me take care of the baby because I cannot get abortion". Sometimes even following up with some pretty grave remarks like "I know you might leave, you need to come visit the baby."

Please don't do this

Seeding women is an irrational basal urge that you can overcome. If you nut in a girl and aren't sure whether she's on birth control, and find out one month later that she was, are you going to be sad? No, true happiness comes from nutting in girls, not from producing offspring.
Seeding women is an irrational basal urge that you can overcome. If you nut in a girl and aren't sure whether she's on birth control, and find out one month later that she was, are you going to be sad? No, true happiness comes from nutting in girls, not from producing offspring.
you sound like a normie
Definitely Philippines due to the Catholic presence. Women will often not want to seek abortion, and even if they do, it's heavily restricted. I have slept with Filipinas in Japan who told me "if I get pregnant please help me take care of the baby because I cannot get abortion". Sometimes even following up with some pretty grave remarks like "I know you might leave, you need to come visit the baby."

Please don't do this
no, there are do gooders in philippeans that will use 23 and me, and track you fucking down. And make you pay child support.

now i have never looked into the legality of the courts and if they cooperate with US courts like the dominican does. But one country i know for SURE you do not want to do it in is DR. they works with north american courts (us and canada). and if you do not go back to DR, to go to court, the judge will issue and obcene amount in the girls favor, and your wages will AUTOMATICALLY be garnished. You have no say.
Seeding women is an irrational basal urge that you can overcome. If you nut in a girl and aren't sure whether she's on birth control, and find out one month later that she was, are you going to be sad? No, true happiness comes from nutting in girls, not from producing offspring.
You're scum
Seeding women is an irrational basal urge that you can overcome. If you nut in a girl and aren't sure whether she's on birth control, and find out one month later that she was, are you going to be sad? No, true happiness comes from nutting in girls, not from producing offspring.
agreed, nature wants you to coom inside as many fertile holes as possible. Let the K selection fags larp with their trad wives

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