Being exotic is not enough


Well-known Member
Apr 15, 2024
It's 2024, all girls have access to the internet and social media. They know how an attractive foreigner looks and treat women. They get simps on Instagram and dating apps. Most geomaxxing spots you are considering have lots of tourists, expats, digital nomads, geomaxxers, rich locals that come back from the west...

Is JBW/exotic alive and will make you ascend? Yes, I talk to lots of normies and see countless reports of going from 2 matches per week in the west to hundreds once they arrive at a new location. Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Thailand, Philippines.... Most of these will be average girls, yes.

Is JBW/exotic enough to bang the hotter girls? This is where i see the most confusion, for some reason average guys expect to fuck the hottest and most educated girls. You can't compete for them because you aren't better than your competition. If these girls are looking for hot guys, they have access to hotter foreigners and locals. If they are looking for money, there's local rich guys that will bring them to the most expensive rooftop and fly them around the world. If they are looking for someone smart, they have access to westernized locals that have studied at top universities in the west. If they are looking for someone stable, you are automatically excluded for not living there. You get the idea.

Honestly i'm very surprised geomaxx works that well nowadays when it has gone so mainstream. I have met on reddit and niche telegram groups some of the most racist people, autistic, boring, that treat women like garbage, asking them to go raw. Despite all of that they are able to fuck a different girl every night.

You don't like average girls?
-Combine geomaxxing with looksmaxxing, assuming you are average, you can work on yourself enough to start getting much higher quality girls.
-Another good way ive seen people get incredible results is when they learn the language, settle longterm in a country and integrate.
-Choose a country where the average girl looks good for your taste. For many that's Colombia where they brag about getting a model 10/10 and it's a 6/10 girl with no education.
-Lead with your money, be aware you will end up with gold diggers and will be quite expensive, dont get trapped.

Many have unrealistic expectations of geomaxxing, just because you are a foreigner you dont become a model. Might have been like that 10 or 20 years ago, but it's not anymore, so stop bitching about it. Put in some effort if you want the chad treatment. Top girls are not stupid, they can detect a loser from miles away.


All at the same time
it always depends on your goals and circumstances i would say

are you going to languagemaxx for all countries you want to visit? not viable, you can't be learning all languages. But once you have chosen a spot for longterm, learning the language and understanding the local girls, will open you to girls 99% of foreigners dont have access to

should you betabuxx if you are poor? dont, you will end up broke in 2 months, you better use other ways

do you even need to be chasing top girls? no, its completely fine if you dont, i have friends that are more than happy fucking an average girl every day, and use their time for other shit

my main point is that geomaxxing is only 1 of the tools you can use
because geomaxxing is not powerful enough to get you to chad level
i know its much easier to complain about how ugly girls are in X country or all girls are whores that want your money, rather than working on becoming better and changing your shitty attitude

always funny to see how some boomers go to thailand, they all end up dating bar girls, but if you read a report from someone that has their shit together they attract plenty of smart girls with college/master degree, good jobs, loyal girls
It's 2024, all girls have access to the internet and social media. They know how an attractive foreigner looks and treat women. They get simps on Instagram and dating apps. Most geomaxxing spots you are considering have lots of tourists, expats, digital nomads, geomaxxers, rich locals that come back from the west...

Is JBW/exotic alive and will make you ascend? Yes, I talk to lots of normies and see countless reports of going from 2 matches per week in the west to hundreds once they arrive at a new location. Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Thailand, Philippines.... Most of these will be average girls, yes.

Is JBW/exotic enough to bang the hotter girls? This is where i see the most confusion, for some reason average guys expect to fuck the hottest and most educated girls. You can't compete for them because you aren't better than your competition. If these girls are looking for hot guys, they have access to hotter foreigners and locals. If they are looking for money, there's local rich guys that will bring them to the most expensive rooftop and fly them around the world. If they are looking for someone smart, they have access to westernized locals that have studied at top universities in the west. If they are looking for someone stable, you are automatically excluded for not living there. You get the idea.

Honestly i'm very surprised geomaxx works that well nowadays when it has gone so mainstream. I have met on reddit and niche telegram groups some of the most racist people, autistic, boring, that treat women like garbage, asking them to go raw. Despite all of that they are able to fuck a different girl every night.

You don't like average girls?
-Combine geomaxxing with looksmaxxing, assuming you are average, you can work on yourself enough to start getting much higher quality girls.
-Another good way ive seen people get incredible results is when they learn the language, settle longterm in a country and integrate.
-Choose a country where the average girl looks good for your taste. For many that's Colombia where they brag about getting a model 10/10 and it's a 6/10 girl with no education.
-Lead with your money, be aware you will end up with gold diggers and will be quite expensive, dont get trapped.

Many have unrealistic expectations of geomaxxing, just because you are a foreigner you dont become a model. Might have been like that 10 or 20 years ago, but it's not anymore, so stop bitching about it. Put in some effort if you want the chad treatment. Top girls are not stupid, they can detect a loser from miles away.
high iq post. At the end of the day all of this is based on economic factors, people who apply blackpill logic to these countries are simply low iq and lack any experience
high iq post. At the end of the day all of this is based on economic factors, people who apply blackpill logic to these countries are simply low iq and lack any experience
i mean kinda. but at the same time it's kinda hard to not mog the locals in a place like flipland. but yeah. 90% i agree with you
Is JBW/exotic alive and will make you ascend? Yes, I talk to lots of normies and see countless reports of going from 2 matches per week in the west to hundreds once they arrive at a new location. Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Thailand, Philippines.... Most of these will be average girls, yes.
Let’s just be honest, the real JBW is Just Be Wealthier, that’s why this shit only really works so well in these poorer countries you mentioned. White people are running the world and are associated with being wealthy.

How else do we explain the number of Chinese men ascending in SEA as well as Koreans and Japanese, fuck even American blacks do well in the Philippines.

I will say though it’s also JDBD ‘Just Don’t Be Dark skinned’ (besides the Philippines, they don’t seem to mind as much for whatever reason) because you at least shouldn’t be darker then them.
Let’s just be honest, the real JBW is Just Be Wealthier, that’s why this shit only really works so well in these poorer countries you mentioned. White people are running the world and are associated with being wealthy.

How else do we explain the number of Chinese men ascending in SEA as well as Koreans and Japanese, fuck even American blacks do well in the Philippines.

I will say though it’s also JDBD ‘Just Don’t Be Dark skinned’ (besides the Philippines, they don’t seem to mind as much for whatever reason) because you at least shouldn’t be darker then them.
just be wealthy in developing shithole countries

just be white and stylemaxxed in rich asian tigers
Let’s just be honest, the real JBW is Just Be Wealthier, that’s why this shit only really works so well in these poorer countries you mentioned. White people are running the world and are associated with being wealthy.

How else do we explain the number of Chinese men ascending in SEA as well as Koreans and Japanese, fuck even American blacks do well in the Philippines.

I will say though it’s also JDBD ‘Just Don’t Be Dark skinned’ (besides the Philippines, they don’t seem to mind as much for whatever reason) because you at least shouldn’t be darker then them.
you're uneducated on this so i'll educate you on it and i guess you can choose whether to believe me or not

jbw is about height, facial features, light skin-mainly. and little bit about money/status

it doesnt only work in poorer countries, east asia worships whites even more if anything because their beauty standard for men is also tall, white skin, white facial features

chinese/koreans/japs, can do well in SEA because they are taller and lighter than the locals, but not by much, they really are only seen as walking wallets, date them for money, cos they're not that attractive still. meanwhile the white guy is dated for sex appeal mainly, and a bit more money.

american blacks could do well in philippines cos theyre much taller than locals, and way more money. so blacks in philippines are mainly only being used for their money, not pure sex appeal
Let’s just be honest, the real JBW is Just Be Wealthier, that’s why this shit only really works so well in these poorer countries you mentioned. White people are running the world and are associated with being wealthy.

How else do we explain the number of Chinese men ascending in SEA as well as Koreans and Japanese, fuck even American blacks do well in the Philippines.

I will say though it’s also JDBD ‘Just Don’t Be Dark skinned’ (besides the Philippines, they don’t seem to mind as much for whatever reason) because you at least shouldn’t be darker then them.
That's far from true. First of all JBW and being exotic works in non poor countries too. Obviously everything adds up, the more you mog the locals the easier it is. If you are exotic, but also much richer, taller, pale, and high status, open minded... you are going to have it much easier than just being exotic, as seen in SEA.
But in East Asia it also works, to a lower extent because you dont have as many advantages but you can heavily ascend there with some work.
I've read many reports that it even works between UK, Canada, Australia and US, because of the accent, being exotic has lots of depth to it, it's not all about the money or being white.

If it was all about money why do people have such a hard time in certain countries like Vietnam? They are poorer than Thailand for example.
girls need to be open to foreigners too, even with the wealth difference many girls in vietnam will only date you longterm.

You are confusing ascending with "buying" girls, many of the koreans and japanese you mention are 50yo with 20yo girls, that has nothing to do with ascending, it's a prostitute with extra steps.

I see so many post about money in these communities. Money is not everything, you wont buy genuine attraction with money. You are playing a different game, at least be aware that you are on a different dating pool consisting of pros and poor girls.

Ascending has to do with using all the different tools to make the girl attracted to you.
you're uneducated on this so i'll educate you on it and i guess you can choose whether to believe me or not

jbw is about height, facial features, light skin-mainly. and little bit about money/status

it doesnt only work in poorer countries, east asia worships whites even more if anything because their beauty standard for men is also tall, white skin, white facial features

chinese/koreans/japs, can do well in SEA because they are taller and lighter than the locals, but not by much, they really are only seen as walking wallets, date them for money, cos they're not that attractive still. meanwhile the white guy is dated for sex appeal mainly, and a bit more money.

american blacks could do well in philippines cos theyre much taller than locals, and way more money. so blacks in philippines are mainly only being used for their money, not pure sex appeal
100% agree
if all you needed was money, rich incels wouldn't be stuck with the 5s and 6s

in many east asia countries, southern europeans can be poorer than many average girls
yet i know many that are doing extremely well
why are they ascending so much? because they crave the white dick, as long as you have some game and take care of your physique

it's not all about the money, many times it's not even about the height since southern europeans and many geomaxxers arent even that tall
european facial features and positive stereotypes of being more open minded, not judging the girl, good lovers or whatever they think about foreigners, plays a huge role

its also stupid to analyse all countries and girls as 1
every country, every guy has different ways to ascend
and every girl has different reasons to choose a foreigner
Another good point against everything being money

how do you explain guys spending 0$ on dates and still ascending heavily?
there's girls asking to come directly to your condo or you going to theirs, what are they gaining there in terms of money or status? to me it seems they are just horny for foreigners

you can argue they want to trap you in a longterm relationship, but i know many that are upfront when being asked if they are tourists, and they still slay a bunch of girls without a date
this yes and dont forget white skin. that is no.1 imo
combination of everything i would say
the closest you get/look to a well known positive stereotype or a good niche, the better you will do

if you are white but look like a nerd with glasses, a green shirt two sizes too big, overweight and unkept hair that wont help much, because it doesnt fit their standard for what an exotic handsome foreigner looks like

alexbrown mogs because he is going for a niche style, that wont do well with most girls, but you become the 1st option for the ones that do like it

tattoos in east asia, we all know they dont like it and doesnt fit their beauty standard for the most part, but what do you think happens if you go with a good tattoo aesthetic? most of them will indeed hate it, but the rest will love it so much, they would sell their hourse to have a chance at sucking your dick
combination of everything i would say
the closest you get/look to a well known positive stereotype or a good niche, the better you will do

if you are white but look like a nerd with glasses, a green shirt two sizes too big, overweight and unkept hair that wont help much, because it doesnt fit their standard for what an exotic handsome foreigner looks like

alexbrown mogs because he is going for a niche style, that wont do well with most girls, but you become the 1st option for the ones that do like it

tattoos in east asia, we all know they dont like it and doesnt fit their beauty standard for the most part, but what do you think happens if you go with a good tattoo aesthetic? most of them will indeed hate it, but the rest will love it so much, they would sell their hourse to have a chance at sucking your dick
you're on the right track but you don't fully understand it

its about fitting a beauty standard

this one:

you're on the right track but you don't fully understand it

its about fitting a beauty standard

this one:

alright but i dont think the nerdy white guy with bad hygiene fits anyone standard lol

and there's standards that arent that popular but a few girls will love it, and it's enough to fuck every day
and there's standards that arent that popular but a few girls will love it, and it's enough to fuck every day
alexbrown mogs because he is going for a niche style, that wont do well with most girls, but you become the 1st option for the ones that do like it
he doesnt mog because hes going for some niche style

he mogs because he fits like 4/8 of the east asian facial beauty standards and height mogs them

meanwhile east asians fit 1/8 of the facial beauty standards

you get it now?
there are few white people here it seems. the jbw denial is very entertaining
She's rarely all that cute. I'm just being realistic. I don't get the guys here and on /trv/ who mock foreigners for latching onto a plain-looking Asian woman who isn't socially secure among her own people. Anyone with an ounce of pragmatism would realize that such a match is most likely to result in a happy life together for both parties, with the female making genuine efforts to please her mate instead of merely expecting to be pleased like a typical high SMV foid. A plain Trang is much less likely to cheat on you because she won't get any adoration from a local guy. But she still has a slim body and a tight pussy because she's Asian, so you really shouldn't be bothered that her face is rather coarse-looking. Just try not to date an absolute retard, so your kids have a good chance of being better than average.
don't threaten @fatchadlitecel with a good time
I guess the regulars who go for ladyboys are such ugly degens because they love bombed me and wanted me to be their boyfriend. When I banged two of them in the back of a bar we went on for a while and then they kicked us out of the bedroom we continued in the bathroom without condoms for another hour.
I guess the regulars who go for ladyboys are such ugly degens because they love bombed me and wanted me to be their boyfriend. When I banged two of them in the back of a bar we went on for a while and then they kicked us out of the bedroom we continued in the bathroom without condoms for another hour.
Average Arab
I guess the regulars who go for ladyboys are such ugly degens because they love bombed me and wanted me to be their boyfriend. When I banged two of them in the back of a bar we went on for a while and then they kicked us out of the bedroom we continued in the bathroom without condoms for another hour.
i'm wondering how many go for ladyboys? nobody there admits they like it but there's so many pros that are ladyboys, someone is lying :ROFLMAO:

makes sense, if an average white guy gets decent attention
im imagining ladyboys that are a lot hornier and only get 5% of guys wanting to do it, their standards must be low low low and desperate for any white dick
i'm wondering how many go for ladyboys? nobody there admits they like it but there's so many pros that are ladyboys, someone is lying :ROFLMAO:

makes sense, if an average white guy gets decent attention
im imagining ladyboys that are a lot hornier and only get 5% of guys wanting to do it, their standards must be low low low and desperate for any white dick
In the places I mongered for LB’s it was all older British guys (most but not all overweight), some had their girlfriends with them.
In the places I mongered for LB’s it was all older British guys (most but not all overweight), some had their girlfriends with them.
british guys and ladyboys, iconic duo

but i was wondering more about freebies
im sure a few younger guys tell ladyboys to come to their condo to fuck, cause they are too embarassed to be seen together on the streets
british guys and ladyboys, iconic duo

but i was wondering more about freebies
im sure a few younger guys tell ladyboys to come to their condo to fuck, cause they are too embarassed to be seen together on the streets
Could be true

When I dated a non pro ladyboy she asked me if we were going to fuck after within the first 10 messages
You sure? Cause I got unsolicited comments on my eyes and face structure and had random women ask for selfies with me.
I still need more time in SEA. I'm gonna be in Bangkok for half a year so I'll let y'all know my experiences then.

How many children do you have with SEA women?
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i think you overestimate money tbh

What? Everything you say is such a bad take..
hes usually right but yeah that's retarded
Let me put it this way, there is a reason why every brother is going to the DR instead of Puerto Rico. Yes being more attractive than a certain percentage of the local populace through jbw card is a big factor but you have to understand that women from underdeveloped countries care about money first and foremost. We are basically niggers in terms of our smv, in that those girls will entertain prospect of foreigners either for short term fun or a long game if you manage to simp at her advances. Phillipines has somewhat cultural ties to idea of western relationship in terms of muh love and romance but the reason why so many foreigers get salty about Thailand is because this logic applies there 10x.
Let’s just be honest, the real JBW is Just Be Wealthier, that’s why this shit only really works so well in these poorer countries you mentioned. White people are running the world and are associated with being wealthy.

How else do we explain the number of Chinese men ascending in SEA as well as Koreans and Japanese, fuck even American blacks do well in the Philippines.

I will say though it’s also JDBD ‘Just Don’t Be Dark skinned’ (besides the Philippines, they don’t seem to mind as much for whatever reason) because you at least shouldn’t be darker then them.
The status associated with lighter skin is basically prevelant in every society aside from Northern Europe and Anglo countries, but even then there is just implecent biases that are masked by layers of cucked liberalism. But yeah phillipines is just be foreigner
You sure? Cause I got unsolicited comments on my eyes and face structure and had random women ask for selfies with me.
I am wondering if people who dont experience are genuinely autistic and dont see the signals or are like borderline white. I am a 5'7 manlet blue eyes and honestly felt like a mini celeb in certain places even though I would get mogged like every second by chads lol. I am not saying this is a guarantee and dont want to make people feel bad if they dont go through this but it truly was a major paradigm shift lol
Let me put it this way, there is a reason why every brother is going to the DR instead of Puerto Rico. Yes being more attractive than a certain percentage of the local populace through jbw card is a big factor but you have to understand that women from underdeveloped countries care about money first and foremost. We are basically niggers in terms of our smv, in that those girls will entertain prospect of foreigners either for short term fun or a long game if you manage to simp at her advances. Phillipines has somewhat cultural ties to idea of western relationship in terms of muh love and romance but the reason why so many foreigers get salty about Thailand is because this logic applies there 10x.
yeah you're right actually
Let me put it this way, there is a reason why every brother is going to the DR instead of Puerto Rico. Yes being more attractive than a certain percentage of the local populace through jbw card is a big factor but you have to understand that women from underdeveloped countries care about money first and foremost. We are basically niggers in terms of our smv, in that those girls will entertain prospect of foreigners either for short term fun or a long game if you manage to simp at her advances. Phillipines has somewhat cultural ties to idea of western relationship in terms of muh love and romance but the reason why so many foreigers get salty about Thailand is because this logic applies there 10x.
There's not a single reason for why a women may choose a foreigner, it depends on the women and the foreigner
unless you are talking about gold diggers, most women do care about money but they also care about having someone they are attracted to, even in poor countries

of course if the only thing you have going for you is money and your only criteria for choosing women is attractiveness, you will end up with a gold digger (see most boomers complaining on thai reddit)

if you have other things going for you, there's tons of reasons:
mog the locals
be more open minded and a fresh view of the world
they fetishize your look
they feel more "liberated" being with a foreigner
they are tired of their local culture and men
they simply want to try something else
they want a big dick
the lifestyle foreigners can afford
flexxing to their friends

there's another 100 reasons you could list here, and almost always, it's just a combination of many

in the same way when choosing a country you care about multiple things, the same applies to dating
the more reasons you give a girl to choose you, the most success you will have
There's not a single reason for why a women may choose a foreigner, it depends on the women and the foreigner
unless you are talking about gold diggers, most women do care about money but they also care about having someone they are attracted to, even in poor countries

of course if the only thing you have going for you is money and your only criteria for choosing women is attractiveness, you will end up with a gold digger (see most boomers complaining on thai reddit)

if you have other things going for you, there's tons of reasons:
mog the locals
be more open minded and a fresh view of the world
they fetishize your look
they feel more "liberated" being with a foreigner
they are tired of their local culture and men
they simply want to try something else
they want a big dick
the lifestyle foreigners can afford
flexxing to their friends

there's another 100 reasons you could list here, and almost always, it's just a combination of many

in the same way when choosing a country you care about multiple things, the same applies to dating
the more reasons you give a girl to choose you, the most success you will have
I am not referring to money on an individual basis but the economic conditions of a country. The shittier the country the more she is impressed by these things and the barrier is lower

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