Being an incel + white nationalist while a total reject is completely retarded


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
If white people have made it clear your entire life that they think little of you. Stop being a white nationalist and LEAVE. Go to where you're wanted. These modern whites are cucked and don't represent the whites of yesteryear, such as, the vikings, Anglo conquerors which brought about the British empire, the GREATEST empire of all time.

It's time for you to focus on yourself and move on with your life to greener pastures. White + asian hybrids are the best hybrid offspring. Race mixing isn't necessarily a bad thing, per say. Genetic closeness and the genetic quality of the woman, matters a lot. For instance, if an Australian aborigines and a white woman reproduced, the offspring would be worse off almost every single time because there's too much genetic distance resulting in an incompatible of alleles. But, if an asian woman and white male reproduced, they are genetically closer and thus have superior hybrid offspring that are healthy and compatible in some cases.

I honestly believe that white + asian hybrids are the future of mankind. They will dominate mankind.

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East Asian race mixed with White destroyed the White race. It gave rise to subhuman phenos such as Alpine, Baltic and Brunn.

East Asian Mongoloid scum destroyed the last remnant of the proto-indo-europeans that once inhabited Central Asia. Now look at Central Asia - filled with subhuman gooks. Central Asia today would have been a Caucasoid paradise with even more interesting features given that's where the original Caucasian phenotypes came from. i.e Scythians, Yamnyaya (were described by gooks as tall and blond with blue eyes).

In fact, wherever the gook touched it destroyed everything.

Gook proto-phenotype is some weird Siberian pheno that priorities fat storage with yellow skin and that's why they look like boneless most of the time lacking distinct sharpness.

If the White race wants to continue it should instead mix with older Caucasoids that hold the genetic profiles better such as Iranids or even with refined blacks such as Ethiopian, Somalis that resemble Caucasian features.

In fact Aboriginals are closer to Caucasoids then East Asians LMFAO. Aborginals are the archaic version of the Caucasoid race JFL.

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kimchi hands typed this. but i do agree with you this one instance tho whites are the most cucked race in human history, they deserve to be usurped
WN cucks would prefer for a White man to cuck them & having to raise his child than raising a Hapa child that's related to them. They would also choose a White femoid with a body count of 100 White men over one with a body count of 1 ethnic man.
Everyone makes the best of what they got a smart cute Asian girl mogs a whore but still don't cope you chose this. Asian women are the only smart race that will pick beta white dudes. You could not get a white girl.

If your some chad fair enough but usually its just a really subpar weird white guy in tech. Or worse with the guys who date SEA
You know which group you are in but just don't cope its because Asian girls are superior. You did not choose this it was chosen
refined blacks such as Ethiopian, Somalis that resemble Caucasian features.
LOL, LMAO at even thinking that bullet-headed Somali niggers are "refined". They can't even create a functioning state for godsakes, something that is a fait accompli for the rest of the world. The Central Asians you malign are far superior in every way.
Asian women are the only smart race that will pick beta white dudes. You could not get a white girl.

If your some chad fair enough but usually its just a really subpar weird white guy in tech. Or worse with the guys who date SEA
Obviously, the dorker "betas" you love mocking could get white girls with all the dorker buxx they make, but even ugly-tier white women insist on dominating such men and making their lives hell for years before divorce-raping them. Asian women don't do that shit. They don't require a man to be a GigaChad with thick flowing hair in order to feel an ounce of respect for him. My boss is married to a typical white woman. He looks like a Chad, except for a bad case of premature balding. Of course, this slashes his his wife is extremely demanding, despite refusing to have children, and creates far more stress in his life than is necessary.

"You need to make more money, we can't live on your pissy little $4000/month salary!"
"Hey, it's my 34th birthday, you have to spend big on a vacation to show that you appreciate me and can't live without me!"
"You are always occupied with your work projects, you never pay attention to me!"

I feel really bad for the dude sometimes. He says he can't live without her.

Guys need to stop parroting "Loser Back Home" narratives created by seething western feminists. Men date Asian women to escape white woman feminism.
WN cucks would prefer for a White man to cuck them & having to raise his child than raising a Hapa child that's related to them. They would also choose a White femoid with a body count of 100 White men over one with a body count of 1 ethnic man.
White feminist sluts are ALWAYS complete traitors to their race, culture, and traditions. Foids having political power is the sole reason why all white nations are being destroyed. Women slurp down Jewish propaganda with zero questioning or skepticism.

An intelligent man pairs with a woman who will stand by him when it's time to fight, not a woman who does her best to emasculate and subdue him at every turn.
If white people have made it clear your entire life that they think little of you. Stop being a white nationalist and LEAVE. Go to where you're wanted.
America is a muttified nation of greed that is mostly beyond saving. Europe is the white homeland, and it is where any white nationalist movement will spring forward. Already European politicians are calling for Total Nigger can happen if the indigenous Europeans decide to throw out the invaders. Funny how Jews never let European white people use the label "indigenous", when they are fully entitled to use it...
LOL, LMAO at even thinking that bullet-headed Somali niggers are "refined". They can't even create a functioning state for godsakes, something that is a fait accompli for the rest of the world. The Central Asians you malign are far superior in every way.

Obviously, the dorker "betas" you love mocking could get white girls with all the dorker buxx they make, but even ugly-tier white women insist on dominating such men and making their lives hell for years before divorce-raping them. Asian women don't do that shit. They don't require a man to be a GigaChad with thick flowing hair in order to feel an ounce of respect for him. My boss is married to a typical white woman. He looks like a Chad, except for a bad case of premature balding. Of course, this slashes his his wife is extremely demanding, despite refusing to have children, and creates far more stress in his life than is necessary.

"You need to make more money, we can't live on your pissy little $4000/month salary!"
"Hey, it's my 34th birthday, you have to spend big on a vacation to show that you appreciate me and can't live without me!"
"You are always occupied with your work projects, you never pay attention to me!"

I feel really bad for the dude sometimes. He says he can't live without her.

Guys need to stop parroting "Loser Back Home" narratives created by seething western feminists. Men date Asian women to escape white woman feminism.

White feminist sluts are ALWAYS complete traitors to their race, culture, and traditions. Foids having political power is the sole reason why all white nations are being destroyed. Women slurp down Jewish propaganda with zero questioning or skepticism.

An intelligent man pairs with a woman who will stand by him when it's time to fight, not a woman who does her best to emasculate and subdue him at every turn.

America is a muttified nation of greed that is mostly beyond saving. Europe is the white homeland, and it is where any white nationalist movement will spring forward. Already European politicians are calling for Total Nigger can happen if the indigenous Europeans decide to throw out the invaders. Funny how Jews never let European white people use the label "indigenous", when they are fully entitled to use it...
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