Asian women are ugly

I swear some of the white women I see get called hot or 8/10+ or dimes beautiful etc have fucking 6/10 faces AT BEST often times much worse, and 6/10 bodies

I legit used to see them as beautiful and hot etc when I was a youngun so seeing things slowly change brought me back to reality which is

the looks of any demographic of women is on a bellcurve with a +/- modification based on preference

anything else has to be substantiated with factual evidence to back it up, white females are much more prone to obesity due to the places they live so just say you like fat chicks dude

but for most races you get either +/- 1, a +/-2 is a huge swing, so all this dogshit is cope, the hottest women live in the following

third world countries due to low obesity

conservative countries due to motherly/womenly/caring personality halo

asian countries due to petite/low bodyfat skew

when I say hottest I mean top tier, not like muh white wimminz just being middle of the pack, if you prefer chubby mid girls that your shit dog but to sit here and be rude and outright lie that asians, which are factually the most neotenous race on the planet, that their women look like shit compared to white women after age 25 is fucking insane dog, you played yourself, anybody can see thru your cope

you like chubby mid chicks, we get it
I swear some of the white women I see get called hot or 8/10+ or dimes beautiful etc have fucking 6/10 faces AT BEST often times much worse, and 6/10 bodies

I legit used to see them as beautiful and hot etc when I was a youngun so seeing things slowly change brought me back to reality which is

the looks of any demographic of women is on a bellcurve with a +/- modification based on preference

anything else has to be substantiated with factual evidence to back it up, white females are much more prone to obesity due to the places they live so just say you like fat chicks dude

but for most races you get either +/- 1, a +/-2 is a huge swing, so all this dogshit is cope, the hottest women live in the following

third world countries due to low obesity

conservative countries due to motherly/womenly/caring personality halo

asian countries due to petite/low bodyfat skew

when I say hottest I mean top tier, not like muh white wimminz just being middle of the pack, if you prefer chubby mid girls that your shit dog but to sit here and be rude and outright lie that asians, which are factually the most neotenous race on the planet, that their women look like shit compared to white women after age 25 is fucking insane dog, you played yourself, anybody can see thru your cope

you like chubby mid chicks, we get it
white women have so much potential but unfortunately vast majority are fat, ugly tattoos and body modifications. asians win on just personal grooming
when I say hottest I mean top tier, not like muh white wimminz just being middle of the pack, if you prefer chubby mid girls that your shit dog but to sit here and be rude and outright lie that asians, which are factually the most neotenous race on the planet, that their women look like shit compared to white women after age 25 is fucking insane dog, you played yourself, anybody can see thru your cope
You're the coper who has had to resort to asian women because you can't attracted a hot white/Western ebony with a fat ass.

Asian women are ugly on average and high maintenance in relationships.
You're the coper who has had to resort to asian women because you can't attracted a hot white/Western ebony with a fat ass.

Asian women are ugly on average and high maintenance in relationships.
yes bro, I, a high status, extremely well paid, 6'4, top tier facial aesthetics, literally dick size in the top 5 of all big dick pornstars, elite level lifter with bone structure in the top1%, who went to asia and slayed 3 white women without even trying cannot attract western women and I am indeed salty

wester chubby mids are just too good for me and I cannot have sex with attractive western women, you hit the nail on the head, just wondering in this fantasy world what chance you have with them according to your own logic

please show me your mental gymnastics
Niggers and white niggers
Can confirm this being white nigger, because I like fat whores with fat asses. She could have 1/10 disgusting subhuman ugly face and I would not give a single shit because it's all about fat ass with fat tits and fat everywhere, even face with double chin

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