asian women are only good for pump and dump

Deleted User222

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2022
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White women are better for long term relationship and family/having children here's why, If you go to eastern europe or some places in brazil,argentina,uruguay they have white women that are in shape, will actually give sex and are trad. I don't think ethnics can ascend as easily tho because they will 99% prefer white guys to keep their genes white and "Mejorar la Raza" 'It implies that you should marry or have children with a whiter person so you'll have better-looking kids.' So JBW can be run even tho they are white latinas (italians, spaniard, german.)
Asian women are whores and race traitors who betray their men for white men so white guys and white mixed ethnics should just stay away from having children from these ER factories.
What's the easiest country with white women or white looking women for entry level geomaxxers?

I'm sick of Asia myself but if you can give me a good alternative I'd go.
no u are not, u just have no game or balls, these chicks fuck anyone who resembles a real man now that the scandi dudes are so cucked

Ok then. A few more questions -

Which country in Scandi? All of them or just Finland which I've been hearing is 'easy' for years.

Best apps? Tinder?

Scandi is also expensive. Imagine booking a flight there and spending like bucks on accommodation and shit and not getting laid at all.
Ok then. A few more questions -

Which country in Scandi? All of them or just Finland which I've been hearing is 'easy' for years.

Best apps? Tinder?

Scandi is also expensive. Imagine booking a flight there and spending like bucks on accommodation and shit and not getting laid at all.
all of them are similar, I dont use apps here just dg for leads and ng for ons
all of them are similar, I dont use apps here just dg for leads and ng for ons

Thanks for the disclosure Chad. Just doesn't sound like my type of place. I don't go to wishy washy you-might-get-laid-or-you-might-not cities or countries. They gotta be good for everyone not just tallfag chads like urself.

I'm a weirdo. I BROOD over places and collect data points. If TaQuan, Jeffrey and Jose didn't get laid, I'm likely not going.
Thanks for the disclosure Chad. Just doesn't sound like my type of place. I don't go to wishy washy you-might-get-laid-or-you-might-not cities or countries. They gotta be good for everyone not just tallfag chads like urself.

I'm a weirdo. I BROOD over places and collect data points. If TaQuan, Jeffrey and Jose didn't get laid, I'm likely not going.
ima weirdo with shit frame and 178cm~ blonde blue eyes looking 18yo (im almost 30)
and the only places i get matches are sea gooklands and sometimes some negros/latinas in brazil and argentina but mostly from ogre trannies
scandinavian and eastern european girls are repulsed by manchild like me
ima weirdo with shit frame and 178cm~ blonde blue eyes looking 18yo (im almost 30)
and the only places i get matches are sea gooklands and sometimes some negros/latinas in brazil and argentina but mostly from ogre trannies
scandinavian and eastern european girls are repulsed by manchild like me

Guys that tend to promote Western countries to coom are usually either chads or FEDS sowing subterfuge, promoting mass immigration etc

There are many CIA copy and paste passport style channels that say shit like "SEA is dead nigga. Canada is the true pussy paradise."

That one mi5/mi6 nigger from Birmingham, cUcK kept pushing Germany HARD to get ethnics to move there lol.

Most of the tallfag chads that get laid in western countries end up fucking like a fat chick every 6 months and bragging about it on social media. Ask me how I know.
ima weirdo with shit frame and 178cm~ blonde blue eyes looking 18yo (im almost 30)
and the only places i get matches are sea gooklands and sometimes some negros/latinas in brazil and argentina but mostly from ogre trannies
scandinavian and eastern european girls are repulsed by manchild like me

Self-defeatist shit, typical.

You havent even left ur room and u already give up, think you know anything about the world based on where ur autistic tinder profile had matches (you havent met any of those women)
Self-defeatist shit, typical.

You havent even left ur room and u already give up, think you know anything about the world based on where ur autistic tinder profile had matches (you havent met any of those women)
not true, im living in eastern europe and studied in denmark for 6 months
i have 30 years of experience with white european girls, and i can tell for sure they hate me
not true, im living in eastern europe and studied in denmark for 6 months
i have 30 years of experience with white european girls, and i can tell for sure they hate me
after 30 years if u havent figured out how to become a man of substance, then sure SEAmaxxing is perfect for u
thats what im saying
but u also said that Scandi is the hardest for whites which is not true at all, the niches of women that fuck niggers are still relatively small, its just more visible cuz incels cry about it more than when Sven bangs Amanda
What's the easiest country with white women or white looking women for entry level geomaxxers?

I'm sick of Asia myself but if you can give me a good alternative I'd go.

ima weirdo with shit frame and 178cm~ blonde blue eyes looking 18yo (im almost 30)
and the only places i get matches are sea gooklands and sometimes some negros/latinas in brazil and argentina but mostly from ogre trannies
scandinavian and eastern european girls are repulsed by manchild like me
mogs me cuz blue eyes
not true, im living in eastern europe and studied in denmark for 6 months
i have 30 years of experience with white european girls, and i can tell for sure they hate me
who cares if they hate you as long as you get some pussy it doesn't matter tbh, plus it depends where you go cause eastern europe is big there are some places where women are still hot but don't have much feminism and are poor asf so they have like no standards except maybe speaking the language and be white. I heard in balkans that southern european guys with money get a ton of balkan pussy and the women love spanish and italians
Yea. Try MENA or the subcontinent instead. Some poojas are light and nice looking
no u are not, u just have no game or balls, these chicks fuck anyone who resembles a real man now that the scandi dudes are so cucked
cope. you need to be atleast high tier normie and 6'0+ in order to get a decent white girl in scandinava it's way harder than western europe, if you go to a small town maybe you could ascend but it depends on your looks and race, i heard they like med southern euro guys though but chad of course
cope. you need to be atleast high tier normie and 6'0+ in order to get a decent white girl in scandinava it's way harder than western europe, if you go to a small town maybe you could ascend but it depends on your looks and race, i heard they like med southern euro guys though but chad of course
i am atleast htn and 6ft+ and i know guys shorter than me who get cute girls here
no u are not, u just have no game or balls, these chicks fuck anyone who resembles a real man now that the scandi dudes are so cucked
If I was 21 I'd say it'd be somewhat realistic cuz I got a scandi girl in college before, but being a manlet minority at 5"7 meant I had to be extremely aggresive with these girls and I just couldn't get away with that shit today in this woke environment. I also am over 30 now, I don't have high energy mentality anymore to pull that shit and also you need to be a go getter and do shit constantly. Getting and keeping fit scandi girls who fucking tower over you is really hard work for a manlet minority.
White chicks in America are actually evil to an extent. Anytime there’s some retard parade about dumbshit feminism or evil white men it’s always chock full of delusional white women.
If I was 21 I'd say it'd be somewhat realistic cuz I got a scandi girl in college before, but being a manlet minority at 5"7 meant I had to be extremely aggresive with these girls and I just couldn't get away with that shit today in this woke environment. I also am over 30 now, I don't have high energy mentality anymore to pull that shit and also you need to be a go getter and do shit constantly. Getting and keeping fit scandi girls who fucking tower over you is really hard work for a manlet minority.
respect for trying and not being a cuck, id always respectfully nod my head at turbomanlets like u when i ran into them at the club
White chicks in America are actually evil to an extent. Anytime there’s some retard parade about dumbshit feminism or evil white men it’s always chock full of delusional white women.
Yeah but that’s mostly cause of Jews and feminism tbh, There’s better looking and more submissive white women overseas even in South America not only Eastern Europe.
Race mixed daughter will save your genes, it will 180 into another jbw situation but in west making your child look better. If son its over abort!

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