as soon as i cut off incels and incel community my life got better

Deleted User222

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2022
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title, now i'm planning on saving 25k and moving to sea along with 60-65k cybersecurity job lined up hopefully by the time i get to manila in july-august of 2024.
Literally my life went from being broke with only 10k to my name and not even being able to finish high school because i didn't get up and go to classes to graduating high school, making 16.50 which is good pay for people my age and i'm getting my first new car when i save up a little bit more and buy it outright. Fuck the blackpill, Fuck incels, Fuck all of you faggots who literally made my life worse and did not help in any way but they swear they want the best for you lol. Don't ever trust these scum bags on the internet especially if they try to act like a role model or a father figure, Most of these older incels are fucking losers and have no life so they hang around these crowds because they have no job and no family and get no bitches. But basically i stopped hanging around losers and faggot incels and my life took a complete 180 lmao, This is why if you want to be successful and you want to live a happy life you need to forget about all of this garbage and move on with your life fuck these weird ass faggots alot of them are federal agents too and they give u bad advice on purpose so they can see u fail and become another mass shooter statistic. I was retarded and young but now that i matured, I realize you shouldn't be friends or friendly with any of these people they don't give a single shit about you and just pretend to do so. I'm getting the fuck off this forum after this post i wish all the guys who actually want to geomax and improve their lifes success and good luck and i want the scum bags and the incels who think they know everything to go eat shit and die cuz most of you have no life experience and younger guys are literally better off without you. Older incels should never be trusted always suspect them because most of them are fucking bums and losers lol why else would you be on a incel forum at the age of 30+
im a wizard forced to geomax im just saving money and leaving. my only problem is my forced circumcucking and no frenulum. i can ascend in sea but im a circumcuck that cant ever get any sexual pleasure.
and its not all older incels i just notice it's more common with older incels because they like to assume older= more life experience, yet they are neets and losers who live in their mom's basements and don't socialize at all yet they think they should give you advice.
im a wizard forced to geomax im just saving money and leaving. my only problem is my forced circumcucking and no frenulum. i can ascend in sea but im a circumcuck that cant ever get any sexual pleasure.
Yeah i don't mean all oldcels but i just notice a lot of the older incels have such a superiority complex and always want to talk down onto other incels it pisses me off this is why i haven't been around these forums for a while
im geomaxing but money is more important. i already have a car and a place to live and i save money but id lose money if i geomaxed. where do you live?
im geomaxing but money is more important. i already have a car and a place to live and i save money but id lose money if i geomaxed. where do you live?
i live in shithole new york, it's too expensive and too cold. also u should try a remote job, even 15 an hour can let you live in philippines if you pick a good city
i live in shithole new york, it's too expensive and too cold. also u should try a remote job, even 15 an hour can let you live in philippines if you pick a good city
i make more than that in burgerland. there is no way you can make money offline in sea. you need an online job.
i make more than that in burgerland. there is no way you can make money offline in sea. you need an online job.
do you have a actual job or do you just sell shit or do fraud u can pm me if u want im just curious i'm thinking about doing some fraud to make quick cash
do you have a actual job or do you just sell shit or do fraud u can pm me if u want im just curious i'm thinking about doing some fraud to make quick cash
it wont let me message you either you limited it so i cant.
im a wizard forced to geomax im just saving money and leaving. my only problem is my forced circumcucking and no frenulum. i can ascend in sea but im a circumcuck that cant ever get any sexual pleasure.
This is the truth

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