Advice Anyone been to Colombia?

whats ur stats height race psl

are u slaying there?
I'm 186cm 6'1 inch.

Race mediterranean olive skin, dark hair and brows and light green eyes

I'm not going to rate myself but I'm considered attractive worldwide and often get messages on social media if I'm a chadfish, a model or some job like that.

I just got here a few days ago, will soon put up a nice Tinder and will report back, so far I get lot of looks here and a few times girls turning their head after we cross paths on the street but no direct approaches yet from girls (I do get them in Europe), maybe because I walk alone or idk they're intimated because I'm clearly a foreigner
Do you see a lot of other foreigners when you’re outside
Currently in Medellin.

Will report in the future, if anyone has been or has any advice I'm all ears :)
If you take a girl back to your place and offers you a drink, lock the door and call the police. She's trying to drug you and take your shit. Plus they use datura to drug you which can kill you or leave you with nightmare trips.
If you take a girl back to your place and offers you a drink, lock the door and call the police. She's trying to drug you and take your shit. Plus they use datura to drug you which can kill you or leave you with nightmare trips.
Of course, I read about it. I'm going to be very careful though I'll definitely try online apps so will do my best to stay safe. Maybe even ask to go for a coffee or a walk first instead of a drink out to filter the whores out (besides obviously excluding the escorts from tinder)
Of course, I read about it. I'm going to be very careful though I'll definitely try online apps so will do my best to stay safe. Maybe even ask to go for a coffee or a walk first instead of a drink out to filter the whores out (besides obviously excluding the escorts from tinder)
Picking up girls from tinder probably won't make you immune to the issue but going out on tinder dates to screen out women sounds like a good idea.
I'm 186cm 6'1 inch.

Race mediterranean olive skin, dark hair and brows and light green eyes

I'm not going to rate myself but I'm considered attractive worldwide and often get messages on social media if I'm a chadfish, a model or some job like that.

I just got here a few days ago, will soon put up a nice Tinder and will report back, so far I get lot of looks here and a few times girls turning their head after we cross paths on the street but no direct approaches yet from girls (I do get them in Europe), maybe because I walk alone or idk they're intimated because I'm clearly a foreigner
What’s the point geomaxxing if ur already a model gigachad

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