anyone been to armenia?

hot hoes but i think armenian boyos will fuck you up really quick if they see you with armenian girl
gonna try this year for couple days, seems really cheap
hot hoes but i think armenian boyos will fuck you up really quick if they see you with armenian girl
gonna try this year for couple days, seems really cheap
they’ve fallen for bbc propaganda i’ll be fine there
Armenian here.

Okay so first things first if you are looking to coom or get laid get that out of your head right the fuck now. Its not going to happen. Most women here live with their parents and unless you find a liberal women who lives on her own (very rare if she isn't married) it will be hard. There are theatres and stuff where the youth fool around with their partners but they are usually a couple and have plans to get married at some point. I am not sure how much times have really changed but no women will fuck a random stranger especially a foreigner. Its not even because they are super duper heckin trad or anything, Yerevan and the country as a whole is small village syndrome and if a woman gets caught fucking around she will immediately be deemed a whore and easy, and alot of dudes will not consider her a serious marriage prospect.

However, if you are some /pol/ tradfag and want a trad waifu then you could potentially pull it off, BUT you would have to plan on living in the country indefinitely and learn the culture and language. Armenians in general are very clannish and we are notorious for only marrying each other, partly due to the genocide. I have a cousin in Armenia who is marrying a british dude so it is possible. Full disclaimer I am not a tradcuck and have no intention of every marrying or having kids (maybe would change my mind), and I am full blown degenerate coomer so keep that in context. The women here I would say are definitely more feminine, very modest, etc etc but I will say that any marriage with an Armenian women, yes even if you are a Chadmaxxed htn blah blah sorry zoomers, is going to be a betabux deluxe marriage and you will be married to her entire family. And as a foreigner or an armenian diaspora they will try to milk you alot if you haven't vetted their families. Be prepared to most likely be in a deadbedrooms situation too with starfish sex as armenians ar VERY prude people. Men just go to prostitutes as they dont want to dirty their wives. However, if you do marry one they are very good mothers and housewives. At least my moms generation....

The joos, like they do best, have promoted foid education here and Armenian boomers love to spoil their daughters. As a result, they have gotten pretty career oriented and dont settle down till like around 30. This has resulted in women becoming more hypergamous and you know the rest. Also alot of armenian men in Armenia are pretty ugly and bald pretty early. Women are hot but they are getting westernized like everywhere but still nowhere near as horrible as westoids but they aren't as willing to do housework anymore. Thats why I dont buy into tradwife parasitism. Also Armenian women are the biggest shit testers on the fucking planet, like non stop nagging and telling you to make more money etc.

Keep in mind we are currently at war with our mudslime turkroach neighbors and we have an influx of the worst types of Russian liberals coming here to avoid transcription and having globohomo protest against muh pootin. This has resulted in a drastic increase in prices and rent, many have been driven out. Rents in center are similar to some western euro cities now its insane. Prices here are not worth to come anymore, come if you want as a tourist but long term you would have to live in outskirts of Yerevan.

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