Advice Any of you considered or done surgery?

start by hitting the gym and eating protein
you can't get surgery to get abs/muscles
there's probably a few things you can do but i agree it won't help that much
hair transplant
potentially nose or some skin treatement

but even with those there's many things that have no shortcut
there's probably a few things you can do but i agree it won't help that much
hair transplant
potentially nose or some skin treatement

but even with those there's many things that have no shortcut
I've done all of those and I still attract the same women, they're just more attracted to me now than before.
I have to get surgery on my jaw bc arthritis. Unless it's medically necessary or you're st. blackops2cel tier it's cuck shit that won't make you much more attractive
I have to get surgery on my jaw bc arthritis. Unless it's medically necessary or you're st. blackops2cel tier it's cuck shit that won't make you much more attractive
I had breathing problems because my septum was deviated (rhinoplasty surgery.) That's the only reason I went through with it because it affected my health and well being and boy has it paid off!

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