Advice from those who actually live abroad


Anthropology and History Rizz King
Mar 26, 2024
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...........Life Abroad LOADING...........
It's done! me and my business partner signed the paper work that started our consulting and media management LLC.; not here for business advice we have a rock solid idea and therefore i can't share too much as i all ready have backers, mentors, clients, ect.

what i'm looking for is some travel and temporary home base ideas. the plan is a two to three month stay in the PH off rip and this is agreed to be the start local as he wants the beach first and we leave the first week of November. We have plans based in Argentina in March-May 2025 and then Georgia for September-Nov. But we will be on the road at least 3 years planning on more!

what im looking for is underrated stops, natural beauties, local gems and any other insight ya'll have in your combined decades of travel. Open to anything as we are working and home basing out of those three places but are fully mobile and work for ourselves. Thanks in advanced guys!
no way do you think starting an llc and having a "rock solid idea" is some sort of achievement 🤦‍♂️ but good luck anyways
no way do you think starting an llc and having a "rock solid idea" is some sort of achievement 🤦‍♂️ but good luck anyways
If i wanted to have a big dick measuring contest and talk about my size of my backing and my multi-million dollar clients i would have posted on the moneymaxxing part of the forum with a focus on that in the post.... this post is on the geomaxxing side.

Would like this thread to be focused on relevant info on sight seeing, living, backpacking, and general life in EE,SEA,EA,CA,and SA :)
i’d recommend checking out mongolia in the summer

when i was there a couple years ago it was pretty unsaturated

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