“I heard Korea is like incel capital. All their women want white or black men instead”


6ft4. vietnammaxxed. nojobmaxxed,virgin.get mogged
Sep 1, 2022
“I heard Korea is like incel capital. All their women want white or black men instead”

@AlexBrown84 u think it’s true? I thought they were less foreigner worshipping
I think bullying in Korea is institutional, due to its strong imposition of lookism, plus military service is mandatory which sucks.
he won’t he’s too indoctrinated

he could start a whole new life in manila but no he’ll just rot in california
thats sad
bald fat stinking drunken retards from germany are fucking 40kg filipinas in manila right now but hes in loop of choosing his country... before he chooses he will lost all his hair and teeth

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