Geomax You make no sense

jbw bro this girl is a pageant winner
It’s Chadlite or nothing in Pattaya.
that makes perfect sense

women are for money. unless you are so rediculously good looking, your looks surpass money (there are rare exceptions to that rule) but thats' the way it is. its' no longer 10 or 20 years ago, when women had morals. and they chose to find a good man to give them money.

now they chose to make money from multiple men. There is no more shame in that game. even the girls own fucking mothers ACCEPT it and that is when it becomes normalized. It was the girls grandmothers who were telling those girls mothers to look for a man, who has money. But somewhere along the way those girls mothers, accepted todays outlook look for money from the man.

ps my ex tonight begging me to take her back. I said NOPES


that makes perfect sense

women are for money. unless you are so rediculously good looking, your looks surpass money (there are rare exceptions to that rule) but thats' the way it is. its' no longer 10 or 20 years ago, when women had morals. and they chose to find a good man to give them money.

now they chose to make money from multiple men. There is no more shame in that game. even the girls own fucking mothers ACCEPT it and that is when it becomes normalized. It was the girls grandmothers who were telling those girls mothers to look for a man, who has money. But somewhere along the way those girls mothers, accepted todays outlook look for money from the man.

ps my ex tonight begging me to take her back. I said NOPES
women are evil
women are evil
i think women when they live in a society with no one making them accountable for thier actions

do whatever they want to do. Money for sex with no cares.

I mean, think about it like a man, wouldn't it be bad ass to fuck girls and charge them money?
you dont' even have to try, put your photo somewhere and bam, some desperate girl will want to have sex with you.
would you live that life....OF COURSE YOU WOULD! And you get paid for it, and no one in society is holding you accountable for your shitty morality and lifestyle. Infact, look around. Everyone's doing it now!
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i think women when they live in a society with no one making them accountable for thier actions

do whatever they want to do. Money for sex with no cares.

I mean, think about it like a man, wouldn't it be bad ass to fuck girls and charge them money?
you dont' even have to try, put your photo somewhere and bam, some desperate girl will want to have sex with you.
would you live that life....OF COURSE YOU WOULD! And you get paid for it, and no one in society is holding you accountable for your shitty morality and lifestyle. Infact, look around. Everyone's doing it now!
i hate this gay earth but i get what you mean
that makes perfect sense

women are for money. unless you are so rediculously good looking, your looks surpass money (there are rare exceptions to that rule) but thats' the way it is. its' no longer 10 or 20 years ago, when women had morals. and they chose to find a good man to give them money.

now they chose to make money from multiple men. There is no more shame in that game. even the girls own fucking mothers ACCEPT it and that is when it becomes normalized. It was the girls grandmothers who were telling those girls mothers to look for a man, who has money. But somewhere along the way those girls mothers, accepted todays outlook look for money from the man.

ps my ex tonight begging me to take her back. I said NOPES
The mother part cracked me up, because it's so fucking true. They know what these girls are doing, and they don't care because they're eating good.
that makes perfect sense

women are for money. unless you are so rediculously good looking, your looks surpass money (there are rare exceptions to that rule) but thats' the way it is. its' no longer 10 or 20 years ago, when women had morals. and they chose to find a good man to give them money.

now they chose to make money from multiple men. There is no more shame in that game. even the girls own fucking mothers ACCEPT it and that is when it becomes normalized. It was the girls grandmothers who were telling those girls mothers to look for a man, who has money. But somewhere along the way those girls mothers, accepted todays outlook look for money from the man.

ps my ex tonight begging me to take her back. I said NOPES
i highly doubt it, show proof.
i highly doubt it, show proof.
only fans for one. Completely acceptable. When was the last time you saw a woman on video say "i don't want to say what i do for a living" FUCK ....the cunts are making videos about the houses they bought with their only fans accounts. "look at the house i bought from the money of my simps"

they are so brazen about money for sex being completely normal. They call these guys "pay pigs".

are you telling me, that was normal 20 years ago??!! name ONE PLATFORM that 20 years ago. women openly said "ya...i do that" YOU CAN"T!

Christ, this OF shit has been so socially acceptable, girls are bragging about buying thanks giving dinners in front of their PARENTS from their OF money. (tell me thats normal).

i can go on. The simple fact is today there is no shame for being a whore. Why do you think in those tick tock or nsta videos you see the whores get all upset about interviewers asking them about their body count. Because it's the first time someone has actually put their actions to question. And they freak out!

Or those same interviewers that ask the girls "would you cheat on our boyfriend right now for money" and they say "ya" and for a ridiculous low sum like 100-300 dollars. And it's usually the pretty girls that say yes!!!!

dont' get me wrong. I do both pay and prey. But i REALLY enjoy this slutty attitude those girls have. I am in my 40's i got money to burn. cannot take it with you. So i am fucking some ridiculously hot girls, in theri teens to early 20's. NEVER over 25. For peanuts. You want to give me the ONLY thing you have of value that will get you a man who will take care of you, married, kids, and a happy life. Here you go honey, thank you for a piece of your soul, while i give you NOTHING that is really meaningful to me. and no, im not talking about hookers. those things gross me out. Im talking about normal high school or uni type girls. That only do this shit when they need money. pay for books or school fees. ect. Sometimes you see these girls a few time and they disappear never to do money for sex again. I have even been offered virgins because thier parents suddenly got hospitalized and they want to bail their parents out. So ....they sell the only thing they have of value. (i don't do virgins, a rule of mine) I am evil, but i have a conscience and a soul.
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i highly doubt it, show proof.
do you have a reason to doubt him? the rules in countries without social safety nets lead them to prioritize safety, and the rules in countires with less instagram exposure encourage women to use their pussy for the thing with the highest social value (generally also money.) it is onyl in countries with heavy instagramusage that women can possibly derive more social value from selling their pussy as full time prostitutes and part time pornstars, rather than just as actual sugar babies or mistresses

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