You can easily money and height mog in Busan South Korea


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Koreas good gdp per capita is because of seoul. The rest of the country is kinda broke

Busan is 24k usd gdp per capita

Very easy to mog

And much lower salaries means much lower height than the capital city. So 5ft8.5 in young gen in seoul is more like 5ft7 in busan
In Europe on Airbnb its 1k per month for a shared house

In busan its 500 per month for shared, or 1k per month for a nice place to urself
Korea is basically seoul
everything else is so small compared to it, and seoul keeps growing every year, while the rest of the country dies
Korea is basically seoul
everything else is so small compared to it, and seoul keeps growing every year, while the rest of the country dies
no, the whole country shrinks, seoul as well.

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