The Bible Is Right about Dinosaurs and Evolution shows unequivocally that the Bible is correct in its teaching that we once coexisted with dinosaurs and that evolution-the theory that contradicts this Biblical teaching-is patently false. This book offers extraordinary evidence from a variety of sources, including science, that the Scriptures are accurate regarding our coexistence with dinosaurs. Proving coexistence automatically disproves evolutionary dating, but this book takes the extra step of disproving all of evolution! It does so by examining and destroying, with logic and science, every major assumption and claim made by evolutionists, including the absurd notion that dinosaurs became extinct before humans appeared on earth. The Bible Is Right about Dinosaurs and Evolution highlights evolution as a ruthless brainwashing machine that not only dupes us into denying that dinosaurs are in the Bible, but also fools us into falling for a host of other false ideas, including the theory that the universe and life itself began accidentally. As a matter of fact, this book will show that evolution is so wrong in so many ways, that it stands in constant conflict with both time-honored Biblical truths and proven scientific principles. Furthermore, demonstrating that the strongest pieces of evidence for evolution are actually hoaxes, this book will prove that evolution is not a real science at all! This book not only proves the reality of our past coexistence with dinosaurs and the fallacy of evolution, but also shows how the suppression of these facts has polluted our laboratories, classrooms, and media. Finally, this book highlights the scientific and educational implications of its conclusions and offers an intelligent alternative to evolution.