look this is how it works:
1. DONT even think about "jumping the border" with Mexico as you can DIE easily, trying, because youd have to swim the rio grande at night or some shit, or pay some cartel 10.000$ to get you over the border , where they can kill you afterwards for mogging them as a whitey (i live near Mexicans and they dont like whitey that much let me tell you- theyre ultra intra-communitarian) or you get caught by the border patrol, and you then stay like 6 months in detention, like a dog
2. jobs are very very hard to get as an undocumented immigrant, and you will NEVER be able to get legalized, if you entered illegally, but you can overstay, if you enter as a tourist, then marry someone for the green card, and no they WONT search for you, as they dont care to arrest you, unless you commit crimes
3. you WONT be able to earn that much more than in Sweden if you dont have a high tier software engineer job or some shit where you get 150.000$/year ...so i dont know why youd think it will be better than in your country, here
4. i thought this forum was for geomaxxing to LOWER tier countries to get more out of your money, then have better matches than in your country- which coming to the US would be the OPPOSITE of that, and if you stay here illegally then you wont be able to go outside the US obviously, which defeats the purpose of geomaxxing lmao