JFL Women in Bali are delusional (1 Viewer)

To be fair it seems to be a joke. But yeah bali one of the worse places to date locals due to a supply of 1000s of chads coming in and out every day
To be fair it seems to be a joke. But yeah bali one of the worse places to date locals due to a supply of 1000s of chads coming in and out every day
I bet some thirsty desperate loser has actually done it and now she got used to it.

Under normal indonesian circumstances she would be happy if a blonde white guy asked her to swing her fat ass over to his apartment to worship his dick.
I bet some thirsty desperate loser has actually done it and now she got used to it.

Under normal indonesian circumstances she would be happy if a blonde white guy asked her to swing her fat ass over to his apartment to worship his dick.
She probably gets a few decent guys every week, simps are so desperate they will fuck and dine anyone
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This is what a neverending supply of white tourists does to the ego of an ugly island woman.
I'm afraid in the future most of Asia will be like this (Bali,Thailand,Japan already have pretty competitive sexual markets), white europeans will geomaxxx 24/7 since the situation is getting worse and worse at home, giving etnik women a lot more power and options to choose from. The only hope will be to learn the local language and to looksmaxx/softmaxx as much as possible to keep up with the increasing standards, problem is we are getting older so it's not like we have unlimited potential left.
I'm afraid in the future most of Asia will be like this (Bali,Thailand,Japan already have pretty competitive sexual markets), white europeans will geomaxxx 24/7 since the situation is getting worse and worse at home, giving etnik women a lot more power and options to choose from. The only hope will be to learn the local language and to looksmaxx/softmaxx as much as possible to keep up with the increasing standards, problem is we are getting older so it's not like we have unlimited potential left.
That doesn't sound very realistic, how are all those white europeans going to afford it?
Entering the late 20s the amount of young guys go down a lot because most are stuck back at home with gf and mortgage
That doesn't sound very realistic, how are all those white europeans going to afford it?
Entering the late 20s the amount of young guys go down a lot because most are stuck back at home with gf and mortgage
If men get desperate they will find a way, you can backpack and sleep in hostels without spending a lot, food is cheap. They will stop spending for anything else at home, living like monks and saving, maybe work a seasonal job 3/4 months in europe and then geomaxx the rest of the year. The only thing that could stop the trend would be if white girls lowered their standards, so yeah not gonna happen. Pick a country, learn the language and get serious about geomaxxing, playtime is over, only being white and knowing english won't cut it in the future.
If men get desperate they will find a way, you can backpack and sleep in hostels without spending a lot, food is cheap. They will stop spending for anything else at home, living like monks and saving, maybe work a seasonal job 3/4 months in europe and then geomaxx the rest of the year. The only thing that could stop the trend would be if white girls lowered their standards, so yeah not gonna happen. Pick a country, learn the language and get serious about geomaxxing, playtime is over, only being white and knowing english won't cut it in the future.
Outside of this bubble geomaxxing is not that common. Go out on the street and you will find most normies and even ugly men have gf. Many friends i have are fine with just getting their looksmatch and never consider geomax at all.
It's getting worse we are seeing it in Medellin, Thailand, and a few other spots, but from here to get it saturated everywhere, it's completely different. With the decline of remote jobs and easy money, i dont see how we will get there.
It's getting worse we are seeing it in Medellin, Thailand, and a few other spots, but from here to get it saturated everywhere, it's completely different. With the decline of remote jobs and easy money, i dont see how we will get there.
"Geomaxxing" as an official term is not popular but what do you think normies are doing when they come to Thailand or Japan? They try to leverage their high smv in Asia because they are not getting shit in Europe. Ofc they don't say it directly because it's still a touchy subject but i guarantee that they are thinking about asian pussy. For now they just follow the trends on instagram but 1) we know socials trends change at a really fast speed, maybe the next one will be your favourite asian city that you thought was safe from the normies; 2) once a city is invaded by normies there is no turning back, even if tomorrow all white bros disappear from Thailand, thai girls are now "ruined" with much higher standards than before. Honestly i hope you are right but i'm pessimistic by nature so imho the future will be grim for "casual" geomaxxers. But as i said there will be still a lot of space left for serious geomaxxers that know how to pick a good spot and learn the local language (the harder is it to learn, the better).
I'm afraid in the future most of Asia will be like this (Bali,Thailand,Japan already have pretty competitive sexual markets), white europeans will geomaxxx 24/7 since the situation is getting worse and worse at home, giving etnik women a lot more power and options to choose from. The only hope will be to learn the local language and to looksmaxx/softmaxx as much as possible to keep up with the increasing standards, problem is we are getting older so it's not like we have unlimited potential left.
people will be geomaxxing to north korea by the end of the century
"Geomaxxing" as an official term is not popular but what do you think normies are doing when they come to Thailand or Japan? They try to leverage their high smv in Asia because they are not getting shit in Europe. Ofc they don't say it directly because it's still a touchy subject but i guarantee that they are thinking about asian pussy. For now they just follow the trends on instagram but 1) we know socials trends change at a really fast speed, maybe the next one will be your favourite asian city that you thought was safe from the normies; 2) once a city is invaded by normies there is no turning back, even if tomorrow all white bros disappear from Thailand, thai girls are now "ruined" with much higher standards than before. Honestly i hope you are right but i'm pessimistic by nature so imho the future will be grim for "casual" geomaxxers. But as i said there will be still a lot of space left for serious geomaxxers that know how to pick a good spot and learn the local language (the harder is it to learn, the better).
yes i get your point, communities such as digital nomads are now choosing their locations with pussy as their #1 priority (they dont say it though)

what i'm arguing is i dont see how it can keep increasing exponentially and get a lot worse

everyone knows about it now, tiktok and instagram is full of videos gaining 100s of millions of views, youtube documentaries, shows like 90 days fiance
inflation has been worse than ever before
all companies were doing remote
its trendy to shit on the west and move to asia or latam

to me it seems it has topped and will slowly increase over the years, not exponentially as we have seen since covid

i also fail to see how it can get very bad unless you put in zero effort or are truly fucked by genetics
8s 9s and 10s are not found in big numbers and do well everywhere, so most of them wont geomaxx, they dont need to and many times their options and quality of life is actually worse in the popular geomaxx spots

the ones that will have a hard time are 4s and 5s that expect to land in thailand and get a 100 matches with a selfie on tinder
before there were a few hundred, now there's a few 1000, soon there will be 10s of thousands of them and wont be able to slay as much as they want

now if you can get to a 6 with some effort, add in your higher status, education, money you will have a great time pretty much anywhere in SEA and LATAM, and a few other countries

i also think some people have unrealistic expectations that were simply unsustainable
i see a bunch of 4s and 5s, that are unhappy to get a different girl every night because the girls aren't 7s
if your idea of geomaxxing is that, yeah it's gonna be dead very soon
if your idea of geomaxxing is doing a lot better in quantity, easiness, and sometimes quality, then you will be good for a long time

you are an incel in the west, you move to thailand and suddenly have pussy buffet every night and you still complain, is that an issue with geomaxx or is it a you problem?
the expectations can continue to increase. what makes you think they cant? life is better than ever before for most women with less poverty, less work, more money, better food. but they're not satisfied. they say work is too hard and no country worth living in is above the replacement birth rate. so then they immigrate to a country with literally 12 times the average income of theirs, with a completely better standard of living. and then they still complain about being poor and bear even fewer children

the problem can continue to get worse because women will just stop fucking. they will cut their nose off to spite their face
the expectations can continue to increase. what makes you think they cant? life is better than ever before for most women with less poverty, less work, more money, better food. but they're not satisfied. they say work is too hard and no country worth living in is above the replacement birth rate. so then they immigrate to a country with literally 12 times the average income of theirs, with a completely better standard of living. and then they still complain about being poor and bear even fewer children

the problem can continue to get worse because women will just stop fucking. they will cut their nose off to spite their face
yeah if you go for the incel arguments, sure

but that's not real life imo

most things being said in these kind of communities are niche

as i said many times, go out in the streets and you'll see a bunch of happy 4s and 5s with their looksmatch

when most PPBs on reddit believe all SEA and LATAM girls are in it for the money, and that all western women are evil, its actually very easy to see why they do poorly with women
I am not sure what you're talking about. women are objectively marrying less, bearing fewer children, and have more expectations regarding money. this is a solid fact. most thai guys with their looksmatch are simping in order to accomplish it, which realistically proves that thailand is better since it is actually possible to simp and succeed, but I think the core contention is that simping is already going beyond what is a reasonable expectation. the guy is simping for a used up looksmatch rather than just getting married to a virgin. the simping is more expensive anyway, whcih is why the women prefer it.

its just a fact things have gotten worse
yes i get your point, communities such as digital nomads are now choosing their locations with pussy as their #1 priority (they dont say it though)

what i'm arguing is i dont see how it can keep increasing exponentially and get a lot worse

everyone knows about it now, tiktok and instagram is full of videos gaining 100s of millions of views, youtube documentaries, shows like 90 days fiance
inflation has been worse than ever before
all companies were doing remote
its trendy to shit on the west and move to asia or latam

to me it seems it has topped and will slowly increase over the years, not exponentially as we have seen since covid

i also fail to see how it can get very bad unless you put in zero effort or are truly fucked by genetics
8s 9s and 10s are not found in big numbers and do well everywhere, so most of them wont geomaxx, they dont need to and many times their options and quality of life is actually worse in the popular geomaxx spots

the ones that will have a hard time are 4s and 5s that expect to land in thailand and get a 100 matches with a selfie on tinder
before there were a few hundred, now there's a few 1000, soon there will be 10s of thousands of them and wont be able to slay as much as they want

now if you can get to a 6 with some effort, add in your higher status, education, money you will have a great time pretty much anywhere in SEA and LATAM, and a few other countries

i also think some people have unrealistic expectations that were simply unsustainable
i see a bunch of 4s and 5s, that are unhappy to get a different girl every night because the girls aren't 7s
if your idea of geomaxxing is that, yeah it's gonna be dead very soon
if your idea of geomaxxing is doing a lot better in quantity, easiness, and sometimes quality, then you will be good for a long time

you are an incel in the west, you move to thailand and suddenly have pussy buffet every night and you still complain, is that an issue with geomaxx or is it a you problem?
If the dating situation is going to deteriorate even further in the west, when and if even normie looking guys with good social skill will not find anything in europe, then you can expect to have big problems in Asia. It's a possibility and as i explained before you don't need a remote job to geomaxxx 6/8 months a year if you really want it. One thing that could be saving geomaxxing in the future is that the west is pretty much dead demographically so we can assume that the new generations of young white guys will be smaller and so posing less of a threat on the global scale numerically.

About the second part, yes i was thinking mainly about below average white guys, ofc if you are htn and above you will never have problems in Asia. Geomaxxing started exactly with the idea that you could be pretty ugly and still live the life of a "slayer". So when i'm saying that the classic definition of geomaxxing is on life support i mean that kind of definition. Now and even more in the future you need to be smarter, pick your spot with care, invest in the language, softmaxx to reach at least normie or htn level, all in all you need to be a smarter and evolved geomaxxer if you want to slay. Let's be real here, nobody wants to go on the other side of the planet just to find a becky and live a "happy" family life, everybody wants to slay a lot of good looking girls without too much effort, that's the entire point of geomaxxing.
If the dating situation is going to deteriorate even further in the west, when and if even normie looking guys with good social skill will not find anything in europe
How is that even possible? You think women will just rot at home and not fuck at all?
All of my normie friends find dates and gfs, sure its not the hottest girls nor easy nor lots of quantity but they do.

From my close group of friends there's none that has spent more than a few weeks without fucking, unless it was by choice, and most are 5s and 6s. And from people I know, I can't think of anyone either.

How many guys do you know that havent dated at all in the past months?
(excluding overweight and autistic)

before you mention it, no, there won't be the 10% top guys fucking all the girls
About the second part, yes i was thinking mainly about below average white guys, ofc if you are htn and above you will never have problems in Asia. Geomaxxing started exactly with the idea that you could be pretty ugly and still live the life of a "slayer". So when i'm saying that the classic definition of geomaxxing is on life support i mean that kind of definition. Now and even more in the future you need to be smarter, pick your spot with care, invest in the language, softmaxx to reach at least normie or htn level, all in all you need to be a smarter and evolved geomaxxer if you want to slay. Let's be real here, nobody wants to go on the other side of the planet just to find a becky and live a "happy" family life, everybody wants to slay a lot of good looking girls without too much effort, that's the entire point of geomaxxing.
Being ugly and out of shape is over. All girls have access to social media , they know their worth and know if you are ugly. A 7 would be embarassed to be with a 4 pretty much anywhere in the world, unless its for money.

I havent been around for that long but the idea of being objectively ugly and slaying lots of good girls is not possible, i dont even know if it was ever possible. Maybe pre social media and once dating apps were starting to appear.

Every time i see incels flexxing how many girls they fuck and how hot, it's rare to find girls higher than a 6, and many times it's just a bunch of 5s they are with.
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How is that even possible? You think women will just rot at home and not fuck at all?
All of my normie friends find dates and gfs, sure its not the hottest girls nor easy nor lots of quantity but they do.

From my close group of friends there's none that has spent more than a few weeks without fucking, unless it was by choice, and most are 5s and 6s. And from people I know, I can't think of anyone either.

How many guys do you know that havent dated at all in the past months?
(excluding overweight and autistic)
How is that even possible? You think women will just rot at home and not fuck at all?
All of my normie friends find dates and gfs, sure its not the hottest girls nor easy nor lots of quantity but they do.

From my close group of friends there's none that has spent more than a few weeks without fucking, unless it was by choice, and most are 5s and 6s. And from people I know, I can't think of anyone either.

How many guys do you know that havent dated at all in the past months?
(excluding overweight and autistic)

before you mention it, no, there won't be the 10% top guys fucking all the girls
We have different social circles then, i'm not saying all the normies are incels but a sizeable portion of guys that i know personally have very infrequent sex if they are not in a ltr. The ones in ltrs are a mixed bag, you can find the happy couple as well as the ones that are not really satisfied with their gfs. In the future the situation could remain stable but the trend seems to go toward a worsening, we all have seen the headlines and the statistics, sexless people (mostly young males) are on the rise. Even if just the top 30/40/50% (random numbers but you get the gist of it) fuck all the girls available you will have lots of problems and social unrest. I don't know why you are so optimistic about the situation not getting worse in the future, we are getting more autistic by the minute with all the social media brainrotting the new generations and women are raising their standards to new heights every year. Just as an example, tinder and dating apps were extremely good in Europe before covid, now they are a dumpster fire and it's really hard to have quality matches.
nobody wants to go on the other side of the planet just to find a becky and live a "happy" family life, everybody wants to slay a lot of good looking girls without too much effort, that's the entire point of geomaxxing.
My entire game plan hinges on this being true. And I think it will hold true. I'm non-NT enough to want to dedicate hours a day to studying Japanese/Chinese and understand the societies on a deeper level. And frankly I'm clever enough to actually materialize that which can't be said for everyone.

There is something to be said about Japan/Korea/China/Taiwan having a "maniacal" barrier to entry. Normal people don't move across the globe to increase their SMV by, like, 0.75 points. The amount of mental dedication required to pull it off will always dissuade normies.

Yes foreign tourists will mog me but without fail they always stay at their foreigner-oriented bars catering to English speakers. These venues are practically zoo enclosures for foreigners. There's a sea of women inaccessible to them not for looks reasons but for language-social reasons, or simply visa restrictions not allowing them to stay long enough to find out where these women hang out.
We have different social circles then, i'm not saying all the normies are incels but a sizeable portion of guys that i know personally have very infrequent sex if they are not in a ltr. The ones in ltrs are a mixed bag, you can find the happy couple as well as the ones that are not really satisfied with their gfs. In the future the situation could remain stable but the trend seems to go toward a worsening, we all have seen the headlines and the statistics, sexless people (mostly young males) are on the rise. Even if just the top 30/40/50% (random numbers but you get the gist of it) fuck all the girls available you will have lots of problems and social unrest. I don't know why you are so optimistic about the situation not getting worse in the future, we are getting more autistic by the minute with all the social media brainrotting the new generations and women are raising their standards to new heights every year. Just as an example, tinder and dating apps were extremely good in Europe before covid, now they are a dumpster fire and it's really hard to have quality matches.
I basically agree with you more than I do 14passport. The situation for normies in the West is not good at all. I consider myself to be on the higher end of normie (though probably not quite HTN) in looks and most other regards and yeah, I could easily go without sex for weeks even if I was trying hard. It really feels like you "get lucky" by being in the right place at the right time every once in a while and that's it. Most looks-normies including myself are unsatisfied with this. Which drives most normies to betabux to ensure a steady access to intimacy. Which then further drives the "betabux window" to creep up higher and higher to the point where most HTNs are doing it. Now girls look at HTNs and and think: you are betabux material. Compounded of course by social media teaching women to be more selective.

The difference is that it doesn't applying to geomaxxing. I mean, the same effect may be occurring in other countries to some extent, but only within their local ecosystems. Your average Hanako in Japan is not tuned in to the dating dynamics of the United States or Europe, at all. She's scrolling through feeds of K-pop and J-pop boys. When you go to Japan, always remember that you are not competing with other foreigners, you are competing with Japanese men. Way too many geomaxxers focus on the SMV of foreigners when in reality it just doesn't have that much flux.

Don't gruel over matching up to your competition -- cut them out! It's much more efficient. Guys on the passport bros subreddit will whine incessantly about Japanese girls being too hard. Why are they hard? Because they are international girls who hang out at the tourist bars that tourists frequent. They have a good understanding on the SMV of foreign guys.
the idea it cant get worse is also false on its face if you follow 14passports logic. his logic is "there arent many tens in thailand, so thailand cant get worse."

it is ALREADY WORSE despite there not being 10s. it got worse without the existence of tens, so why should it need a supply of tens to continue to get worse? that makes no sense. it got worse purely by virtue of social media.

think about it this way, 20 years ago foreigners showed up in a bar made of bamboo in thailand with zero game and maybe a little chubby and ended up getting married to a poor htb thai girl (sometimes a virgin) and having 2 or 3 kids. in the year 2025, in the same bamboo bar, the same type of htb that crawled out of the jungle will sometimes ask you to buy her a car or something. its worse already. theres nothing else to talk about.

there are ways to alleviate the worsening effects and I think it will be better in asia for a very long time. but that doesnt mean it cant get worse.
Let me clarify my thoughts:

-it will get worse BUT i dont think it will at the fast pace as we have seen since covid
-i dont see how it is possible for everywhere to saturate, as long as you are willing to put in some effort, eg: china by itself has more population than the US and EU combined, and is completely unexplored
-the days of showing up as an overweight and ugly white guyor as a 40 yo looking for prime age girls are largely over, and will never come back
-i see locations in Asia and LATAM that will be viable forever as long as what you are looking for is more quantity and higher quality, mostly up to the 6s (assuming you are a below average guy)
-its impossible to find abundance of 7-10s willing to date average guys (as all their girls know their worth with social media and dating apps), for that you will need to be at least a 6 and play your high status the right way
I agree with this except for the idea that it cant get worse faster.

these people literally crawled out of bamboo shacks in the jungle and expect people to buy them cars. they get to go to first world countries and they still arent satisfied. they crawl back into their bamboo shack after relationship x falls apart (or if it never took off in the first place) and still hold out for the money or chad. there is not a single aspect of their daily existence that reflects even the slight possibility they will not be forever mired in poverty, and realistically they should be eager for the first chance they can get to escape, because there is NOTHING in their daily existence that even hints they will be able to do so. they (being whoever is slightly beyond what is attainable for you) look at you from their malaria bamboo shack and still tell you you are not enough. they id not get this way of thinking from their surroundings

it is fundamentally unrelated to saturation, and fundamentally related to social media exposure. social media retardation has no limit to how it can scale.
I agree with this except for the idea that it cant get worse faster.

these people literally crawled out of bamboo shacks in the jungle and expect people to buy them cars. they get to go to first world countries and they still arent satisfied. they crawl back into their bamboo shack after relationship x falls apart (or if it never took off in the first place) and still hold out for the money or chad. there is not a single aspect of their daily existence that reflects even the slight possibility they will not be forever mired in poverty, and realistically they should be eager for the first chance they can get to escape, because there is NOTHING in their daily existence that even hints they will be able to do so. they (being whoever is slightly beyond what is attainable for you) look at you from their malaria bamboo shack and still tell you you are not enough. they id not get this way of thinking from their surroundings

it is fundamentally unrelated to saturation, and fundamentally related to social media exposure. social media retardation has no limit to how it can scale.
but social media is already global everywhere, and for example filipinas are known for being 24/7 on their smartphone
most of the damage is already done in terms of giving girls unrealistic expectations and simps access to girls from anywhere in the world

offtopic but i dont understand why so many passportbros focus on leading with money, instead of having some sex appeal + leveraging money/status, that opens up 10 times more girls
its as if geomaxxing was incompatible with trying to improve, when most can compound the efforts quite easily (literally a few hours per week)
nobody is forcing you to do as little as possible, geomaxxing is a wide range of possibilities and doesnt have to involve doing as little as possible
Let me clarify my thoughts:

-it will get worse BUT i dont think it will at the fast pace as we have seen since covid
-i dont see how it is possible for everywhere to saturate, as long as you are willing to put in some effort, eg: china by itself has more population than the US and EU combined, and is completely unexplored
-the days of showing up as an overweight and ugly white guyor as a 40 yo looking for prime age girls are largely over, and will never come back
-i see locations in Asia and LATAM that will be viable forever as long as what you are looking for is more quantity and higher quality, mostly up to the 6s (assuming you are a below average guy)
-its impossible to find abundance of 7-10s willing to date average guys (as all their girls know their worth with social media and dating apps), for that you will need to be at least a 6 and play your high status the right way

Good summary. I don't think there is any place on earth in 2025 where as an all around average guy, you will start slaying good looking (6.5s+) girls "without too much effort".
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This is what a neverending supply of white tourists does to the ego of an ugly island woman.
well it's because its not just a never ending supply of guys
its a never ending supply of fucking surfer bod guys. Who slay no matter where they go. BUT....when there is not enough bitches to go around, dudes get thirsty and they start dating or fucking WAY down. And these goblinas start thinking they are a prize.
Serious question...would yall be happy with the result this PPB gets from geomaxxing to Phils if you were to get similar result relatively speaking? This is his LTR btw. He's a 4 at best dating a 5 IMO.

Serious question...would yall be happy with the result this PPB gets from geomaxxing to Phils if you were to get similar result relatively speaking? This is his LTR btw. He's a 4 at best dating a 5 IMO.


annoying how he is advertising the ppb shit, making more people do this.

and then bragging about how little he has to spoil that mediocre girl. both of them giving off low class mindset vibes.

i'm aiming much higher currently. also going higher risk... maybe i'll fail, we'll see.
Serious question...would yall be happy with the result this PPB gets from geomaxxing to Phils if you were to get similar result relatively speaking? This is his LTR btw. He's a 4 at best dating a 5 IMO.

To be fair she isn't ugly but that style and vibes she gives is so bad, she is at most 1 point higher than him. Not worth it at all.

No idea why he chose her, especially being somewhat famous and having what i assume is a high income from all the courses he sells.

annoying how he is advertising the ppb shit, making more people do this.

and then bragging about how little he has to spoil that mediocre girl. both of them giving off low class mindset vibes.

i'm aiming much higher currently. also going higher risk... maybe i'll fail, we'll see.

What is “much higher” for you? 7s+?
I remember you saying you are an MTN.
Right location and with some effort you can get 7s for LTR.
but social media is already global everywhere, and for example filipinas are known for being 24/7 on their smartphone
most of the damage is already done in terms of giving girls unrealistic expectations and simps access to girls from anywhere in the world

offtopic but i dont understand why so many passportbros focus on leading with money, instead of having some sex appeal + leveraging money/status, that opens up 10 times more girls
its as if geomaxxing was incompatible with trying to improve, when most can compound the efforts quite easily (literally a few hours per week)
nobody is forcing you to do as little as possible, geomaxxing is a wide range of possibilities and doesnt have to involve doing as little as possible
you sound like you've never dated a woman. the damage is done?

okay, the woman is a bitch, so she can't be MORE of a bitch? really dude?

think about what you're saying a bit. come on
What is “much higher” for you? 7s+?
I remember you saying you are an MTN.
if beauty is everything she can offer then yes.

but i'm not just talking about looks. a 5 or 6 may be okay if she is great otherwise.

i figured out that i just can't stand dumb women. i want a smart one who values education, intelligence, humor and uses her brain for us to act as a team.

i'd rather blow my brains out than having a low class becky LTR that i have to constantly pamper with stupid gifts to keep her interested.

I should've been born 15 years earlier FUCKK
and then what?

then you would have lived happily with your wife until eternity?

we're all in the same boat, dude.
if beauty is everything she can offer then yes.

but i'm not just talking about looks. a 5 or 6 may be okay if she is great otherwise.

i figured out that i just can't stand dumb women. i want a smart one who values education, intelligence, humor and uses her brain for us to act as a team.

i'd rather blow my brains out than having a low class becky LTR that i have to constantly pamper with stupid gifts to keep her interested.

and then what?

then you would have lived happily with your wife until eternity?

we're all in the same boat, dude.
Ehh now that you mention it I'd still be fucked, not to mention some dudes on here are legit 15 years older then me and still aren't perfectly happy.

In reality all I could have done would be enjoying cheaper geomaxxing degeneracy and higher quality girls.

It's all too bleak.

We've all watched too many movies.
The only real opportunities today lie in the countries that the mainstream media describes as evil, such as China and Belarus. That’s our shield against the average normie because the average normie reads the news and watches TikTok without any critical thinking.
if beauty is everything she can offer then yes.

but i'm not just talking about looks. a 5 or 6 may be okay if she is great otherwise.

i figured out that i just can't stand dumb women. i want a smart one who values education, intelligence, humor and uses her brain for us to act as a team.

i'd rather blow my brains out than having a low class becky LTR that i have to constantly pamper with stupid gifts to keep her interested.

and then what?

then you would have lived happily with your wife until eternity?

we're all in the same boat, dude.
spending an entire lifetime with a woman is too much

i need my freedom or a part of my soul dies
The only real opportunities today lie in the countries that the mainstream media describes as evil, such as China and Belarus. That’s our shield against the average normie because the average normie reads the news and watches TikTok without any critical thinking.

The only real opportunity is like going after black chicks cause they are the least sought after even by normies. Nobody really geomaxx to Africa to BBVmaxx. It's about phenotype. China and Belarus may be painted as evil but they contain asian and white (the most sought after) women who are still desired by all types of men.
The only real opportunities today lie in the countries that the mainstream media describes as evil, such as China and Belarus. That’s our shield against the average normie because the average normie reads the news and watches TikTok without any critical thinking.
I feel like China is on the upturn even in normie outlets, people are realizing it's not the scary monster that was depicted as for decades. Atm all of Europe has free visa to China for 30 days until end of 2025 and i think they will extend it, as it was a great commercial success and helps spreading chinese soft power in the west. Expect a lot more western white bros in the big chinese cities in the coming years. Still, the population size of China is a partial shield against saturation (another one is the huge language barrier). Belarus has a small population with a fertility rate below replacement level since the 80's so i don't even think it's worth talking about (plus i heard that a lot of girls fled the country with the ukrainian situation heating up). The last bastion of geomaxxing will be for sure Africa, but ofc not everybody is fond of black girls.
It will never get bad. there are much more asian women+white women than white men in the world. there are roughly 300 million white men and 300 million white women + 2.3 BILLION asian women. so there are 10 times more asian women+white women than white men in the world. considering these numbers, why should geomaxxing ever get hard if you can always change location if the numbers are not in your favour in one specific city.
I bet some thirsty desperate loser has actually done it and now she got used to it.

Under normal indonesian circumstances she would be happy if a blonde white guy asked her to swing her fat ass over to his apartment to worship his dick.
I bet he was +6 IRL cuck
It's getting worse we are seeing it in Medellin, Thailand, and a few other spots, but from here to get it saturated everywhere, it's completely different. With the decline of remote jobs and easy money, i dont see how we will get there.
It's definitely more young in Philippines too
yes i get your point, communities such as digital nomads are now choosing their locations with pussy as their #1 priority (they dont say it though)

what i'm arguing is i dont see how it can keep increasing exponentially and get a lot worse

everyone knows about it now, tiktok and instagram is full of videos gaining 100s of millions of views, youtube documentaries, shows like 90 days fiance
inflation has been worse than ever before
all companies were doing remote
its trendy to shit on the west and move to asia or latam

to me it seems it has topped and will slowly increase over the years, not exponentially as we have seen since covid

i also fail to see how it can get very bad unless you put in zero effort or are truly fucked by genetics
8s 9s and 10s are not found in big numbers and do well everywhere, so most of them wont geomaxx, they dont need to and many times their options and quality of life is actually worse in the popular geomaxx spots

the ones that will have a hard time are 4s and 5s that expect to land in thailand and get a 100 matches with a selfie on tinder
before there were a few hundred, now there's a few 1000, soon there will be 10s of thousands of them and wont be able to slay as much as they want

now if you can get to a 6 with some effort, add in your higher status, education, money you will have a great time pretty much anywhere in SEA and LATAM, and a few other countries

i also think some people have unrealistic expectations that were simply unsustainable
i see a bunch of 4s and 5s, that are unhappy to get a different girl every night because the girls aren't 7s
if your idea of geomaxxing is that, yeah it's gonna be dead very soon
if your idea of geomaxxing is doing a lot better in quantity, easiness, and sometimes quality, then you will be good for a long time

you are an incel in the west, you move to thailand and suddenly have pussy buffet every night and you still complain, is that an issue with geomaxx or is it a you problem?

Most go to most popular locations like Bangkok And leave

Match with 5s only

Don't learn language

Don't worry guys there's still rare places
most of these women think they are top tier and think that they deserve a high value man when in reality they cant even answer a simple question "what do you bring to the table" XD

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