Geomax why i don’t live in the west


INTP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
retards and especially black passport bros will say their number one reason for leaving in america is cuz they can’t get bitches

that’s retarded. if you can’t slay in west (where every bitch is on birth control and ssris) then you’ll just dumpster dive and betabux somewhere else

my reasons for geomaxxing are so i can be more unique (mulatto american with dreads), height mog the locals (can’t do that in western europe where your competition is 6’3) P.S. never take a girl you found in asia to europe jfl. only to places where you mog the locals

those are my main reasons. make me 6’4, nt brain, and no acne scars and i’d be living in london

but that’s not to say i’d live in a complete shithole like africa or philippines. nope. my standard of living mustn’t decline.
time to go look at apartments while i’m in chengdu

food decent enough (compared to shitty hunan province food)

girls hot enough (16 million population in this city too)

weather decent enough with good infrastructure

IMG 5554IMG 5559
put simply, i’m a narcissist who likes to hear from others how great i am

decided to stay at a hostel tonight (something i seldom do) to see if im missing anything, which im not

when we were all making dumplings at a table when a chinese girl was complimenting my tattoo and of course me being non nt, barely spoke and just listened to see if anyone’s travel stories mogged mine.. which they didn’t

then the chink girl asked me how many countries i’ve been to and i nonchalantly said around 36 and they were all surprised

then one guy asked why im so reserved and don’t share more stories

i just said i like to listen. didn’t really prep myself mentally to give a talk to a bunch of westerners about my travel stories today. would have to censor it to fit blue pill narratives

but yes, staying at this hostel tonight with the brief social interaction i’ve had with westerners in ages was fun. mainly due to them inflating my ego about how great i am to have been to the places i’ve been at my age

@KingOfAsia can you relate to this?
didn’t really prep myself mentally to give a talk to a bunch of westerners about my travel stories today. would have to censor it to fit blue pill narratives
i can relate to this. i see you are NT enough to not directly dive into your flat chest chink bang stories while introducing yourself to a bunch of woke backpackers :LOL:

however, i like to go to hostels sometimes, especially in expensive places or small places where pulling locals is not easy. you can quickly get into some temporary social circles this way and access women who are not on dating apps. i once managed to bang a norwegian with perfect tits this way in a small town on a canarian island.
i can relate to this. i see you are NT enough to not directly dive into your flat chest chink bang stories while introducing yourself to a bunch of woke backpackers :LOL:

however, i like to go to hostels sometimes, especially in expensive places or small places where pulling locals is not easy. you can quickly get into some temporary social circles this way and access women who are not on dating apps. i once managed to bang a norwegian with perfect tits this way in a small town on a canarian island.
there's many foreigners that never bang a single local
all they do is fuck hostel girls and party with them
what camera is that?

I can tell it's not a full frame mirrorless or full frame DSLR
Why would you live in London? British women are ugly as fuck and so trashy, the weather sucks, the food sucks, the accent sucks, it's infested with gays and it's ridiculously expensive for a country in a never ending economic and cultural decline

Pretty much everywhere in Europe sucks...if I truly had to choose I'd probably pick somewhere in Southern Spain like Barcelona, Valencia or Malaga/Marbella but only if I already had a tall, blonde girlfriend with me and if I had a well paid remote job

If I was single then EE without any doubt (but again, with a well paid remote job because local jobs pay shitty salaries)

80% of a (healthy) man happiness comes from having access and dating beautiful girls. The rest is having a group of friends to share many adventures. No attention from girls = no happiness. I was happier many years ago freezing my balls off in Kharkov in Eastern Ukraine in a super cold November than in any Western European capital...but in Kharkov I was with friends and we were approaching beautiful girls and they were receptive. That's what really matter for your soul...have girls and have fun
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Beautiful women are naturally inspiring to men. I would hate to be living in a city where I'm not inspired by the women I see. However, I understand that this sadly isn't possible for the majority of men.
Yeah, and like 10 to 12 million of that are boomers and kids. JFL. Everywhere is so old now a days.
if you think the chinese cities are bad, try going to a city with 500k population in the middle of nowhere

i could count on one hand the amount of fuckable girls after spending a few days in a city with 400k people. literally only saw old people and their grandkids when they were picking them up at school. their parents are busy wage slaving in the provincial capital
make me 6’4, nt brain, and no acne scars and i’d be living in london
My big problem with this is that the personalities of women in the west are dogshit.
They have no hobbies or interests, and if you have even a moderate level of intellect, trying to hold even the most basic conversation with them is like talking to a child
My big problem with this is that the personalities of women in the west are dogshit.
They have no hobbies or interests, and if you have even a moderate level of intellect, trying to hold even the most basic conversation with them is like talking to a child

but you’re deluding yourself if you think east asia in specific will be better

the girls here are robots. just work, study, watch social media in their apartments
Why would you live in London? British women are ugly as fuck and so trashy, the weather sucks, the food sucks, the accent sucks, it's infested with gays and it's ridiculously expensive for a country in a never ending economic and cultural decline

Pretty much everywhere in Europe sucks...if I truly had to choose I'd probably pick somewhere in Southern Spain like Barcelona, Valencia or Malaga/Marbella but only if I already had a tall, blonde girlfriend with me and if I had a well paid remote job

If I was single then EE without any doubt (but again, with a well paid remote job because local jobs pay shitty salaries)

80% of a (healthy) man happiness comes from having access and dating beautiful girls. The rest is having a group of friends to share many adventures. No attention from girls = no happiness. I was happier many years ago freezing my balls off in Kharkov in Eastern Ukraine in a super cold November than in any Western European capital...but in Kharkov I was with friends and we were approaching beautiful girls and they were receptive. That's what really matter for your soul...have girls and have fun
obviously i wouldn’t date a brit girl. find me a little oriental studying there and chill. so many types of asian ethnicties when i was there
“why don’t you ever go to europe bro”

yes just cuck myself

Why would you go to a place like Netherlands? It's not even known to have a large quantity of beautiful women. Also the women there are known to be big boned.

After being on forums for a long time, I've come to the conclusion that some of reasons why Europe gets ragged on a lot is because dudes are lazy and they don't want to compete. They just want to have it easy.
Why would you go to a place like Netherlands? It's not even known to have a large quantity of beautiful women. Also the women there are known to be big boned.

After being on forums for a long time, I've come to the conclusion that some of reasons why Europe gets ragged on a lot is because dudes are lazy and they don't want to compete. They just want to have it easy.
you sound like one of those retards whose number one priority on choosing somewhere to live is women

go betabux in romania or something

and how exactly are you going to compete when average height is 6’5? lol
you sound like one of those retards whose number one priority on choosing somewhere to live is women

go betabux in romania or something

and how exactly are you going to compete when average height is 6’5? lol


Says the guy who is so desparate and insecure about having competition that he goes to a civil war torn, bumfuck, shithole Myanmar so that he can get easy lays with Burmese 4s. Pretty obvious who the retard is. lolz
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Says the guy who is so desparate and insecure about having competition that he goes to a civil war torn, bumfuck, shithole Myanmar so that he can get easy lays with Burmese 4s. Pretty obvious who the retard is. lolz
i went there for adventure first and foremost!

not my fault girls on tinder happened to want to meet with me
Fair points. Not to mention the fact that women in the west are absolute cancer to deal with. It's not even about getting laid. I can do that any day of the week here while my country is one of the hardest places in the world to slay. It's about the western mindset of women. Combine that with my preference for asian girls and working from my laptop = no reason to stay in europe. At this point, I don't even find most women attractive in my country anymore. Geomaxxing is not just for incel autists, the west is falling apart. I laugh when normies are trying to cope that their 9 to 5 npc lives are good enough and they don't need to travel like me. I hear it every time I'm in my home country.
I don't know what my facial rating is, but I get matches to the point where it's hard/too much effort to respond to them all and have multiple girls simping for me. Can call a girl in my lineup any given day and fuck them the same day basically. I just really dislike the women in my country. Country is Netherlands
I don't know what my facial rating is, but I get matches to the point where it's hard/too much effort to respond to them all and have multiple girls simping for me. Can call a girl in my lineup any given day and fuck them the same day basically. I just really dislike the women in my country. Country is Netherlands
wow, even dutch chad is geomaxxing now. guys, prepare yourselves for more pussy paradises vanishing...
I don't know what my facial rating is, but I get matches to the point where it's hard/too much effort to respond to them all and have multiple girls simping for me. Can call a girl in my lineup any given day and fuck them the same day basically. I just really dislike the women in my country. Country is Netherlands
How many matches can you get in 1 week?
How many matches can you get in 1 week?
wipe the cum from your chin,

his country is ez to slay in so much they are importing $0 net worth middle eastern refugee dick by the tonnes

just man up and ask him to post a picture of his face so you can cum and get over him, stop edging to his fanfiction
middle eastern refugee dick by the tonnes
The native women want nothing to do with loser bums from the middle east. You are yet again show casing just how ignorant you are on the evolved psychology of females. How old are you? I cringe everytime you make a comment. Your level of knowledge is laughable.

Good looking non whites do worse with white women than average tier white normie men.
Good looking non whites do worse with white women than average tier white normie men.
crazy how that would lead to the race slowly getting uglier, imagine if you said tall foreigners do worse with X race of women than short X race men, and someone rightfully said, "oh you mean asians" which is exactly why they are small so white women prefer inbreeding with "pure" AKA familial gene ugly men vs healthy genetic variation and good looks....

lmfao you really aren't making the arguments you think you are, but yes Britain is full of ugly women.

also get mogged poorfaggot

Lol at least a bimax like indians preach all day can fix anyones jaw, cant fix being a nigger for life
My big problem with this is that the personalities of women in the west are dogshit.
They have no hobbies or interests, and if you have even a moderate level of intellect, trying to hold even the most basic conversation with them is like talking to a child
It's not only western civilizations which have freed women from family duties and allowed them to live a life whose primary goal is pursuit of pleasure. This is more or less the reality of modern foids everywhere, especially the ones whose entire life revolves around playing the field while remaining childless. Even relatively intelligent women have a worldview with self firmly in the center. Everything women think or believe about a topic or a person is based on how it makes me feel, how it affects me.

I recently met my dad's Chinese wife, who grew up in all the hardships of the Cultural Revolution in Liaoning Province before escaping to America as a student. He describes her as totally unlike any western woman he has ever met, because she is quintessentially the traditional Asian housewife. She is very optimistic and pragmatic...she doesn't let her ego swell up with demands or emotions, getting in the way of common sense. Unlike insecure white women who always have to be told that that they are strong and bold and beautiful and beloved, she lives the best life she can with what she has. Thirty years in America, and she still struggles with understanding English, which seems a natural refusal to be influenced by Western society even as she built a very comfortable career here.
It's not only western civilizations which have freed women from family duties and allowed them to live a life whose primary goal is pursuit of pleasure.
men don’t own women

this is good as they’re finally free to do what they want
he's only half black. which by his math makes him white
Means nothing retard, white dna is recessive, take anyone off the street and show them a half asian or black person, they will say they are full black or asian, they judge you how you look
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Even 1/4 black looks like ugly mutts. I don’t care thats not my existence haha, they are the ones that have to suffer
Niggers come from nothing, they are primitive beasts, they just rape, kill, steal, fuck, not a single ounce of intelligence, one of the oldest types to be here yet have bulit nothing, no difference from a monkey, you weren’t kings. You weren’t anything, how about a permanent reminder you will always be a nigger
If this was 100 years ago half breeds would get curbed stomped, this is jew dystopian times so its a nigger world
Niggers are a cruel joke on humanity. They are the most numerous of all, yet they build or contribute nothing, just eat and shit. Just imagine what prompts them to replicate to a billion “people” quote on quote under those dire living conditions. Not a single self-reflective thought must have ever crossed their minds to improve or elevate themselves to something higher. Truly a species from the depths of hell where indifference and complacency reside. I would wager that the value of 100,000 Niggers equals the worth of 1 aryan man.
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Niggers are nothing more than slave bastards for the jewish overlords, indians and niggers are bio-weapons, This corruption puts an end to white culture and political distinction and raises the Jew up to be its masters. A racially pure people, which is conscious of its blood, can never be defeated by the Jew. In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards.

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