Vent Why are normies so anti hunting?

It's funny because all the sports are slavery designed to replace hunting, these retards will sit around and watch a bunch of obese retarded ugly niggers throw around some weirdly shaped ball for hours on end but if you obtain your own wild caught food it's weird to them. Brainwashed fucks. Hunting is the only real valid 'sport.' Though it isn't even a sport.
because they're less narcissistic than you and feel empathy. Like you know, normal people actually feel pain when they see suffering of any kind. If you feel nothing then you should be worried
It's funny because all the sports are slavery designed to replace hunting, these retards will sit around and watch a bunch of obese retarded ugly niggers throw around some weirdly shaped ball for hours on end but if you obtain your own wild caught food it's weird to them. Brainwashed fucks. Hunting is the only real valid 'sport.' Though it isn't even a sport.
god i hate normies
humanity is evolving. People have unique ability to see from other perspective, which is required for connection and fulfillment. Thousands years ago people on average were not able to do that. Not seeing from other perspective is low level, animalistic behavior. You brag about hunting which is the same as bragging that you have 2 digit intelligence, like you're bragging that you're going backwards, so fucking dumb. I have nothing against hunters, but people that brag about having no remorse is next level dumb shit
for example, ted bundy was full blown narcissistic psychopath that could not stop bragging how he killed people. He wanted praise or some shit, that's how delusional he was. All people that saw him thought that he lowest level of human possible, while he thought that people admire him. The same for you, no one is impressed by your hunting photos lmao
for example, ted bundy was full blown narcissistic psychopath that could not stop bragging how he killed people. He wanted praise or some shit, that's how delusional he was. All people that saw him thought that he lowest level of human possible, while he thought that people admire him. The same for you, no one is impressed by your hunting photos lmao
even decades after his death there are millions of girls around the world worshipping him, tons of books and documentaries about his life. meanwhile there are scientists and inventors out there who are unknown to the public. they are even discouraged by the same society that praises men like Bundy. i don't care what people think about me, because i don't see them as fully capable of judgement. majority of them just parrot what they here from others. in other words, i am superior.
even decades after his death there are millions of girls around the world worshipping him, tons of books and documentaries about his life. meanwhile there are scientists and inventors out there who are unknown to the public. they are even discouraged by the same society that praises men like Bundy. i don't care what people think about me, because i don't see them as fully capable of judgement. majority of them just parrot what they here from others. in other words, i am superior.
millions lol. Majority of people think that bundy is sad fuck. It seems like you value that certain people are remembered? Bruh, you will die and you would not exist, what is difference if people will remember you or not? It's just scream narcissism. I honestly don't give a single shit about person status or if he remembered, this is like low level thinking.

"i don't care what people think about me, because i don't see them as fully capable of judgement"

You don't care what people think of you but it looks like you think that remembered is worthwhile, and you post hunting photos on social media which another sign of caring. Also, you created this thread, but you "don't care".

"i am superior"

you're not, you're just another narcissist among millions of narcissists that think the same shit. You're not special, you're just delusional
millions lol. Majority of people think that bundy is sad fuck. It seems like you value that certain people are remembered? Bruh, you will die and you would not exist, what is difference if people will remember you or not? It's just scream narcissism. I honestly don't give a single shit about person status or if he remembered, this is like low level thinking.
that's not what i meant at all. you think people are capable of judment and i proved you wrong by using an example from a controversial figure.
You don't care what people think of you but it looks like you think that remembered is worthwhile, and you post hunting photos on social media which another sign of caring. Also, you created this thread, but you "don't care".
i keep posting photos because i care about hunting and want to post it. on the other hand i don't care about other people which is why i keep posting them despite normies like you crying in my dms.
you're not, you're just another narcissist among millions of narcissists that think the same shit. You're not special, you're just delusional
what would make a person superior in your eyes? or are you one of those who believe everyone's equal?
that's not what i meant at all. you think people are capable of judment and i proved you wrong by using an example from a controversial figure.

i keep posting photos because i care about hunting and want to post it. on the other hand i don't care about other people which is why i keep posting them despite normies like you crying in my dms.

what would make a person superior in your eyes? or are you one of those who believe everyone's equal?
you're talking like girl that says that she got tits surgery because she wants to be pretty for herself and not for attention

why superiority is even important? We as monkeys care about it for survival reasons. But if you want to be happy, you should not strive to be superior because it will feed your narcissistic tendencies, which will make you suffer even more. You should focus on being on aware if you want to be more at peace and happy

maybe what you meant is that you don't care about other people feelings, but you for sure care about attention and such things that feeds your ego. Other people are just tools for you to feed your own delusion
you're talking like girl that says that she got tits surgery because she wants to be pretty for herself and not for attention
fair point.
why superiority is even important? We as monkeys care about it for survival reasons. But if you want to be happy, you should not strive to be superior because it will feed your narcissistic tendencies, which will make you suffer even more.
i feel better when i am superior. it's a myth that it will make you suffer more. normies are afraid of being superior so they make up lies like that.
You should focus on being on aware if you want to be more at peace and happy
i am aware. what makes you think a superior person wouldn't be aware? can jeff bezos claim to be financially superior to everyone else?
maybe what you meant is that you don't care about other people feelings, but you for sure care about attention and such things that feeds your ego. Other people are just tools for you to feed your own delusion
i agree with you except the delusion part.
i feel better when i am superior. it's a myth that it will make you suffer more. normies are afraid of being superior so they make up lies like that.
that feeling is very short lived. If you have a lot of desires and want to shape world, control it, you will suffer much more than anyone else. Have you ever saw true narcissist? They're always full of rage, deeply unhappy and sad fucks.
is this you?

I'm stunned, people are so far removed from reality. What the fuck???? The children look subhuman and malnourished as fuck.
The dad also literally looks like the amerimutt meme. I liked deer as kid but I don't think I cared that much when I realized people hunted them.
Pets are different from killing wild animals because they are pets! I like cats but if some chink on the other side of the world eats a cat, there's nothing I can do! As long as nobody is eating my pets, it's good.
Obviously torturing an animal would be retarded and psychotic but hunting is 100% normal and apart of life and naturality.
Western people hold luxury beliefs. Opinions which you can only hold if you have never experienced a related material deprivation or hardship.

In the incel world it’s the equivalent of Chad telling a trucel to just be yourself.
Western people hold luxury beliefs. Opinions which you can only hold if you have never experienced a related material deprivation or hardship.

In the incel world it’s the equivalent of Chad telling a trucel to just be yourself.
It's the opposite, people in the west are brainwashed slaves, the people who actually hunt their food get to do it meanwhile slaves in the west are prohibited by zog.

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