JFL Who determined consent age as 18?

Idk i wouldnt call a biker gang a bunch of feminist kikes but they sure as fuck will beat your ass with in an inch of your life if you touch their preteen girl. i really believe its fathers that picked when to stop kicking everyone's ass and I can tell you guys didnt have good ones.....
consent at 18 is outdated and no one is at fault because the age of onset for puberty has lowered a ton it should be 16
W*stern cuckolds or kikes?
AOC i dont' follow it. stupid arbitrary number.

just sayin.

Don't ask, don't tell. I am not fucking virgins, so none of the girls i get with are innocent. And that's how i see it.

example, im in cambodia. Im sitting on the sea wall, and i am looking at phone, next thing i hear is "hello" and look up and cute girl, sitting beside me, start talking (she looks young) says "want to go back to your place" and i knew what that means. P4p.
i said sure.
50 dollars later done. And before we leave she asked if my "hotel" has security. So maybe im wrong, but that told me, she's not 18. maybe she was, maybe she wasnt' maybe she just doesnt' like security. i will never know, my conscience is clear. But my dont' ask dont' tell policy. was in effect.

probably never see her again in my life, so until the day i die. I have absolutely NO idea what her age was. And that's how i like to keep it
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Idk i wouldnt call a biker gang a bunch of feminist kikes but they sure as fuck will beat your ass with in an inch of your life if you touch their preteen girl. i really believe its fathers that picked when to stop kicking everyone's ass and I can tell you guys didnt have good ones.....
no ones talking about banging PRE teens you retard. ya, like thats' gonna be enjoyable. "hey there little girl, want some candy, OOPS fell between my legs! "


but if a girl who is a "teen" comes up to me and wants to fuck and she's not a virgin. Im not asking annnnnnnny questions. If she's hot, only thing is "YUP" I have been offered virgins here. 200 dollars. 14 yo's who's mother/father are in the hospital and they need money and i FLATLY refuse. That is just something i am not interested in. I dont' care if the girl is 18 and a virgin. Sorry, dont' want it.
I really dont' think that would be very enjoyable.
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