who are the geomaxxing saints

to be a geomaxxing saint does one have to be no longer active?
if so, contemporaries who will eventually reach saint status

saint @kamster the virgin boy from ghent who flew to the other side of the planet, and ascended



@marauder if you guys didn’t bully him off these forums because you claimed he was larping (he wasn’t)
sometimes i regret i didnt document last 2 years better, from virgin to rich east asians personal white monkey fuckboy
i was spoiled. and its addictive. i will do it again very soon, hopefully ill have guts to document and post it somewhere
i meant actively posting

i think he’s somewhere in vietnam

prob downgraded to slums of cambodia by now

a true icon
I swear his thread made geomaxxing mainstream

Bro is online on looksmax always but hasn't posted for years

I had a dream last night I killed someone and had to flee to cambodia to live forever
sometimes i regret i didnt document last 2 years better, from virgin to rich east asians personal white monkey fuckboy
i was spoiled. and its addictive. i will do it again very soon, hopefully ill have guts to document and post it somewhere
How much money did they give you and/or what kinds of gifts?
I may be almost as old as roosh but unlike his, my geomaxxing carreer is far from over.

I actually started geomaxxing in 2011, one year before i discovered his writings and joined his forum. What a pity that he went insane.

Before that geomaxxing wasn't really a thing online and the discussion was just dominated by coomers with p4p tips.

sometimes i regret i didnt document last 2 years better, from virgin to rich east asians personal white monkey fuckboy
i was spoiled. and its addictive. i will do it again very soon, hopefully ill have guts to document and post it somewhere
Where to post tho? I have crazy stuff happening here too right now but don't have the time to write it all of it down appropriately because of wage slaving.

Also i feel like here it would just drown in a pile of irrelevant threads. I'm not invested enough in this shit as roosh to pump out ebooks.

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