White western men are the biggest cuckolds in the planet [Your women prefer ethnics, you get stabbed, invaded, diversity hires, shit weather]


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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...if they don't permanently immigrate to japan or korea.

You literally get stabbed by muslim immigrants
and niggers every day and do nothing about it

White women literally prefer darker guys and cuck you with them. They cuck you with your invaders and refuse to date you LOL

You're watching your countries be literally taken over and become majority ethnic, and you cant do anything, just watch like a CUCK

You're literally discriminated against in jobs, even if your better in every way than an ethnic, they'll still hire the ethnic for muh diversity (anti-white)

Even if you do get a white woman, she will be fat as fuck, ugly, manly, divorce rape you, cheat on you, wear clothes with her boobs out

Your weather is dogshit, cold, rainy, no beaches

If you go to Japan or Korea....

You don't get stabbed by niggers and muslim immigrants scum, you and your family can actually be safe

Asian women literally prefer white guys
natural self, their white skin, their white facial features, they appreciate you

You don't have to watch your country be literally taken over by niggers and muslim invaders, you can live in a homogenous society

You won't be discriminated against in jobs, they only hire based on whether you're actually good at the job or not. Or if anything they prefer white

If you get an asian girl, she will be slim, pretty, feminine, statistically less likely to cheat

Nice sunny, warm weather with beautiful beaches

It is literally a no brainer. Your a cuckold and your life is over unless you move to Korea or Japan.
lol they removed this thread from .org. they dont wanna hear the truth cos its too brutal
most of the staff are arabs or indians not even joking

but to your main point, yes! everyone should go to korea or japan

good infrastructure

good weather

good food

easy women

me personally i’ll be living in south korea
most of the staff are arabs or indians not even joking

but to your main point, yes! everyone should go to korea or japan

good infrastructure

good weather

good food

easy women

me personally i’ll be living in south korea
I prefer the Philippines

Amazing lifestyle and easy girls!

Everyone should go there!
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@AlexBrown84 @kamster @Pained4ever @Marco Pumpo @EEmaxxer @Universe25 @currylarper @younglivinglife @JustGo @KingWigga @fatchadlitecel @BeardedUnicorn @Never The Same

Am I the only person in the world who has realized these problems and figured the solution or something?

Why is nobody else realising these problems?

Why is no one actively pursuing the solution?
World war 2 purged the white race of its greatest. Whites have been conditioned for decades now that being aggressive and looking out for their self interest is wrong. “White” countries have been completely taken over by internationalist Anglos and Jews who use their massive wealth to constantly run psy-ops on people.

No one’s saying anything because the platforms are all censored. The only people who don’t get censored are controlled opposition clowns like Andrew rate and nick Fuentes who exist to make things even worse.
Yea it sucks man.

But i'm not gonna let them ruin my summer here. Heading to a nude beach with a babe right now. Those beaches are muslim free because Allah doesn't allow them to show their dicklets.
Yea it sucks man.

But i'm not gonna let them ruin my summer here. Heading to a nude beach with a babe right now. Those beaches are muslim free because Allah doesn't allow them to show their dicklets.
only old fart german mayonnaise people go to nude beaches
Yea it sucks man.

But i'm not gonna let them ruin my summer here. Heading to a nude beach with a babe right now. Those beaches are muslim free because Allah doesn't allow them to show their dicklets.
only old fart german mayonnaise people go to nude beaches
Granny tits maxxing

What are the beaches like in Germany? Is it really mainly grannies at those nude beaches

Would feel mogger walking around with my dick out around hot girls
@AlexBrown84 @kamster @Pained4ever @Marco Pumpo @EEmaxxer @Universe25 @currylarper @younglivinglife @JustGo @KingWigga @fatchadlitecel @BeardedUnicorn @Never The Same

Am I the only person in the world who has realized these problems and figured the solution or something?

Why is nobody else realising these problems?

Why is no one actively pursuing the solution?

It's like there's an emergency and I'm the only one who realizes it

And I already found the solution but nobody's doing it
quit sucking yourself off. This is day one shit
Granny tits maxxing

What are the beaches like in Germany? Is it really mainly grannies at those nude beaches
You just have to know where to go and when.

Last time i went it was difficult to keep my eyes on my girl when talking to her because there was a group of naked student girls right next to us and one with perfect body and face.

Would feel mogger walking around with my dick out around hot girls
One of the few public places where you can have a big dick halo 😉

i don't miss the sea if i have lake beaches like this is in the city:
lol yea except mine looks small when soft, over

what would happen if u accidentally got a boner on a nude beach?
no biggie (no pun intended)

unless you walk over to people like that then you'd get in trouble :LOL:

only old fart german mayonnaise people go to nude beaches
those boomers can actually be useful. once there was a group of dressed arab guys lurking around staring and some boomer woman scolded them "this is not a peep show! pants down or leave!". they left and the beach applauded her.

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