well you have to look at it, from the other end. The girls. Girls arent' wasting their time online, unless they are getting something from it. They have enough orbiters in real life. IT's always the money.
you talk to those wishers (guys who want to come, but for whatever reason don't) eventually your foriegn girl will hit you up for a loan/cows sick/straight up just need money.
so they know they can fish for free money that way. If the guy is well off, no problem, he will give me money and if he does come to her country, she can con even MORE money.
if he says no, he is not going to your country, time to lose interest and find another simp, it's basically only fans without her having to give up her dignity. ya, sometimes/usually 60% you can con them into nudes, but sure as fuck, either before, or shortly after that. she's gonna want something in return.