What would a half-mulatto half-korean baby look like?

This is a very important question, I must save the Korean race.
I’ve seen blasian (black+asian) girls before, they’re mostly all ugly as fuck only black guys are attracted to them.
that’s why it’s better for mulattos to make kids with darker asians like filipinas
that’s why it’s better for mulattos to make kids with darker asians like filipinas
Tbh I find any racial mixture of black to look weird as fuck 80% of the time, almost every mixed person I’ve seen has this uncanny face it’s hard to describe.
Important to note he's only half black so the kid would more likely look similar to other hapas with curlier hair. Like how drakes kid looks white but has curly hair. Obviously it's a crapshoot, but it's hard to say.
Tbh I find any racial mixture of black to look weird as fuck 80% of the time, almost every mixed person I’ve seen has this uncanny face it’s hard to describe.
Yeah shits weird. I have no problem with it bc who cares. I will say that half black half white chicks if they're lucky can be the hottest chicks on earth

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