What got you into blackpill and geomaxxing?


Well-known Member
Feb 3, 2025
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Looked at "Chad vs normie" memes. Thought "haha, good thing I'm Chad".

But I'm no Chad. Not even HTN.

I remembered how I tried approaching an LTB in a Starbucks, and another one somewhere else. Was told that I make them uncomfortable. Like, sorry for breathing your air and asking what book you're reading.

Meanwhile, my friends be like: "don't do this bro", "don't geomax there bro", "improve your mindset bro". Followed my intuition instead. Best decision of my life.
JFL each time they see an MTB, they swarm around like bees, jestermaxxing and asking questions, only to get an occasional 1-word answer.

In case of doubt, remember one thing:
Don't do it for your friends. Don't do it for your family.

Do it for the person who cares the most about you:


Take care
Was a late virgin in Italy and I got too self conscious to lose my virginity with a girl my age (early 20s) that had at least a dozen notches and thousands of sexual acts by that time with her bf, past bfs or simple fuck buddies. I felt white girls were superior and I was afraid of being humiliated for being a late virgin.

So I went to Asia as I didn't care about their opinion....started in Bangkok, then Philippines....lost my virginity and then it was smooth sailing. But then I also started to travel to EE and enjoy myself....I waited to settle down too much and now that I'm in my early 30s I can't find any beautiful, kind and good girl for a long term relationship. The good ones are all taken. So I'll have to geomaxx to find a good girl for a LTR
Looked at "Chad vs normie" memes. Thought "haha, good thing I'm Chad".

But I'm no Chad. Not even HTN.

I remembered how I tried approaching an LTB in a Starbucks, and another one somewhere else. Was told that I make them uncomfortable. Like, sorry for breathing your air and asking what book you're reading.

Meanwhile, my friends be like: "don't do this bro", "don't geomax there bro", "improve your mindset bro". Followed my intuition instead. Best decision of my life.
JFL each time they see an MTB, they swarm around like bees, jestermaxxing and asking questions, only to get an occasional 1-word answer.

In case of doubt, remember one thing:
Don't do it for your friends. Don't do it for your family.

Do it for the person who cares the most about you:


Take care
Wheat waffles jfl. And then discovered looksmax
Back in 2014 one of the RSD guys named Julien Blanc went to Japan and did some dumb shit like grabbing girls and calling them pikachu

One of the J-vloggers I was following made a video about him saying how vile he was

Decided to go watch his stuff for myself and realized hey this guy has some good points

I was 15 years old then lol. The rest is history
Their humiliating Simp strategy does work from time to time. Usually, the girl that they are swarming is dating a guy or a Chad or something like that and eventually he will break up with the girl when she gets sad, These guys attention will be her cushion. And maybe eventually one of them will get the opportunity to sleep with her. The strategy works, but it’s humiliating; you’re going to embarrass yourself and lose self-respect for yourself just to get some short-term pussy? You should have standards for yourself you shouldn’t humiliate yourself people accuse us having low self-confidence, and that being the source of our issues, I completely disagree. This community couldn’t have more self-respect and self-confidence. We are realistic about ourselves and we don’t take shit & disrespect. We don’t treat our self like shit. We treat our self with respect we don’t take shit anyway just my two cents.
I've been going on 4chan since I was 13-14 due to being an edgy fuck and always trolling people. I went on /r9k/ a lot and wallowed in my misery of being sub5 (at the time ig) schizoid and went on other boards like /fit/ as well. This was around 2016 and Mike Mew was being shilled a lot.
I often joke to myself that most the greatest things I've discovered or learned about in life have 4chan very early on in the chain of causality that led me to it. I haven't gone on the site in years since it gives off weird demoralizing vibes (def including /int/). Years back at least, it would just be funny how there would be so many weird trends I'd be years early to like how fucking mewing JUST got popular last year or whatever. Eventually that led into finding .org and the rest is history at that point
I kinda discovered geomaxxing from randomly watching durianrider, who's a cyclist vlogger who talks about going vegan and eating a diet with a fuckton of fruit, sugar, etc. (srsly you've never truly tasted most fruits until you've stayed near the equator) and he's been talking for ages about how based it is to live a simple life in Thailand/SEA if you can save up money, make remote income, etc. and as a fellow sugar addicted minimalist of sorts the idea of leveraging my USD there and having a decadent lifestyle in the Land of Smiles was obviously appealing, so that stuck in my mind because fuck there's hardly anything inherently attractive about the US to me
One day on .org I chanced upon saint itsOVER's thread about going to thailand/vietnam to slay on tinder and I figured he's hardly better looking than me so I realized it was time to shine and get some experience for once. Before commencing I also found this thread and studied it like the bible https://looksmax.org/threads/yolosweg-slaying-guide-100-slays-guide.464865/ (HTN teachermaxxed in SEA and farmed increasing his body count) and it laid the foundation for everything I know about slaying. 'tism proof. One of the best threads on the site in the grand scheme of things tbh
My life. I became blackpilled on my own with no outside influence.
I remember when Elliot Rodger shot up isla vista I immediately took his side and i was only 17 at that point jfl. Don't support his actions now but i was edgy at the time. tho id been blackpilled for a few years prior. I remember coming home from school in like 2010-2013 and constantly telling my mom how much i hated her for making me ugly and how much i hated the girls at school for not talking to me. I still feel that hatred like it's new.
Their humiliating Simp strategy does work from time to time. Usually, the girl that they are swarming is dating a guy or a Chad or something like that and eventually he will break up with the girl when she gets sad, These guys attention will be her cushion. And maybe eventually one of them will get the opportunity to sleep with her. The strategy works, but it’s humiliating; you’re going to embarrass yourself and lose self-respect for yourself just to get some short-term pussy? You should have standards for yourself you shouldn’t humiliate yourself people accuse us having low self-confidence, and that being the source of our issues, I completely disagree. This community couldn’t have more self-respect and self-confidence. We are realistic about ourselves and we don’t take shit & disrespect. We don’t treat our self like shit. We treat our self with respect we don’t take shit anyway just my two cents.
I agree but I don't look at it from the "humiliation" angle, rather just that it's a waste of time. If I could humiliate myself to instantly get with a hot girl, I would. Unfortunately that process doesn't exist.
For me I was basically always black-pilled. Growing up, people would tell me things like, "Where are your hoes bro you are black," or "Girls love black dudes" But I always knew it wasn’t my type, they were talking about "Tyrone" type (usually with nice clothes, popular, etc.).

When I tried dating, I would get matches and even make plans for dates, but every time, I’d get some sort of excuse or get ghosted. I tried almost all the different approaches. Thats when I started looking on reddit I found r/niceguys and I read a comment that said basically people make fun of these guys, but a lot of guys no better than them and you will sooner or later be joining him. I checked this guys profile and found r/braincels. I was seeing people with similiar struggles like me. Learning terms such as like looxmax, mogging, etc.(Find it funny these words are normailized now).

It was sealed when my from Eritrea told me stories about his two Chad friends. They would get attention from girls in high school, and he thought he could ride the wave with them, but he never got any attention. He said he felt invisible. The only time I had heard the phrase "feeling invisible" before was when I browsed some incel subreddit—mind you, my friend doesn’t even know what "blackpill" or "incel" is, but he was blackpilling me even more.

I was semi-joking with him, saying that we needed to work hard and "lookmaxx" to level up. He responded that if girls had to pick between the two Chad friends and us, they’d pick the Chads every time.

I actually went out with the two Chads once. We went into a store at the mall, and the female workers asked if the Chads needed help, while we were completely ignored. Even when we were leaving, they got farewells, and my friend and I got nothing. Seeing the stuff you read about in real life really opens your eyes.

I learned about "geomaxxing" when my Asian friends told me about dating in Asia, and how Asian women are easier to date, having better personalities, etc. The rest is history. I just wish I could have geomaxx pre-covid.
I agree but I don't look at it from the "humiliation" angle, rather just that it's a waste of time. If I could humiliate myself to instantly get with a hot girl, I would. Unfortunately that process doesn't exist.
Ugh man. It’s just so disgusting and unpure. How can girls actually fuck multiple guys? So disgusting.
acne scars to looksmax

and i’ve always been traveling since a kid so it just came natural. got no place to settle down so might as well travel to every region of the world
I found my way here when the rooshvforum died. for that matter almost all productive discussion about how to attract women died. when pickup started dying because women started getting too hypergamous, I thought guys would get at least a little angrier and more blackpilled. instead they got even stupider and more clueless. which is good for us I guess.

anyway this forum is great. it's probably almost the perfect size.
asked out a girl in college and she told my (girl) friend 'face yes, height no'

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