Geomax W*stern cuckold media portrays non-w*stern countries as garbage and make you coward for geomaxxing

Based - they need to keep turning the masses away from geomaxxing. Wagies need to stay in their cage. Someone’s gotta raise share prices and boost my portfolio!
Only reason Africamaxxing is not valid is because there are no fuckable women (unless you're really desperate).
Or tbh, I don't really mind a nice ebony (but they are rare).
Nigeria has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and its probably underreported by some factor given that bureaucracy in African states are staffed by literal retards and stats keeping is a sort of cargo cult LARP.

Theres plenty of mostly peaceful shitholes with very fuckable women, I dont know why anyone would want to go to africa.

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