under eyelid fat graft tomorrow in Rotterdam and oral minox ascended my eyebrows and lashes


Well-known Member
Apr 28, 2024
-2500 euro probably getting scammed but fuck it, lower third is chad level i will be chadlite but im still broke. fuuuck man i want a merc amg. i regret sending alex my face pic dont trust that brotha after he lied about me begging for me to get my account back or something when i forgot my password, that shit mever happened i just made a new acc and said fuck it to the no alts rule cuz im low inhib innit
yeah next time im not combining 2 substances i can only focus on one thing at a time everytime i accidently open this page im locked in on this retarded site with people rambling about asian women
Under eyelid fat graft? Lol psl hit you too hard
1725205072107 mine arent as bad as hers but i will look youthfull and well rested after the procedure even though im abusing methamfetamine derrivates. Looks and money are literally everything in life, if you have those 2 you can do wtf you want and it only lasts until 35 so jfl at delaying good life. imma be exotic pretty boy my wavy hairis long now i grew that shit out after i got alexbrown hairpilled
Do you think NL is a top country to surgerymaxx in? I need the same procedure to look more high trust

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