Story this is the western dilemma

once again @IrishSnowman @QuantativeAnalyticalBS

your retarded delusions have lead you astray, sorry about your dementia but let me remind you

as time progresses the left gets more liberal, your childrens children will be 24 livestreaming from ai cameraman drones in thongs at age 18, instad of onlyfans most 18 year olds will go directly into the onlyfans app on their phone doing bukkake gangbangs

there is no hope for the west, you are looking at 18 year olds TODAY, my post is about 18 year olds in EIGHTEEN YEARS IN THE DEGENERATE FUTURE

fucking retards
as time progresses the left gets more liberal, your childrens children will be 24 livestreaming from ai cameraman drones in thongs at age 18, instad of onlyfans most 18 year olds will go directly into the onlyfans app on their phone doing bukkake gangbangs
Wrong. The youth are getting more conservative with every generation because 'the left' aren't reproducing.

Your IQ is through the God dam floor.
Wrong. The youth are getting more conservative with every generation because 'the left' aren't reproducing.

Your IQ is through the God dam floor.
then how the fuck did we get here retard

this is as fucking retarded as your height theory while the population has been steadily getting taller

lmfao everytime I talk to you, you just say the most easily disproven fecal matter statements

you have to be a fucking troll nobody is this stupid

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