Vent The problem with hello talk…

i never met a girl on there who actually wants to learn

also hellotalk is shit for dating. theyre too scattered. there will only be a few girls in your city

dating apps mog.

hellotalk is just for if u cant geomaxx and u need to LDR cope so u dont end up killing urself from loneliness
yea if u need a cope girl, dont bother with dating apps theyre not interested and its cringe

hellotalk girls lots open to LDR
I'll talk to them sometimes if i'm too lonely. 95% of them just talk abt celeb nonsense or family drama. Met a few very non-nt chicks tho that wanted to talk abt gay anime and stupid local cartoons i've never heard of
i never met a girl on there who actually wants to learn

also hellotalk is shit for dating. theyre too scattered. there will only be a few girls in your city

dating apps mog.

hellotalk is just for if u cant geomaxx and u need to LDR cope so u dont end up killing urself from loneliness
Is LDR actually something that can be pulled off? I thought it was a meme. If so I'd love pointers

If it actually works I may begin HelloTalk-ing China earlier than expected
AMWF you mean?
Nah, HTN/Chadlite white guys posting photos of themselves in vaguely sexy positions, usually holding their chin looking off to the side. Just bait for the Chinese girls who obsess over them

Seems like they have no intention of meeting the girls who like/comment on their posts, just chasing the attention I think
Nah, HTN/Chadlite white guys posting photos of themselves in vaguely sexy positions, usually holding their chin looking off to the side. Just bait for the Chinese girls who obsess over them

Seems like they have no intention of meeting the girls who like/comment on their posts, just chasing the attention I think
Hahaha can't say I haven't thought of doing it myself. I'm not Chadlite though so my looks won't carry me. Would have to actually provide useful content like English language tips and tricks, U.S. culture info, etc.
What if you're not from US but some shit tier European country that nobody cares about?
Still white.
I'll talk to them sometimes if i'm too lonely. 95% of them just talk abt celeb nonsense or family drama. Met a few very non-nt chicks tho that wanted to talk abt gay anime and stupid local cartoons i've never heard of
From which countries?

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