The ideal sexual experience (it rarely goes this smooth!)


New Member
Jan 22, 2024
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So last week during the sinulog festival, I met a lesbian girl who introduced me to her group of friends. I was originally supposed to meet up with the lesbian girl and take her virginity, but after I sobered up I realized she didn't look that good after all. Before I left that night though, I got one of her friends instagram. Upon investigating it, she looked like a gold digging wanna be model type......but at least their was no evidence of foreigners on her followers. I sent her a message not expecting much, and to my surprise I actually got a reply. We chatted for a bit, but her replies were lukewarm at best.

She left me on read for about a day, but then I decided to follow up and just ask her on a date. Again, to my surprise, she was actually receptive and agreed to it. The whole lead up to the date, I was expecting her to flake, but she actually showed up on time.

Obviously looks are subjective, but I can honestly say on my scale she was a solid 10 on the body scale. Face was about a 7, but her body was absolutely perfect. 19 years old, 4'11, Athletic flat stomach, nice perky b cups, but an ass that would make someone cry. I mean, her ass was truly a work of art.....she was shaped like a fucking centaur

You would fully expect a girl like this to be vapid and semi retarded, but AGAIN to my surprise, she was actually quite sweet, spoke great english (AND SPANISH TO WHAT THE FUCK), and we vibed perfectly. She was fairly new in Cebu, so I took her out some places she never been before for a few drinks. After the first round, she just straight up asked me to go to place. No resistance, no stories, no can I bring my friend, no I'm on my period.......just straight to the point!

I took her back, and while we were in bed undressing, she admits to me she's only been with 2 men before, and they were uncomfortable quickies in the province. Also, she never gave head before. Well, we fucked for about 3 hours straight, took a jolibee break, then fucked for another hour with me finishing down her throat. Not only that, SHE LET ME FILM IT. We used her phone, but still......she seems warm to the idea. She has the perfect body for that faceless genre of porn that seems to be popular in the Philippines. She basically told me that she's directionless in life, forced to work at a call center by her parents because they couldn't afford college. She seems pretty naive, and she's getting her first taste of life kicking her ass by trying to live independent in Cebu. Maybe it's all bullshit, but she isn't even aware of the multitide of streaming sites that are available. She's so sweet, and with a body like that she'll have the simps lined up in no time. We'll see where this very well may see some Cubabro porn coming out very soon though hahaha.....let's see
and she's getting her first taste of life kicking her ass by trying to live independent in Cebu
life never kicked my ass im sugar prince traveling the world being spoiled by girls
had no idea giving away my soul during kabbalah ritual would work
Not all foids are horny nigga unless you're a chads with big cocks

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