the delusion of 99% of men

i dont like people in general
and vice versa
i dont want guy friends because i cant fuck them
the only reason i talk to women is pussy
Yea just chilling with a guy friend feels gay and pointless cos u can't fuck them or cuddle them or kiss them

I only enjoy chilling with guys if we're doing something productive like training boxing together or some bullshit
Yea just chilling with a guy friend feels gay and pointless cos u can't fuck them or cuddle them or kiss them

I only enjoy chilling with guys if we're doing something productive like training boxing together or some bullshit
this isnt normal tbh
personally i think it's the opposite. When a man gets lack of pussy he shrugs and does other things. women always get men, its' why they always have beta orbiters.
it's absurd how many options even subhuman women have. ovER for mgtow copers
Loads of Passport Bros who are trying to ball on a budget on like ~2K a month really be going to different countries thinking they gonna pull Stacey-lites while being dead average looking.
Loads of Passport Bros who are trying to ball on a budget on like ~2K a month really be going to different countries thinking they gonna pull Stacey-lites while being dead average looking.
those guys are way below average considering they are average but in their 30-40s and going for early 20s girls
it's absurd how many options even subhuman women have. ovER for mgtow copers
well mgtow is not over. Because the beta orbiters the women have. Are not the men they want. the mtgow, are USUALLY men who can get women. the kind of men women want.

so mgtow is a very real thing. But there will always be those beta orbiters. You know the neckbeards or the nerds that cannot cold approach a woman.

they will ALWAYS orbit. cause every man wants pussy.
Loads of Passport Bros who are trying to ball on a budget on like ~2K a month really be going to different countries thinking they gonna pull Stacey-lites while being dead average looking.
well thats true. But i think they aren't all looking for models. But better than average girls. Like similiar

for example in america. A 3 out of 10 girl is dating 6's and up. WILL REFUSE to date a 3 or a 4. Cause of theri hold on pussy.

But that same 6 guy goes to LATAM. and he's pulling 6's. maybe even a 7. That's a fucking step up, bro. that's when these guys think they are pulling stacys but in their world where they come from those foreign girls ARE them

that is why isaid there are two hot chicks in foreign countries. YOUR version. And the local version. And trust me, NO ONE's getting the local version hot, unless you are super chad, super rich and motivated. and really.....the only way a local hot girl is going to fall for you is if your so chadly, she cums looking at you. But if your that hot. You dont' need to passport right?
well thats true. But i think they aren't all looking for models. But better than average girls. Like similiar

for example in america. A 3 out of 10 girl is dating 6's and up. WILL REFUSE to date a 3 or a 4. Cause of theri hold on pussy.

But that same 6 guy goes to LATAM. and he's pulling 6's. maybe even a 7. That's a fucking step up, bro. that's when these guys think they are pulling stacys but in their world where they come from those foreign girls ARE them

that is why isaid there are two hot chicks in foreign countries. YOUR version. And the local version. And trust me, NO ONE's getting the local version hot, unless you are super chad, super rich and motivated. and really.....the only way a local hot girl is going to fall for you is if your so chadly, she cums looking at you. But if your that hot. You dont' need to passport right?
exactly and 1 point is a big difference
a 5 pulling as many 6s and 6.5s as he wants is a very good result, in some countries you can pretty much fuck 3-4 different girls every week
while in the US he would be limited to a few 5s per year
Coping ethnic detected. white men date way above their looksmatch in asia. Last 28/30 miss Thailand winners are wives of white men
average guys dont from what ive seen
slightly better yes, and with a lot more girls

but it's quite rare for them to date way above

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