Advice The Asia Looksmaxxing Bible - Most Comprehensive Guide On How To Be Physically Attractive In Asia [Attraction Blueprint]

1. Be tall

2. Have as white skin as possible - paper white

3. Have european/caucasoid facial features(latinos, middle east, south asians have this too). also african features ranked more attractive than asian males

"we did not actually find a strong own-race preference. For female participants there was a universal European face preference, and the Australian East Asian participants did not even rate own-race faces as second most attractive, instead rating African faces as equally attractive (for individual faces) or slightly more attractive (for compound faces) than East Asian faces."

"In the study by Wong et al3, judges of various ethnicities (including Caucasian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Hispanic, and African) rated lips and faces based on their attractiveness. Korean men and women were judged to have the most attractive lips, but the least attractive faces, while Caucasian men and women were judged to have the least attractive lips, but the most attractive faces. Interestingly, the lips did not seem to contribute much to overall facial attractiveness.This contrasts with the results from a study by Chan et al,8 which found that the upper and lower lips were among the most important factors when Caucasian examiners ranked Chinese profiles."
1701104006642.png(these are all caucasoid features)

4. Have a big penis

5. Have muscle

6. Have curtains hairstyle (or dreads in a sort of curtains style like alex)

7. Have good fashion

This is how to be physically attractive in asia. however there are also other important things like money etc.. but this is purely about physical.

Not all of these things are required.

If you dont have white skin, if u got other things youll be ok.

If you dont have height, if u got other things youll be ok

But the more of these things you have, the more attractive you are
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Would a haricut like this not work aswell? Why does it have to be curtains, I have seen Koreans with other styles like a box cut.
Why are Asian dicks so small I don't understand. I feel like in terms of natural selection physicality and iq would trump penis size
Every racial group had different selection pressures since the start of civilization. The Chinese system rewarded wealth-building more. The European system rewarded military ability more.

Every racial group had different selection pressures since the start of civilization. The Chinese system rewarded wealth-building more. The European system rewarded military ability more.

euros are richer than chinese

and china has more military than euros

Every racial group had different selection pressures since the start of civilization. The Chinese system rewarded wealth-building more. The European system rewarded military ability more.

A part of me still doubts penis size is that different amongst races because there is studies out their which show the average is not 4 inches like a lot of people in this forum claim. Penis size is hard to measure because it is not apparent.

Is there any research on the average bought condom size in asia?
euros are richer than chinese

and china has more military than euros

The average peasant in China was chronically 1 meal away from starvation, that's the point. They would kill female babies because they couldn't be as productive as males, causing fierce competition for survival and reproduction for the remaining women. And since there was chronic economic stress you succeeded at reproducing if you were able to make enough money to buy a wife.

In Europe the selection pressure came from the upper class/aristocrats (the military and ruling class in Europe) having many more children than peasants and the wealth to support them from taxes, meaning aristocratic men often had to marry down and take gentry or peasant wives, cucking peasant men out of existence. Female aristocratic girls often got married off to merchants who essentially bought them from a lord to get some legitimacy/status in society.
A part of me still doubts penis size is that different amongst races because there is studies out their which show the average is not 4 inches like a lot of people in this forum claim. Penis size is hard to measure because it is not apparent.

Is there any research on the average bought condom size in asia?
idk my experience with lb's makes me think it's accurate
@AlexBrown84 sort the SEO tbh would be cool to get threads like this ranked on google
Xenforo automatically ranks webpages on Google, you just have to write threads in an SEO-friendly way, use content tags (which I just added) and write threads using the article feature. I also plan to create a wiki section to which I will add high IQ posts which will increase thread visibility.
id rather look like this everything posted here are all gay feminine twink traits
Xenforo automatically ranks webpages on Google, you just have to write threads in an SEO-friendly way, use content tags (which I just added) and write threads using the article feature. I also plan to create a wiki section to which I will add high IQ posts which will increase thread visibility.
why don’t simple searches show results for here then

why don’t simple searches show results for here then

View attachment 3067
It takes time to index web pages.

Also, this site overlaps with a sanctioned niche (incelosphere). looksmax.Org was the 2nd most popular dating and lifestyle website in the world before the feds blacklisted the site.

However, we could increase the SEO score by increasing the amount of back links to the site ( how many times this site is linked on other websites).
Maoism. They will be richer than us by the end of the century IMO.

in your dreams u little armenian rat. dont say "us" asif youre a white guy too. ur antiwhite and pray for our demise which will never happen

china is a broke third world country earning 10k per year and growing slow

the west earns 80k per year and is growing fast

they will never get anywhere close to our wages

because we are genetically high iq, and they are genetically low iq, thats why they've been in poverty for the entire of existence and resorted to mass producing dog toys for us

keep dreaming to cope with how much whites mog you and everyone though
View attachment 6148
View attachment 6149

in your dreams u little armenian rat. dont say "us" asif youre a white guy too. ur antiwhite and pray for our demise which will never happen
I'm a NW European mutt from Canada. My only real identity is "White". Also that is using nominal GDP which heavily discounts the real size of the economy. If you adjust for purchasing power parity and remove the service sector of the economy, China's real industrial economy is 3x the size of the United States, and is larger than most of the West combined.


china is a broke third world country earning 10k per year and growing slow

the west earns 80k per year and is growing fast

they will never get anywhere close to our wages

because we are genetically high iq, and they are genetically low iq, thats why they've been in poverty for the entire of existence and resorted to mass producing dog toys for us

keep dreaming to cope with how much whites mog you and everyone though
The Chinese are higher IQ and are an ethnically homogenous country with rapid economic growth. They make more money when they live in America than the native Whites. Meanwhile the West is replacing their population with Africans, MENA's, Middle Caste Indians and South Americans who are not particularly high functioning or productive.

Our demographic trends are not positive. This is a NATO presentation on the geopolitical implications of our current demographic trends.

I'm a NW European mutt from Canada. My only real identity is "White". Also that is using nominal GDP which heavily discounts the real size of the economy. If you adjust for purchasing power parity and remove the service sector of the economy, China's real industrial economy is 3x the size of the United States, and is larger than most of the West combined.

View attachment 6155

The Chinese are higher IQ and are an ethnically homogenous country with rapid economic growth. They make more money when they live in America than the native Whites. Meanwhile the West is replacing their population with Africans, MENA's, Middle Caste Indians and South Americans who are not particularly high functioning or productive.

Our demographic trends are not positive. This is a NATO presentation on the geopolitical implications of our current demographic trends.

There's like 20 studies showing they're 80iq in the non-north east region aka most the country, which explains why they're in poverty

I just showed they have slow economic growth while we have fast

Overall gdp means nothing. That's just about population

1.3 billion people in poverty vs. 300 million rich people is about the same gdp. literally means nothing about quality of life. if anything that signals that usa obviously has 100x higher quality of life and money per person

Gdp per capita or ppp per capita is what means something which is what I showed u we mog them in by like 10x in

Our demographic trends literally are positive

Meanwhile china will lose like 300 million people in the next 10 years

Holy shit why do Ethnics cope so hard and make up alternate realities
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