The 4 Core Human Drives & The 2 Types of Mastery


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
There are 4 types of core human motivation.

The 4 M's


so 25% or more of your core drives is mastery.

Mastery of a skill.

This drives fulfillment.

The way they figured this out was most thought humans were only driven by survival, pleasure, avoiding pain, power etc... but there's studies of a chimp in a room with a puzzle, and the chimp figure out the puzzle, despite there is no food reward or anything. And they repeat it again hundreds of times and the chimps all try to master the puzzles. Just for the sake of mastering a skill. And in fact performed worse in the puzzles when food was introduced as a reward as they saw the puzzle as a means to a reward rather than enjoying the mastery of the puzzle itself.

But I got sidetracked, there are 2 types of mastery

1. Mastering skills to serve others:

Software development
All the other slavery jobs etc...

Yes, these are important, to make money, if you are a proletariat slave

But this isn't peak of human existence, it's a subpar life experience, it's a life-denying experience.

2. The 2nd type of mastery: Mastery of skills to serve yourself

Mastering skills that serve yourself, not others.

Language learning - so you can speak and connect with billions of foreign people instead of your 50m population country

Martial arts - just is fun, exerting power is one of the main human drives according to nietzsche , thats exactly what martial arts is, and know u can beat up any guy in the room

Musical instruments - real music produced in real life with instruments and real voice is just so much better than being played through a speaker

Natural elements maneuvering sports - skiing, surfing, dirt biking, just is fun. + nature

Food- benefits yourself, great tasting, healthy organic meals instead of boring food or processed slop

Body sculpting - gymmaxxing, its still a form of work, its still a form of mastery. but its to benefit you and your status/respect/dating life. Instead of benefiting someone else


Mastery of socialmaxxing

And many more...

Skills that benefit and serve YOU. not OTHERS

Some people don't understand this.

They reach millionaire, billionaire status, and keep trying to make money, keep trying to master.

But don't realize they're continuing to build mastery in serving others, instead of serving themselves.

If you have a couple mill already, and still try to make money, you're serving others. You should be using that 8 hours per day to build yourself

So if youre a slave you spend ur days mastering how to be good at ur job to serve others

Or if you're not a slave you spend your days mastering things that are fun and or directly benefit you

I will achieve this by 30 through autopilot businessmaxxing. I'm already good at autopilotmaxxing at my job, im a manager and built SOPs and a quality assurance system and automations so the employees get the work done without saying anything to extremely high standards. I just need to implement this in my own business

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