Napoleon de Geso
kemono friend from hopeless shithole
Statistics of me, as chronologically twice older kemono friend of honor and culture, swiping middle-aged (18-22yo) females for week in Pinalove, Philipines dating site. This supposed to be one of best places for ordinary white man to search for ordinary wife, but not so much for so man of honor and culture and kemono friend like me to search for extraordinary cute adorable weirdo kemonowaifu. Females in Pinalove so simple, very rarely to see someone towards side of weirdo, so that even those few I liked were just very barely likeable. Expectable from country where average IQ is 82, in comparison to China where average IQ 104, Tinder in China has many of cute weirdos, as result my most matches from there, and my liking percentage on females 0,84. China best for kemonomaxxing
Week in Pinalove statistics:
females I disliked: 10 274
females I liked: 6 (0,06%, similar to Tinder in Philippines where it is 0,08%)
females who liked me: 174 (of all ages, and 18-22yo 19)
matches: 0
Was not pleasing experience, but still better than hopeless useless shithole of lithuania (separatist part of Russia)

Week in Pinalove statistics:
females I disliked: 10 274
females I liked: 6 (0,06%, similar to Tinder in Philippines where it is 0,08%)
females who liked me: 174 (of all ages, and 18-22yo 19)
matches: 0
Was not pleasing experience, but still better than hopeless useless shithole of lithuania (separatist part of Russia)