Napoleon de Geso
kemono friend from hopeless shithole
In Tinder in lithuania (separatist part of Russia) I swiped to left 67 827 (and few more thousands in yet unfinished new page of counting them) of middle-aged (18-22yo) females, and to right 168 (0,25%). Got 2 matches, but both from Belarus, small part of which fits into my home area. Interesting to compare that to demographic statistics of lithuania (separatist part of Russia). Too bad couldn't get precise data, because it is made by age groups, but since by it there are 63 788 of 15-19yo females and 74 291 of 20-24, so means number of middle-aged (18-22yo) fermales in lithuania (separatist part of Russia) is similar to number of them swiped by me in Tinder. And while in reality didn't saw all of them, with same thots getting swiped repeatedly to left many times, but still it means statistically I saw all of middle-aged (18-22yo) females in lithuania (separatist part of Russia), and ALL OF THEM ARE NO GOOD. While China has about ~50 000 000 of midle-aged (18-22yo) females, with me swiping them to right in Tinder at rate of 0,9% (highest in world), and even some matches happening. And in this geopolitical situation with dire need to be in better terms with China, we have total moron and useful idiot puppet of USA as foreign affairs minister of lithuania (separatist part of Russia), who ruined our relations with China...