Sad South Korea’s Fertility Rate Hits 0.68: What Next?

still has another good decade left to fuck young girls

and i’m sure they’ll just start importing migrants

or maybe they’ll get nuked to the stone age and once again return to the historical norm of being a chinese vassal state

i hope so

glory to china, the celestial empire
next is 0.65 lol
been happening all over the world, although east asia is #1
China will lose 100s of millions in population in the next 50 years
cos they dont want korean babies cos theyre ugly and brown

the korean girl who flew to uk to see me begged my to cum inside the first week of meeting

they want white babies
also less kemono waifu
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China is actually at 1.02. Shanghai being the metropolitan area that has the lowest fertility of the world

"From 2022 to 2023, China's TFR declined from 1.05 to 1.02 kids per woman.Now more and more provinces are releasing data for 2023. The TFR of Shanghai came out at just 0.61 (0.65 in 2022), the lowest ever measured for any province. Guangdong's TFR stayed at 1.12."

China is actually at 1.02. Shanghai being the metropolitan area that has the lowest fertility of the world

"From 2022 to 2023, China's TFR declined from 1.05 to 1.02 kids per woman.Now more and more provinces are releasing data for 2023. The TFR of Shanghai came out at just 0.61 (0.65 in 2022), the lowest ever measured for any province. Guangdong's TFR stayed at 1.12."

thank you for this interesting piece of information

studying the fertility rates along with male to female sex ratios of provinces in china is pretty fun. helps me decide where i’ll live
This is a problem though, The most attractive countries are failing to reproduce and all the ugly ones are fucking like rabbits
In the West it's the same. The fertility rate in Europe and US is higher only because ethnics reproduce like rabbits. But among white people it's pathetically low.

As a guy in his early 30s in Italy, I refuse to reproduce to what's left in the dating market at my age....society tells me that I shouldn't go lower than girls in their late 20s and the women left at that age single are either ugly, very emotionally unstable, feminazi, gold diggers, jaded and hating all men because Chad pumped and dumped them when they were younger, or a mix of all those. I will never ever settle down with one of them.

I had some terrible dates in the last 3-4 years in Italy....these washed up women SCREENED me hard, instead of the opposite. You can't form a relationship with women that have a ridiculous high and inflated opinion of themselves.
Thanks God I have money so I have the freedom not to settle with one of these stupid sluts, but many italian men are so desperate that they'll take the first one that show them some interest...there is lots of pressure to get married so many men feel forced to settle down even if most women left single are completely undateable
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I will be marrying an Asian goddess one day and having 20+ kids - as for South Korea it will be unrecognizable or completely gone in a few decades.

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